~twenty four~

757 39 11

Yoongi wakes up to the sound of the car trunk closing. He opens his eyes but immediately squeezes them shut when the bright morning sun reaches them. 

He huffs and sits up, slowly trying to open his eyes. There's a dull but perceptible ache in his head that has him wincing when he sits up straight. Shit, he really needs to do something about those damn pills before things start to escalate. 

Yoongi buries his head in his hands for a moment. He thinks about the events of last night. He'd woken up after Seokjin told him it was his turn to keep watch. Yoongi'd been sitting alone when Jimin woke up. And then Jimin had opened up to him about his ex.

Yoongi can remember how his heart had been beating almost painfully against his ribs, he'd thought it'd burst, and not in a good way. 

All because of Jimin. Jimin and his sunshine smiles, gentle touches, sweet words and his tinkling laughs.

They used to be soothing. But now, Yoongi aches.

Because despite having Jimin so close to him, he feels like he's miles and miles apart. Yoongi feels like the younger just seeps through his fingers everytime. 

Last night he'd asked Jimin if he was over Junghoon, when he himself isn't even close to being over the pink haired boy that makes him so, so happy and miserable at the same time. 

Yoongi sighs and shakes his head, that's enough moping for one morning. Fishing his phone out of his pocket he sees that it's around 9pm. It's Sunday, only three days to go before they reach Haeundae. 

Yoongi glances around to see that he's alone in the car. Looking out the window he can see the other boys messing around with his camera.

Seokjin is filming Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung as they run down the street. Jungkook's chasing after Jimin and Taehyung holding something in his hand that Yoongi can't see. Judging by the boys's screeching it couldn't be something pleasant. Seokjin doubles over, laughing loudly as he films the scene. 

Yoongi chuckles to himself as he pops open the door, stepping out of the car. He stretches his limbs, watching the boys running around. Seokjin notices his presence and points the camera towards him. Yoongi scowls for a second before shooting it a small wave. He likes being behind the camera, not the other way around.

Seokjin lowers the camera. "Good morning," he greets, saving the footage and handing the camera to Yoongi. 

"Morning," Yoongi mumbles and takes the camera from the older. He checks the battery. It's at 44% currently. He needs to buy a charger soon. 

"There's a diner down the street, me and Taehyung saw it earlier in the morning. We could get breakfast from there, or from a store nearby," Seokjin says, watching as Jungkook finally stops chasing Jimin and Taehyung and they walk back towards the car.

"Lets find a store first, I need to get a charger for this," Yoongi replies, pointing to the device in his hands. 

Seokjin nods and the three youngers jog upto them. Jimin and Taehyung out of breath. The former shoots him a smile, "Oh, Yoongi hyung, you're up. We were waiting for you."

Yoongi returns the smile. Seokjin looks between the two strangely for a second before saying, "Lets get back on the road guys, we're not that far now. We might even catch the fair."

Jimin lets out an excited squeal at that and starts climbing into the car with Taehyung and Seokjin in tow.

"Hyung, look!," Jungkook perks up and shows Yoongi what he was chasing Taehyung and Jimin around with. 

Yoongi frowns at the small green frog in the younger's hand, "Where'd you find that thing?"

Jungkook grins, "On the sidewalk. I think the rain causes them to come out or something."

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