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A: I'm not letting you in
C: Why that?
A:Now get out of my way.
C:First i have a question
A: go ahead, i dont have much time.
C: What's your name
A: Amy Reihnart. But it's Mrs. Never come back here for you,bye.
*slams the door*

I dont get why Lili's friends keep coming here. Anyway how does she even have friends.

Cole POV

Well, now i know who's Amy.
And I know she's her mother. That must be hard for Lili to be hated by her mother. But i gotta stop "invastigating". If she doesn't wanna tell me it's probabely because we barelly know each other.
Anyways, i told Lili we were going to go shopping so i think she's waiting for me.

Lili POV

I can't wait for Cole to come back home.
I didn't get to go shopping in ages.
I always get my sister's old clothes, so i don't like them and i feel ugly in 'em.
Well, I feel ugly in everything but especially those clothes.
*bell rings*
It must be Cole.
" I'll get the door Dylan" i shout from the living room.
*opens the door*

L: Hi!
C: You ready?
L: Yep!!
C: Then, let's go!

We got into the car and Cole put some music, and it soon was "successful" by Ariana Grande (hehe on. I absolutely LOVE this song.So I sang along forgetting everything that's around me. I was singing with all my heart.
Then, i remembered Cole was in the car.
I looked over at him and he said "why'd you stop"
"i know you were making fun of me" i replied
"i swear i wasnt." he aswered
"your voice is beautyful, and that was cute" he added
"oh..thank you" i said

And now we are in ce city center, where all the fancy shops are, and we're looking for some cute clothes.

L:Oh my god!
C: what?
L: Look at thos pants! And this dress! And...Wow this top is so cute.
C: Do you wanna try them on?
L: Yeah lemme just...grab these shoes over here.

I put on my first outfit and go outta the fitting room to show it to Cole

L: Hope I dont look too bad..
C: Oh you don't look bad at all, you look pretty
L: Thanks. I'll take that outfit

And then i re-enterred the fitting room to try hundreds other outfits 'til it was late in the evening.

Cole: Are you done now?
Lili: Yes. Do you want me to pay at least one clothes?
Cole: No no and no. I told you i was gonna pay ALL the bill and i will.
Lili: But you-
Cole: But I dont want you to pay
Lili: Your girlfriend must have tons of presents if you act like this with her, too.
Cole: Huh...I-i don't have a g-girlfriend.
Lili: Oh..more present for me!!
Cole: *chuckles* Yeah, more presents for you.
Lili: By the way, Cole, i also took makeup.
Cole: You wear makeup?
Lili: Cami told me she was gonna learn me how to make up
Cole: You two are an iconic duo. Like B&V.
Lili: *gigles*I guess, we are.

And we headed home

Barbara POV

I know Dylan invited me to come over tomorow but i wanted to surprise him, as my holydays are really short.
And now i'm at the door about to enter ( Dylan gave me a spare key)
*opens the door*

Lili POV

"BARBARA'S HERE AND SHE'S GOT LUNCH" i hear someone that must be dylan's girlfriend shouting.
I recognize her voice.
Lili: Dylan? Wasn't your girlfriend supposed to come tomorow?
Dylan: the more early she comes better it is.
Cole: Tell her not to invade my space this time bro pls.
*barbara comes in*
Barbara: First of all, Cole, i never invaded your space. I was invading Dylan's.
Lili: Dylan dylan dylan dylan!!
Dylan: WHAT?
Dylan: I know
Barabara: Nice to meet you, what's your name?
Lili:I-i a-am Li-Lili, im friend with Cole.
Dylan: *fake whines* And me?
Lili:And Dylan.
Barbara: Great. Let's be friends.
Lili: You wanna be friends with ME?
Barbara: I do. I think we could get along well.
Lili: Then, y-yes.

Complicated-A Sprousehart storyWhere stories live. Discover now