~twenty five~

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Jimin fails to suppress a loud and excited squeal when he sees the shinning lights of the fair ahead of them. 

He's practically buzzing in his seat when Seokjin parks the car in the lot. Jimin pops open the door and steps out of the car. Taehyung and Jungkook do the same before Taehyung grabs Jimin, "C'mon, Chim!," and they run off to buy tickets, too pumped to wait for the others.

While standing in line in front of ticket booth Jimin looks around with wide sparkly eyes. Thousands of twinkling lights light up the whole fair, there's faint music playing and the excited chatter and laughter of people of all ages fills the air. The sun's setting on the horizon and Jimin wonders how the scene will look once night falls and the lights shine even more brightly. 

"Jimin, look!," Taehyung calls him over the cacophony.

Jimin glances at the younger to see him pointing towards the huge roller coaster excitedly.

"You're definitely going on that with me," Taehyung says as the line shortens and they buy the tickets for everyone, splitting the price of course.

"Hey, wait for us," Jungkook hollers as he, Seokjin and Yoongi jog up to them.

"Did you two get the tickets already?," Yoongi asks, doing something on his camera.

"Mhm!," Taehyung answers and they make their way towards the small gate, entering the fair.

Jimin looks back to see Seokjin looking at his surroundings warily and his heart sinks to his stomach. 

Jimin didn't even stop once to ask if Seokjin was sure he'd wanted to come. His anxiety gets triggered by heavily crowded places and sudden loud noises. Now he feels like a total jerk. 

He lets the other three boys wander ahead to the games area before sidling up to his brother, and asks, "Jin hyung? I'm sorry, I forgot to ask if you were really fine with coming here," he runs a hand through his hair, "We..we can go back if you don't feel comfortable here. I'm sure the others'll understand."

 Seokjin's eyes keep jumping here and there and Jimin feels like crying. "It's okay, Jiminie. I'm-" the older flinches slightly when the screams of the people riding the roller coaster cut through the air. "I'm fine," he continues, "I can handle this. I've dealt with much worse. Don't worry." 

He gives Jimin a reassuring smile that seems much genuine than ones he's encountered before.

Jimin sighs, still unsure about this, "If you say so, hyung," he says, returning the smile.

The two walk a short distance to see the three other boys standing at the dart throwing game. Jungkook's supposedly having his turn, Taehyung watching closely and Yoongi filming the scene with a smile. 

Jungkook throws the dart and misses by just a centimeter, this one being his last chance out of five. "This is rigged! You have some sorta wind system going on here, I saw the dart move away at the last second!," Jungkook says, pointing an accusing finger at the alarmed looking young boy behind the counter. 

Taehyung, trying not to laugh, steers the fuming younger away to some other game. Yoongi says he needs the restroom and Seokjin goes with him, saying the same thing. So Jimin decides to follow his two younger friends.

"I wanted that pink rabbit plushie," Jungkook whines, the hint of a pout in his voice. 

Jimin laughs, "Let's try another game, Kook, I'm sure you'll win."

That's how they find themselves at the ring throwing game, Jungkook on his fifth try. "These are so rigged! I've spent half of my money on these already," Jungkook complains as he fails once again. 

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