Venice pt2

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an/listen to the song above⬆

;*•cole pov
I run inside the trailer and  imeditely take  Lili out of it so we can be alone. We definitelly need to talk. "Hey what happenned in there?" I ask as softly as i can since she was crying, and i dont want us to fight...for the 2nd time in 1 month.
"I'm sorry..i-i should've you. Tom likes me and-" she chokes out but i cut her off with a hug.

Lili lifts her head up from my lap, she's about to head to set with Jacob and Tom. I grab her arm as she gets up so she turns around to face me. "Hey..uhm cautious with Mr. SpiderMan, i think he may have a crush on you." I almost whisper so no one else than me and Lil can hear. "What?! Nooo, I'm almost sure he likes Z. Even tho they keep saying they're "just best-friend" " she responds marking the air quotes and chuckling.
"Just..make sure not to give him hopes..okay?" I ask still worried Tom would hit on my angel.
"Okay, dad" she teases running off not to be late on set.

I trust Lili. I really do. More than anyone or anything. But, Tom...i have a bad feeling about him. Like a real bad feeling. But if he really just wanna be friends with Lil then i think i'll just let him be. :/

back to cole pov
After a while hugging Lili and stroking her hair she started to calm down so i pull away from her embrace.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" I sooth in her ear. She nods her head. "But not right now, i dont even wanna think about it." She says walking away. "Where are you going? Haven't u wrap for the day yet?" I ask as she slowly walks farther. "I have" she states finally turning around "You coming or nah?" She asks giggling then runs to the parking. I follow her, with no clue of what she's up to and get in the car her and Zendaya share for the time being. I'm guessing Zendaya will have to take a Uber.

Cole: Can I know why we're in the car now?
Lili: YOU take me to the nearest supermarket. I'm not feeling well. Which means: I need my cookie dough.
Cole: Oh well.
Lili: Then we can go home and I'll tell you everything about what happenned with Tom and after that, we'll watch Titanic.
Cole: Sounds good, but I dont feel like watching the Titanic today. Moreover we watched it like 100 times so im kinda getting tired of Dicaprio.
Lili: 1) you do not have a say. We're doing that
2)Do not say Leonardo Dicaprio aka the hottest man on earth is tiring
Cole: So now HE is the hottest man on earth.
Lili: Well, was.
Cole: Yeah, right. Because now that's me.
Lili: Oh , shut up and drive you dork

Lili and I are finally in bed, ice cream in hand and reafy to put on a movie on Netflix. Lili turns her MacBook on and the screen turns black then show an incoming facetime from the one and only Barbara Palvin. Me and Barbara are friends..we really are, there was a time I would even consider her as a sister, but she always either comes over or calls at the moment Lili and I get some quality time alone. Although, I doesn't seem to bother Lili that much since she accepts the facetime and starts talking with Barbara.

Lili: Hi Babs
Babs:Hey babe

Oh lord I forgot about those petnames. Keep it cool, Cole.

Cole: You've gotta stop flirting with Lili
Babs: Go off Cole she's mine.
Cole: Yeah whatever helps u sleep at night..

This is going to be one long facetime.

Lili: Anywayyy, Happy birthday Barbaraaa!!
Babs: Aww thank you Lils! I'm finally 21!!! (an/in the au irl she's 26) I can't wait to celebrate with you and the gang!!
Cole: How come I didn't even know your birthday?
Babs: How come you're still in this conversation.
Cole: Hey I'm not the intruder here. YOU interrupted Lili and I's date night.
Babs: I havent seen her in ages i have the right to call her whenever I want to.
Cole: Yeah okay
Babs: Okay?!?!
Cole: I mean this arguement is senseless. What are we even fighting about.
Babs: the fact that i interrupted your date night
Cole: yeah right. But you had no clue. Im over reacting..again. And I'm being the worst friend to you.
Babs:Noo dont say that, ive had way worse friends than you. You're one of my best
Lili: Aww you guys

I chuckle at Lili's comment

Lili: What? You guys are always fighting so seeing you making up is like the greatest thing

I look at her and bury my face in the crook of her neck.
She rests her head on mine, Barbara still watching us in awe

Lili: you tired?

I yawn.

Lili: Yes you are. Coleee, I told you we were going to watch Titanic.
Cole: Nooo not agAiN, you said we'd tAlK aBoUt..

I yawn again.

Lili : No time for that. Leo dicaprio is waiting.
Cole: Lili I mean it. We've gotta talk.

She stands up to go god knows where

Cole: Your ass looks great in those booty shorts

God did I say that in front of Barbara?

Barbara: Wow, I thought you guys were like vanilla. I thought you were that kinda soft couple that never had sex but Cole, your lip bite says it all.
Cole: What the fuck Barbara. HANG UP
Babs: Okayyy, Fineee.

She hangs up and Lili comes back with an extra blanket. The one she always sleeps with.

Cole: Soo...
Lili: Sooo...
Cole: Tom.
Lili: It's actually not that big of a deal. I was just over reacting again.
Cole: You're never over reacting. You have the right to be upset.
Lili: Okay..then, we went to his trailer and started saying things like "ur pretty today" and you knoww compliments like that. And you know me, I always return compliments.

I nod in agreement.

Lili: So I did and I think he got it wrong cuz right after that he kissed me.

That asshole.

Lili: I imediatelly pulled away in disgust and I started yelling at him, and I guess you know what happenned next.

I say no more, cause i know that if i talk Lili will start apologizing about everything whilst she really did nothing but being nice and friendly to Tom.
So i just take her in a hug.
We stay like that for a solid 10 minutes until she pulls away.

Cole: Now let's watch that movie, shall we?
Lili: i'd rather go out
Cole: Go out? Lili it's almost 12am and you have set tomorow
Lili: I dont careee. I wanna see what Venice looks like.
Cole: I don't know Lili
Lili: Come onnn, it'll be funnn
Cole: Okay. Let's go. But we'll be home by 1am.
Lili: Okay dad
Cole: Stop calling me dad
Lili: Stop acting like my dad
Cole: Oh well

12.24am, downtown
Lili wanted to go on a boat since Zendaya told her it's the best thing to do in Venice, so we did. And we stopped at a restaurant, so now we're eating pastas. (an/ didn't what else they'd eat in Italy lmao).
 Lili's talking about her storyline in Spiderman and how she cannot shoot a scene with Jacob and Zendaya without bursting in fits of laughter, and how the three of them always get yelled at for that. But I'm not really listening. I'm just staring. And thinking about how she went from an highschool girl that no one wanted to deal with, to an amazing, loving movie star that you wish you've met. At least once. And I couldn't be prouder of her, so I cut her off, and say it.

"I'm proud of you, baby. I love you."

an/ this actually turn out pretty well for once.
Leave request or suggestions in comments cuz im running out of inspo. also ty lots for 8k ily x

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