Camila Mendes

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Cami POV

Today is September the 1st. That means that i finally get to go back to school.
Im exited to see my friend Madelaine as i havent seen her the whole summer. I miss her.
Also, I've thought a lot during this summer break.
I've thought about that girl that is in my Chemistry class since 6th grade.
Lili Reinhart.
I don't know much about her, besides the rumors that everyone is spreading all over the school, i've never really talked to her.
I know she's always alone, that the football team always makes fun of her, that she runs the B&G,and that she's got exelents grades.
I also learned, "studying" her over the years that she cries often. About once or twice a week i would see her crying in the B&G office.
I don't like to listen to the rumors but i heard that someone has said that she has suicidal thought and that she'd cut herself. That was 2 years ago,though. So maybe she feels better now..


Lili POV

Im just in time. I left home at 7.45am.
And im now on my way to school.
"Uhmm..Hii!" I hear a girly voice behind me as I turn around.
"You're going at Cleveland High ? I've seen you a few times in the hallways"
"Uh..y-yes" I stutter
"Walk with me?" She asks all smiles
"I dont want to bother you. You'd probably rather walk with Madelaine."
"1)No i wanna walk with you
2)you know Mads?"the reven-haired girl question
"I dont but I've seen you hanging out a lot during freshman year." I answer more confident
"Wanna be friend?" she blursts out suddendly
Is she really asking ME to be her friend.
ME, the  freak, weirdo, lonely broken and hurt girl !!
I don't know if i am comfortable with it.
I havent befriend anyone in ages..

But I'm tired of being lonely. Im tired of having nobody to talk to. Or to count on.
And Camila seems genuinly nice and frank. I think she's the kinda girl that'd stick by my side no matter what.
So i just say..

"Ye-yeah, that'd be nice."

And that was one of the best decision of my life <3

An//sorry for this short chapter I'll post longer ones in the future. Lili meets Cole in the following chapter :)

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