~twenty nine~

685 42 14

There are days in Yoongi's life when he just floats disconnectedly through everything that takes place. 

Today is one of those days. 

Yoongi doesn't think he's said more than a total of ten words during the day. He thinks Jimin might've asked him two or three times if he was okay, to which he replied, he guesses, "Yes, don't worry," or,"I'm fine, Jimin, I swear."

He supposes Jungkook and Taehyung asked him similar questions too, though he doesn't remember what he told them as a reply. 

His friends take his silence and drowsy state as a result of lack of sleep or the incident that happened the day before. They stop by at a restaurant for lunch sometime in the late afternoon. After getting some food in his system, Yoongi's able to actually get a hold of what's happening around him. 

Jimin sticks by his side the whole time they're at the restaurant and insists that he needs to eat and drink more. Yoongi reluctantly agrees, even though he thinks he might throw up. 

After lunch they stop at the gas station to fill up the car. Jimin takes Yoongi's camera and films what seems like Jungkook and Taehyung attempting cartwheels. 

"Can you fill up the tank? I gotta run to the store," Seokjin asks Yoongi, checking his wallet. 

Yoongi nods, "Sure," he says and heads over to complete the task. 

A moment later, he hears Jimin huff out a laugh. He turns around to see Jimin, camera in hand, filming him with a grin. Yoongi frowns, "What's so funny?"

Jimin giggles and lowers the camera, handing it to Jungkook who shoves it in Taehyung's face, the older making weird faces at it.

"Nothing, darling," Jimin says, pulling his -Yoongi's- leather jacket closer to himself. The glint in his eyes and the quirk of his lips suggest it's definitely something, so Yoongi inquires further.

He raises an eyebrow, finished with filling up the car, "Oh, really?," he asks, crossing his arms. 

Jimin laughs softly and leans against him, hooking his chin over Yoongi's shoulder, he does that a lot. "It's really nothing," he grins, "You're just so cute, darling."

Yoongi feels heat rush to his cheeks and he straightens up, Jimin leaning back, squeaky giggles filling the air. "Jeez, Jimin. Give me a break," he mumbles, which makes Jimin laugh even more. 

In the meantime, Seokjin returns from the store with shopping bags filled with soju. Jungkook and Taehyung make a big (loud) deal out of it, getting stink eyes from the employees and other people at the gas station. "What's the occasion, hyung?," asks Taehyung. 

"Well," Seokjin begins with a smile, "Since tomorrow we'll finally be reaching Busan, and Haeundae the day after, I thought we could all have a drink together at the motel we'll be staying at for the night," he announces, "Besides, it's been a while since we've all drank together."

Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook perk up and agree that it sounds great. Yoongi nibbles on his bottle lip warily. He's not too keen on consuming alcohol, considering his fragile mental state. But he also doesn't wanna keep his friends from having fun. "Sounds good to me," he says, forcing a smile.

Just one bottle wouldn't hurt, right?


Turns out, it kinda does.

They'd arrived at the motel a few minutes ago, checked in, got two rooms. Since all the other rooms besides theirs were vacant, the owner had allowed them to take the chairs from the rooms to sit down and drink in the parking lot that was empty, save for Seokjin's car.

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