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"No, Jungkook." Yoongi says for about the tenth time in the span of three minutes.

"But hyuuung." Jungkook whines, puppy eyes on the max level. Fuck, Yoongi's gonna lose.

"No, Jungkook. I don't wanna go." Yoongi sighs, closing his laptop. This flim assignment is going to be the death of him, he's sure about it. The topic is "freedom". He has to make a short film about it and his mind is currently blank. 

Seriously, who let him choose flim as a major? He wants to go back in time and kick some sense into younger Yoongi, that dumbass.

"Hyung, please. Hoseok hyung throws the most awesome parties. It'll be fun, I promise!" Jungkook is fucking bouncing on the balls of his feet now. Oh Yoongi is so gonna lose.

"What part of 'I don't do parties' do you not understand, Kook?" Yoongi asks, taking of a sip of his lukewarm coffee, immediately grimacing afterwords.

Jungkook has the guts to roll his eyes. "Hyung, do you really want me to admit it?"


"Fine." Jungkook throws his arms up with a sigh, "I don't wanna go alone 'cause i know Taehyung's gonna be there."

"He's not gonna eat you, you know? Just go with Woosang instead." Yoongi says waving a hand around dismissively as he scrolls down his Instagram feed.

Jungkook rambles on about how it's gonna be so damn awkward hyung! What if we run into each other and he kicks me in the nuts....

Meanwhile Yoongi gets a text from Jimin saying:


Hello hyung! 👋

Are going to Hoseok's party?  

"I changed my mind, Jungkook. We're going."

"and what if he- hyung what the fu-"


Seokjin talking to their dad didn't go that well.

Even though Seokjin is older and wiser, their dad is a scary man. 

When Seokjin had confronted him about Jimin, their dad had just said Jimin deserved it for "acting and dressing like a whore."  Which had absolutely nothing to do with what they were talking about. His dad had just grabbed the chance to insult and degrade Jimin.

Jimin should've been mad, instead he'd just been scared their dad would try to hurt his brother too, and stepped in before things could escalate any further.

He'd dragged Seokjin to his room and asked him if he wanted to go to Hoseok's party tomorrow to catch up with everyone. Seokjin had smiled and told him it was a great idea.


The next evening Jimin is getting ready for Hoseok's party.

He spends about forty five minutes standing in front of his closet. 

"I have nothing to wear. Absolutely nothing." He declares, shaking his head.

Seokjin scoffs from where he's sitting on Jimin's bed, reading something on Jimin's phone. "Oh please, Chim. You have more than enough clothes to fit into three closets."

Several points were made. 

"Hurry up. By the time we get there everyone'll be passed out drunk."

"Fine, fine."

He finally decides on his trusty black leather pants with a silver belt, a loose white tee tucked into his pants and a black overshirt Seokjin chose.

He does his makeup sitting in front of the mirror, humming Russian Roulette by Red Velvet under his breath. Seokjin ends up joining him and after a few minutes they're having a full on duet.

Jimin finishes off his look with a pair of dangly earrings and a black velver choker, then they're heading off to Hoseok's flat in Seokjin's car.

He texts Junghoon on the way saying he'll meet him there.

After a few minutes, Jimin clears his throat. "Jin hyung?"


"Are you..um are you really okay with going to this party? I mean- i mean you don't have to if you..you know, I just thought- I dunno-"

"Jimin." Seokjin cuts him off with a small smile. "You're rambling. It's okay. My anxiety's gotten a lot better. I'll be fine. If it gets too much, I'll let you know."

Jimin nods, "You better. Otherwise I'll feel like trash."

Seokjin snickers, "You are trash."

Jimin gasps and shoves Seokjin's arm. "Jimin, are you trying to get us killed?!"

Jimin just laughs. He missed this. He missed having Seokjin.


i'm excited for the next chap eeeeeee :D

i'm excited for the next chap eeeeeee :D

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