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The rest of the day passes by as a blur and before Yoongi knows it, it's 2 in the afternoon and Jungkook and Taehyung are in his apartment as well, including Seokjin and Jimin who woke up and hour ago.

After Jimin woke up and saw Seokjin, they went into the kitchen to talk privately for about twenty minutes. Yoongi doesn't know much about what happened, but he heard Seokjin raise his voice at one point, something he almost never does. Not towards Jimin especially. But there were no harsh words or tears, so he guesses it went well.

Taehyung almost threw a fit when he saw Jimin but calmed down considerably when they told him Jimin fell over quite roughly while bumping into someone. Something Seokjin and him decided on, respecting Jimin's request to not tell anyone. Pretty basic, but believable. 

Jimin told Seokjin everything, it seems. They decided not to mention the Junghoon thing at all. Taehyung hates the guy's guts and Jungkook seemed indifferent about him anyways, he wouldn't care.

Speaking of Jungkook, he did say "and i oop" when he came in and saw Jimin and Seokjin. Yoongi just rolled his eyes.

Now they're having lunch together, -japchae and bibimbap that Taehyung and Seokjin made- something they haven't done in a long time. It's kind of awkward but thanks to Taehyung and Jimin's constant chatting and Jungkook's meme references, it's less strained.

Somehow the conversation strays over to the topic of relationships. "So, Jin hyung did you meet anyone in Seoul?", Jungkook asks, raising an eyebrow as he stuffs his face with noodles. 

Seokjin scoffs and waves a hand dismissively, "Nah. You know me, Kook. I'm not good at relationships." 

Jungkook laughs, "Learn from your brother then."  Yoongi and Seokjin look discreetly over at Jimin who visibly and shifts in his seat a little. But thanks to Taehyung and his saltiness, the situation is saved, for worse unfortunately. 

Taehyung scoffs, as he stabs at his bibimbap with chopsticks with more force than necessary, "Please, Jungkook, like you're one to talk."

Jungkook blanches and looks at Taehyung with wide eyes, who looks mightly pleased with himself. Yoongi would've laughed if he weren't so on edge. "Excuse me? I-"

"Woah, woah. Let's keep this civil, kids.", Seokjin interrupts, thankfully. Though Jungkook and Taehyung looks just about ready to gauge each other's eyes out with their chopsticks.

Jungkook huffs indignantly but refrains from arguing further. "Whatever," he mutters.

 Seokjin sighs but puts on a smile, "So, do you have any plans for the holidays? I'm planning on spending them here."

Yoongi highly appreciates Seokjin's efforts at trying to keep the atmosphere as least awkward as possible, so he replies, "I might try to find another part time job and mostly try to finish my film assignment. It's really important for my grade and i haven't even started on it."

"What's the theme?", Jungkook asks, glancing at him.

"Freedom," Yoongi replies, "Ironic, huh?"

Jungkook and Taehyung scoff in perfect unison then proceed to glare at each other. 

Seokjin nods, "Oh. Good luck with that." Yoongi mumbles a thanks.

"Working on uni stuff in the holidays? No way, hyung. That's no fun. You should do something else! Something more fun.", Taehyung exclaims.

"Fun? As if there's something even remotely fun to do in this ghost town.", Jungkook says, scraping up the leftover rice in his bowl.

"That's true," Seokjin says, grimacing. Yoongi agrees.

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