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IMPORTANT: I changed Lili's movie from Hustlers to SpiderMan: Far from Home.
Lili's is playing a  character i created for the fanfic, it's new student called Stacy Jensen and she become best friend with Peter and Ned.
Cole POV

It has now been 2 weeks since Lil left. I miss her a lott.
Though, I call her everyday. To know if she's okay..
She told me she's living with Zendaya, they're really good friends i heard.
I'm really happy she's not alone in New York, i know she doesn't really like to meet new people so it's great.
I wrapped up from shooting early so I'm already home. I take my shirt off and flop down onto the L-shaped couch.
I make myself comfortable, grab the white fluffy blanket that was in the corner of the couch and my phone goes off.
I imediately pick it up as Lili told me she'd be facetiming me around 6.20pm and it's 6.24pm.
"Hey beautyful" I greet

Lili: Hey Cole!
Cole: How's shooting?
Lili: Great! Exhausting but great! I made new friendss!!
Cole: Yeah, I know, you told me about how u really bonded with Zendaya.
Lili: Oh no, not only Z, I also have Tom, i have Jacob, i ha-
Cole: Wait, Tom??
Lili: Yeah, he's like the funniest guy i've ever met!!

"Funniest guy i've ever met"?! What does she mean exactly? Is she like..trying to make me jealous? Cause I'm not.

Cole: Okay..uhm, Anyways, where are you going to shoot next?
Lili: the director said, we'll have to shoot a bunch of the scenes in Venice. We're heading there tonight.
Cole: Oh no, u're going to Italy for the 1st time and I'n not even with you!!
Lili:..Cole..the night before I left u told me u were going to visit me on set and I know u're busy filming Riverdale but please, can u manage to get a few days off and come in Venice, with me?
Come on, it'd be so romantic!!
Cole: Fine, I'll ask Roberto if I- Well no, forget that I'll tell Roberto I'm going to Venice to see the love of my life pursue ger dreams!!!
Lili: There's my man
Cole: I love you
Lili: I know, I love u too
I gotta go now, I have to drive myself and Z home but I'll text u tonight. Bye babe
Cole: bye love.

I'm going to Veniceee!!! I cannot wait to be there, I love Italy.Idk why there's always this kinda homey feeling whenever I'm in Italy, maybe because I was born there but most importantly because of the nice people, their language, their dishes, the beautyful landscapes. Just the whole country. A d I'm going to be there with the most gorgeous woman on Earth.
Call me the luckiest man in the world.

Lili POV, 10pm

Im on my plane to Venice for now 2hours and everyone is asleep exept me and Z so we kinda decided to talk about our love lives.

Lili: Sooo, Tom..
Zendaya: Tom?? No way, I'm not into him in that way!! I mean, he's kinda become my best friend over the years. I don't think I'll ever even like him, romantically.
Lili: Well, I think u two would be cute together. But I guess, there really isnt nothing between u guys
Zendaya: And you? told me you had a boyfriend. Tell me about him.
Lili: well, my boyfriend is Cole. I met him thanks to my best friend, Camila, they're childhood friends. He has a twin, Dylan. Dylan and his girlfriend, Barbara, kinda became my best friends over the years..but that's besides the point.
To sum up, Cole, my boyfriend, is the most amazing man to ever exist.
And he's mine.
Z: Wow, you seem...possessive.
Lili: Of him? Always. I know a whoooole lot of girls are just waiting for him to dump me. But believe, he wont. Or at least, I wont let him.
Zendaya: Do- do u have any picture of him?
Lili: Yeah, of course. Look at it, I took this one.

I show her a picture I took the day before I left cause he just looks so cute on it.

I show her a picture I took the day before I left cause he just looks so cute on it

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Zendaya:'re boyfriend is-
Lili: Cole Sprouse
Zendaya: that's why his twin is called Dylan.. Dylan and Cole Sprouse.. it all makes sense now.
Lili:Yeah..I cant wait for you to meet him!!
Zendaya:Oh, I've already met him once or twice. I started disney one year before he left so we attended some disney events together.
But, why would I meet him?
Lili: Oh he's coming to set tomorow. I can't wait...

I really cannot wait to finally see him..

An// i havent post in almost 2 weeks oof. Sorry.
Im just tired of school ig.
And i have no inspo so..yeah. i'll try to post next week :)

IM IN LOVE WITH THIS SONG I THINK ILL MAKE A BH OR SH ONE SHOT INSPIRED BY IT (comment if u want it, im not really sure i will do it if no one wants it)

Complicated-A Sprousehart storyWhere stories live. Discover now