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Only a handful of customers come to the store, thankfully. Those who do, don't mind Jimin perched on the counter, or just don't choose to acknowledge him. Jimin can imagine why. At this time of night he'd be out of it too. 

The only people who'd be awake this late are truck drivers, struggling students desperately trying to finish their assignments or studying for a test, insomniacs, loners, lovers, people like Yoongi on graveyard shifts, the like.

Or, Jimin guesses, people like himself, who no matter how tired they are, just don't want to succumb to sleep, fearing what tomorrow might bring.

Him and Yoongi haven't said much. Yoongi just every so often asks if he wants something or if he's tired. To which he replies no.

It's currently 2:47 am. Jimin's head hurts. 

And his cheek.

And his lip. 

And his heart.

Yoongi's on his phone, chuckling occasionally at whatever he's watching, leaning back in his chair so far Jimin fears he might fall over. 

Jimin's reading a book Yoongi gave him from behind the counter. It's about a male who finds his supposed "soulmate" but later finds out he's merely a ghost of someone who used to be. It's immensely far fetched and there are way too many plot holes and sudden shifts in the character dynamics. But it helps in keeping him distracted.

Jimin's incredibly grateful Yoongi's not prying for answers, even though it's clear that he wants to know what happened. Truth is, Jimin's not sure what he'd even tell him. He's not scared of telling Yoongi, no, not at all. 

He's afraid of the outcome. He knows Yoongi wouldn't judge him, but he can't be sure of what his reaction would be. 

It only serves in making Jimin feel guilty. He just stormed into the store and clung to Yoongi like an idiot and made him worried. He feels like he owes Yoongi an explanation. 

Jimin shifts on the counter, catching Yoongi's eye. He knows him well enough to know Jimin wants to say something so he puts his phone aside. Jimin however, keeps his gaze on the book. He sighs, "I broke up with Junghoon," he says.

Jimin glances up to gauge Yoongi's reaction. He looks somewhat surprised but doesn't say anything for a while. Jimin looks down at the book again, fiddling with the page. 

"Oh," Yoongi says after what feels like an eternity.

Jimin nods. "Yeah. He..he cheated on me." Jimin doesn't know why he just told Yoongi that. The words just tumble out of his mouth before he can catch them. "I-I confronted him-or well he came to my house. I-um asked him about it and he got mad, like always, and yeah.." Jimin shrugs, "I broke up with him."

Yoongi shifts and Jimin looks at him to see him frowning, something akin to anger in his eyes. Jimin knows what he's thinking. "Did he d-"

"No." Jimin shakes his head. "No, he didn't hurt me. Physically, at least."

That seems to calm Yoongi down a little. Though the frown marring his features doesn't leave.

"Then who did?", he asks, staring at Jimin in a way that leaves no room for Jimin to beat around the bush. Jimin's known Yoongi for long enough to know that when he's pissed he doesn't take shit from anybody.

So Jimin averts his gaze down, wishing the ground would just open beneath him and swallow him up already. "My dad." 

He doesn't need to look at Yoongi to know he's stilled, shocked. Only Junghoon and his brother know about all about his father, now Yoongi's another person to add to the list. "Jimin, I..." he trails off. Jimin gets it, he wouldn't know what to say in this situation either.

"Just..don't tell anyone else, okay? I'll deal with that myself." Jimin says, voice getting quieter at the end. After telling Yoongi, the painful reality starts to set in and Jimin feels his cheekbone and split bottom lip dully throb at the memory. He closes his eyes and pushes it back.

Yoongi remains silent, seemingly processing it all. Just then, two boys step into the store, talking amongst themselves. Jimin sees them going to the drinks and instant foods aisle and after a few moments they step up to the counter. They seem to catch on to the tension in the air and stop talking. 

Yoongi rings them up in a haze. One of the boys regards Jimin and his injuries with a curious stare, which Jimin tries to ignore. 

When they leave, Yoongi puts a hand on his shoulder, making Jimin look at him. The previous rage in his eyes and frown on his face has finally left, replaced by an assuring warmth. "Don't worry, Jimin, I won't tell anyone. That's up to you and you only."

Jimin nods and manages a tiny but genuine smile. "Thank you, hyung."

Yoongi returns the smile that soon disappears, making way for a more solemn look which makes Jimin's heart twist. "I'm so sorry about what happened. I'm always here, you know that right? If there's anything you need, a place to stay, someone to talk to or someone to listen, I'll be there."

In a moment of immense gratefulness Jimin engulfs Yoongi in a hug which Yoongi returns fully, not stiffly like he'd done before. 

Jimin thinks this, sitting on a counter of a convenience store at almost 3 in the morning in Yoongi's arms,

This feels safer and warmer than his house has ever felt.


the plot finally progresses in the next chapter eeeeeeee!!

the plot finally progresses in the next chapter eeeeeeee!!

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