Lili's Birthday

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Cami POV

We're all on our way to the hospital to celebrate Lili's Birthday, with all her stuff. We've packed her 2 whole full suitcases.
Cole's got the cake on his laps. And we all bought her gifts. I bought her the new kylie jenner and khloe kardashian "koko" highlighter palette. Barbara bought her a lot of books as Lili reads a lot. Dylan bought her a Marc Jacobs dress (the on she's wearing for SDCC 2019 day 2.) Debby bought her a Yves Saint Lauren purse. And Cole wouldn't tell us. "You'll find out when she'll open it" he keeps saying.


We're now all in Lili's room singing her happy birthday.
She sits up and starts crying.
"What's wrong, Lil?" Cole said way too worried for the situation.
"It's nothing. Just, I love you guys so much. All of this, the cake, the presents, it means a lot to me. So thank you, sooo much. Besides my dad nobody ever cared for me this much. So i'm very grateful for y'all." She says with happy tears on her face

"Someone come and hug me? I've been waiting!" She adds chuckling.

We all hug her and I give my gift first.
"Well, I'm glad you like it. It would look stunning on you." I reply smile
"Yeah. And remember, when I get out of this place you've got to teach me how to make up."
"Of course" I answer and hug her once again.

Everyone gives his gift and she thanks them with a wide genuinly happy smile.  Until it was Cole's turn.

Cole: Can we go to another room? Alone?
Lili: Well, I can't walk much but if the infamous room is just down the hall then, yes.
Cole:It's next door don't worry.
Lili: Fine, go ahead I follow you.

Lili POV

We enter the room and i directly sit on the table that were against against a wall, as i dont want my kegs to get weaker than they already are.
Cole hands me a package.

Cole: Before you open it, I want you to know that you are a super lovely girl with tons of qualities and that none of what you mom ever said to you wasn't true. And also, I wanna tell you that Cami and I went to the police station to report Amy and i ask them if it was fine if you lived with me and Dylan. And they said yes, wich means now you're legally allowed to stay at home.
Lili: Really?!?!
Cole: Really.
Lili: Give me your present now.
Cole: *Hands his gift*

I open it and- WOW.
I can't  believe he actually buy them.
Cole bought me two bracelets with a necklace.
I had noticed those when we went shopping a while ago.
They were wayyy too expensive so I never thought Cole would accept to buy them.
I start to cry a few happy tears and I imediately hug Cole. Tight.

Lili: Thank you. Thank you so fucking damn much.
Cole: My pleasure.
Lili: Your bank account must be empty.
Cole: Don't worry about it. It's all okay.
Lili: You don't know how happy I am right now.

I dont know why I said. He probabely does since I'm smiling like crazy.

Cole: I'm glad I made you happy.

I smile and blush slightly.

The necklace and the bracelets

Cami POV 

Cole and Lili come back and Lili seems beyond happy. I quickly notice the luxurious necklace hanging on her neck.
"OMG Cole you gave her a NECKLACE!! IT'S SO BEAUTYFUL" I shout making everyone look over at Lili's neck.

Lili raises her right arm to reveal two bracelets that seems super expensive.

Dylan: So that's where all that money went...
Barbara: No matter how much they cost, it's beautyful. And Lili looks stunning.
Mads: Yeah Good job Cole.

While every is in awe of Lili's new jewels I'm thinking about about what I can do to get Lili and Cole closer. They both like eachother and it shows. But neither of them would admit it.

I know!!! Truth or Dare!! This is the best game.

Cami: Guys, I'm bored let's play a game!
Barbara: Yeah, why not
Cole: I'm down.
Mads: It depends on the game..
Cami: Truth or dare.
Mads: Okay.

We played for 10 minutes and Dylan got to kiss Barbara wich was okay. Mads got to kiss Camila (it won't impact on the storyline they're not bi they'te just messing around) and Cole had to ask a young nurse number wich made Lili super jealous.

Mads: My turn now! Cole truth or dare?
Cole: Truth.
Mads: Out of all the people here in this room, who would you date.

We can tell he was surprised by  the question but that's the only way Lili can know he likes her back.


Lili POV

Cole: Lili
Lili: ME?!
Mads:Yes you, it seems pretty obvious.

I feel my cheeks burning. Im blushing like crazy. I know he does not like me but just knowing that he's chosen me over someone like Cami makes me sooo happy. This is def the best birthday of my life.

"LILI" Mads snaps me out of my thoughts

Mads: Truth or Dare?
Lili: Dare.
Mads: Kiss the most attractive person in the room.
Lili: On the cheek.
Mads: Fine

I kiss Cole's cheek and cant help but smile like an idiot.

He looks at me in the eyes and kisses me back on the cheek.

It feels so good.

an//tbh i really hate what i write

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