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Yoongi should have been more careful.

When he went to the bathroom to take his pills, he found out that he'd forgotten one bottle of antidepressants at home. Not to mention the most important ones. He'd given himself a moment to calm down before exiting the bathroom, lest someone notice his panicked state. 

Yoongi tells himself that it'll be fine. It's only five days, four now. He has gone without them for longer than that. But it didn't end too well.

 No, he takes a deep breath. Now's not the time to think about that. He's brought out of his musings by Jimin grabbing his hand and wrapping his fingers around it. Yoongi tenses for a second before returning the hold. 

He keeps his expression neutral on the outside but inside, his mind his already going haywire with a colossal mixture of emotions. Panic, dread, relief, longing, misery, anxiety, nervousness and about a thousand more.

"Hyung?" Jimin's voice comes through with a tug on his hand.

Yoongi's eyes snap up to Jimin's, "Yeah?"

Jimin frowns and stops walking, making Yoongi stop too. "I've been calling you for like a whole minute. Are you okay?" He asks, concern lacing his voice.

Yoongi clears his throat and nods, tearing his gaze away from Jimin's. "Sorry, I was just thinking about something. I'm fine." The about of times he's said those two words is almost laughable.

Jimin's frown doesn't ease, but he begins walking again. "You sure, darling?"

"I'm sure." He replies, keeping his gaze down and willing his mind to quieten down.

Jimin nods and brushes his thumb against his knuckles. "Okay. What are you thinking about?", he asks conversationally. 

Yoongi thinks of a lie believable enough.

"Just Tae and Jungkook. They're always at each necks, it's hard to believe they used to be disgustingly sweet."

Jimin sighs, "I know right? I've tried talking to Tae about it, but he's always very vague."

Yoongi hums. A car rolls past them lazily, the radio playing edm loud enough they can hear it even with the windows rolled up. Jimin laughs softly, "You gotta admit, their bickering's kinda funny."

Yoongi kicks a pebble in his path and chuckles, "It is. It's the same with Kook, he never told me what exactly happened." He looks up at the sky and is surprised to see a few stars visible even behind thick clouds.

"I think he still loves him." Yoongi lets the words tumble out without really thinking about the weight of them. He can't bring himself to acknowledge it. His mind's somewhere else. 

Jimin jumps up a little at that on the balls of his feet, "That's what I think too! I think they both still care about each other a lot, but now that they've broken up, they don't know how to really show it anymore. So they take their frustration out this way. Especially Tae, this kinda snappy demeanor is not like him at all. Jungkook should know, he knows Tae really well." 

Yoongi chuckles, "Damn, Chim. You should be a couple counselor or something."

Jimin laughs and looks down, running a hand through his hair, "I'll take that as a compliment."

A few minutes later, they reach the store. Jimin pushes open the door and slips his hand out of Yoongi's. Yoongi tries not to instantly miss the warmth and comfort it brought him.

The store is a little less nicer than the one Yoongi works at. It's smaller and one of the lights keeps flickering, making Yoongi's eyes hurt. The girl sitting behind the counter is scrolling through something on his phone, looking bored out of her mind. Yoongi wonders if this is exactly how he looks like to the people who visit the store back home.

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