~thirty one~

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(This takes place right after Yoongi runs to the motel room.) 


Jimin groans and buries his face in his hands after Yoongi practically dashes to his room. 

He sighs, way to go Park Jimin, you absolute idiot, he internally reprimands himself. 

Jimin, if he's honest with himself, doesn't know what he was thinking when he went right in for the kiss. 

What did he expect? Yoongi to be perfectly fine with it? 

Well, he was for the most part, Jimin chooses to assume. He never prided himself on be morally righteous anyways, never one to make the best decisions. 

He thinks about what he'd said to Yoongi, not blaming it entirely on the alcohol in his system. 

Jimin sighs again, straightening up and gazing at the distant lights of Haeundae. 

He'd once asked Yoongi if he thought they'd make it there. They're close now, but his mood is completely dampened by the events of the night. 

Jimin hopes this doesn't ruin his relationship with the older, though he doubts things will ever be the same after what he's just pulled. 

Never being one to face his inner turmoil, Jimin refuses to accept the glaring reality, that he might have been using Yoongi as a replacement for Junghoon. 

No, he shakes his head, that's not true.

Though he doesn't know how Yoongi might have interpreted his words.

His mind, being cruel as it is, decides to take him back to about a month ago. 


Jimin sighs as he leans into Junghoon's side. They're in the older's living room, watching a movie Jimin has little interest in. 

Junghoon wraps an arm around him, planting a kiss on his forehead. "You okay, baby?," he asks, running a hand through Jimin's hair once. 

Jimin hums in reply, resting his head on the older's shoulder. "I'm fine, just thinking about something."

"Yeah?," Junghoon replies, "What's on your mind?"

"Haeundae," Jimin answers, closing his eyes briefly.

"Haeundae? Why?," Junghoon questions, stroking Jimin's thigh where it's thrown over his legs.

Jimin shrugs, "I dunno, I just miss it, I guess. Haven't been there in ages."

Junghoon nods with a smile, "We should go on a roadtrip to there then. Winter break's in a month."

Jimin grins, "Sounds like a plan."


With a quiet self pitying whine, Jimin buries his head in his knees, digging his hands in his - Yoongi's - jacket. 

He doesn't know how long he sits there, could be hours, could be a few minutes, fighting off the impending tears gathering in his eyes.

Absentmindedly, he feels a lighter in the left pocket and soft metallic objects in the right. 

Frowning, Jimin takes them out of the jacket to inspect. He furrows his brows at the sight.

Two matching bracelets with little crescent moon charms hanging from the small chains. 

A little paper hangs from the thin connecting wire. Jimin squints to read it in the dim lighting. 

The crescent sign, representing the crescent moon symbolizes new begin-

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