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"I'm going back home." Yoongi says as they step up to Hoseok's flat.

Why the fuck are there strobe lights?

He can hear the music from here, even if the party's in the penthouse.

"Hoseok hyung's lucky his dad owns this building." Jungkook says, grinning and then the younger's already stepping inside and heading to the elevator, Yoongi trudging in tow.

Hoseok and his dad's money. He's really out here living the life.

When they step outside the penthouse, Yoongi decides that he's gonna murder Park Jimin for making him this weak. 

The bass from the music playing is making the walls and floor shake, there are about a hundred people crammed in the living room, sweaty bodies dancing and grinding, some guy is throwing up in the planter by the door, and a couple is making out in the damn hallway. 

"Hyung, let's head to the kitchen!", he hears Jungkook shout over the music. He follows the younger through the living room, gripping the hem of his shirt as to not drown in the sea of bodies.

In the kitchen the music is notably quieter and he's more than thankful for that. But as soon as he sees the rest of the people in the kitchen, he freezes.

Jimin is sitting on the counter, a red solo cup in hand, Junghoon beside him smoking a cigarette, Hoseok and Taehyung standing across them, mixing questionable bottles of alcohol together. Last but not least Seokjin is there, staring right at him with wide eyes. 

Yeah, he's gonna kill Jimin.

"Kook! Yoons! You made it!" Hoseok shouts, already drunk as he goes in to hug them both at the same time. 

"Yes, unfortunately." Yoongi grumbles, trying to push him off while Jungkook just laughs while hugging him back.

"Jungkookie!" Jimin squeals and jumps off the counter, engulfing Jungkook in a hug which Yoongi gets stuck in too. This is the worst day on his damn life.

Jungkook finally managed to free them both. "I haven't seen you in so long! They grow up so fast!" Jimin says dramatically, pretending to wipe a tear away. Yeah, he's drunk too.

Yoongi sends a silent greeting to Taehyung in the form of a smile and a nod, which Taehyung returns. 

Jungkook and Seokjin share a quick hug, while Yoongi fixes himself a drink. He's nowhere near drunk enough for this shit. He can feel Junghoon and Seokjin's gazes on him, but he ignores them.

"I'm gonna go find Woosang, I'll be back." Jungkook announces suddenly when his eyes land on Taehyung, already back tracking out of the kitchen. 

"I'll come with you." Seokjin says, hurriedly placing his cup on the counter, following Jungkook out.

"What's up with them?" Hoseok asks, refilling his cup.

"It's a long story." Taehyung replies, rolling his eyes. 

Whatever mood was possibly hanging over the kitchen has been ruined, Yoongi guesses, as he takes a long sip of his vodka. Cherry flavored. Money can't buy flavor after all.

"Hyung, you never come to parties. I didn't think you'd show up", Jimin says. Junghoon's sending him weird looks again, his arm visibly tightening around Jimin's waist.

"Me neither." Hoseok and Taehyung say at the same time, fist bumping each other afterwards.

Yoongi shrugs, downing the rest of his vodka. "Miracles happen."

Jimin giggles, Taehyung joining in. Hoseok snorts, "Dry as ever, Yoongs."

"I hate you guys", Yoongi deadpans, refilling his cup.

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