~twenty one~

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It's almost six pm in the afternoon. They'd all eaten lunch at a jajagmyeon place with the exception of Jungkook, who'd finally gotten his nuggets. Jimin thinks the younger teared up at the first bite. He laughs softly at that thought.

He pulls his jacket closer to him, feeling cold even with the car's heaters on. Although he supposes that has something to do with the thin white shirt he's wearing underneath.

Taehyung and Jungkook are arguing about some animes Jimin hasn't watched and Seokjin and Yoongi are looking for a gas station since the car is running low.

Whereas Jimin is leaned back in his seat with his eyes closed and his head resting comfortably against Yoongi's shoulder. 

He feels oddly at peace like this despite his friends's bickering and the cold weather, and it reminds him of something. 

The only time he'd been in a position and atmosphere like this was when he and Junghoon were at a party and Jimin wasn't really feeling it. So Junghoon had taken him out to the balcony for some peace and quiet. They were only a few days into their relationship. The air was nipping at his skin, so Junghoon had leaned against him to provide some body warmth. The party was still raging on behind them but Jimin's mind was quiet. Junghoon had brought him closer and it was the first time Jimin'd kissed him. It was alm-

Jimin shakes his head and sucks in sharp breath. No, he tells himself, don't think about him, don't think about him, don't think about him-

"Jimin?", he's jerked out of his thoughts for the second time this day. This time it's Yoongi who did it, the older standing out of the car, holding the door open. The rest of the boys have stepped out too it seems.

Jimin looks up to see that they're at a service center of some sort. A gas station to the right, along with a car wash, and a store to the left. He looks at Yoongi to see him looking at him expectantly.

Jimin reminds himself that he's waiting for him to step out of the car. Jimin laughs awkwardly and steps outside, Yoongi closing the door behind him. Jimin finds Seokjin filling up the tank, Jungkook and Taehyung probably raiding the store for a cheap dinner. 

"You alright?," Yoongi asks him, stuffing his hands in his pant pockets.

Jimin runs a hand through his hair and nods, gaze averted, "Yeah, darling. Just a bit tired."

Yoongi just hums. Jimin's about to asks him something when Seokjin speaks up, "Yoongi, can you drive for the night 'til we find a motel? My eyes are starting to hurt." He says, finishing up filling the tank. 

Yoongi hums in agreement with a shrug, "Sure," he replies brusquely. Jimin's reminded of their conversation the night before and he shifts uncomfortably, pushing down the guilt coiling in his gut.

Seokjin nods, "Thank you. I'll go see what Tae and Jungkook are up to, then we can get going," he tells the two and walks off quickly to the store, leaving Jimin and Yoongi alone.

Jimin grabs Yoongi's hand and goes towards the hood of the car to lean against it. The older follows him quietly. The sky above them is getting darker and Jimin thinks it might drizzle tonight. A few workers are milling about. A car pulls up and a man steps out along with two kids.

Jimin takes a deep breath and just goes for it, "You and Jin hyung..you never made up after that night did you?" Jimin asks, not sure how to approach the matter in a less invading way.

Yoongi looks off to the side and rakes a hand through his hair, "I guess not."

Jimin traces his fingers over the hood, drawing invisible shapes, Yoongi's shoulder pressed up against his. "Was it really that bad?"

Yoongi scuffs his shoes against the ground, "It was. It was really bad. I..I don't think we'll ever be able to get past it, to be honest."

Jimin nods. He's not entirely sure what happened but he believes Yoongi's words. It's not like his brother told him even a word about it, so he doesn't have much to work with. "Was it something Jin hyung said?"

"We both said a lot of things." Yoongi replies. 

"I'm sure you two didn't mean all that you said, darling. People say a lot of shit they probably don't mean when they get angry or upset." He pauses, rolling his tongue piercing in his mouth, a little habit. "Trust me, I'd know," he says, voice coming out softer. Don't think about him.

Yoongi shrugs, his hand still loosely wrapped around Jimin's, "Maybe. But there's a little bit of truth in everything."

Jimin tenses for a bit, Junghoon's words ringing in his head before he shuts them out. Don't think about him. "Yeah, maybe there is." He tries to steer the conversation in a different direction. "But you still trust him with stuff, don't you?"

Yoongi's foot stills where it was scuffing against the ground. He takes a moment to reply. "That's what friends are for, right?" 

The words don't feel genuine and there's an underlying but detectable bitterness to them. At least, Jimin thinks, he still considers Seokjin as a friend. That should be enough. "Well, you did used to tell him a lot of stuff right? And he shared a lot with you too, stuff he never even told me."

Yoongi nods, straightening up, "Well, yeah. We trusted each other, almost to a fault."

"Do you trust me?," Jimin asks in a moment of spontaneity. The words spilling out before he can catch them. 

Yoongi's eyes snap up to his at the question. His eyes bore into Jimin's and he almost falters at the intensity of it. Then quietly Yoongi says, "I do."

The words weigh a ton and the context of the question and it's answer isn't clear to either of them, but it doesn't matter to Jimin. 

Jimin nods with a smile that Yoongi returns. 

Seokjin, Taehyung and Jungkook return from the store, the two youngers surprisingly laughing together at something as Seokjin sips on a soda, walking towards the car.

Yoongi's hand slips out of Jimin's as he reaches for his camera hanging from his neck and films the scene. Jimin smiles as he sees Jungkook say something which makes Taehyung laugh and Seokjin choke on his drink.

Yoongi grins, gum on full show and Jimin looks away when he feels his chest do something funny.

The three reach the car and Jimin backs up from the hood. "Here, Jiminie," Seokjin says and throws a pack of strawberry flavored gum at him. Jimin had told him he wanted it earlier in the day.

Jimin grins and catches it, "Thanks, hyung."

They all linger at the station for a while for some fresh air and to stretch their legs. The trip was going well for now and Jimin had a good feeling about this, if he scratched out the Yoongi and Seokjin thing.

He and Jin laugh as Yoongi shoves the camera in Jungkook's face, the younger pressing his nose against it and making werid inhumane noises.

Jimin glances at Taehyung to see him smiling fondly at the scene. Jimin smiles to himself. Yeah, he thinks, they'll be alright.


bring the soul was so good 😭😭 

a true roller coaster of emotions. I loved it sm

in other news, wtf even is this chapter

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in other news, wtf even is this chapter. i suck asalskjx

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