Cheryl Blossom

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disclaimer: i have no idea what to write. This chapter is sooo fucking rushed like even, I ,am confused. Anyway, enjoy and write requests in comments

3 weeks later, 3rd pov
Lili wrapped on Spiderman last week. And both Lili and Cole came back to LA (where they live when theyre not in Vancouver) since they've got a one month hiatus for Christmas and New Year. Christmas is next week.

Madelaine invited me to come over at her house today so I'm on my way. We're going to film a Christmas youtube video so I'm exited. It's going to be the second time I'm on Madelaine's channel and I always have fun with her so I think that's going to be great.

I've almost arrivered at Mads' place but I cannot tell wich house is hers so I'm jusg driving around her block.

over texts
Mads💘: Lili I can see your car passing by my kitchen's window since at least 20 mins, what are you doing? Get out your car!!
Lils💓:Cant find your house.
Mads💘:Oh okay. Spot my car, it's parked in front of my house
Lils💓: Okayyy. Found you. Thnks x

back to reality
I get in Madelaine's house and get greeted by Yoshi (Vanessa's dog) clinging onto my legs (an/is that even an english sentence?) I pick him up and Madelaine comes out of her kitchen in a Christmass fluffy red robe, followed by Vanessa, wearing the exact same outfit.

Lili: Hi guys
Mads:Hi Lilsss. How are you doing?
Lili: Great, really great. Still kinda tired cuz of the different time zones but i'll sleep tonight. And probably all day.
Mads: Of course you will
Nessa: How was shooting a Marvel movie like??
Lili: It was fun. But I have to admit, i missed my Riverdale fam
Mads: Aw, we missed you, too Lils
Nessa: Oh we sure did. Without you on set, Cole was slowly losing his mind. One day he'd be acting like a child the other one he'd get anoyed at anything and anyone. He'd almost punched KJ two weeks ago cuz he said "they need you on set with Lili. Oh wait, no sorry. Just you and me. I forgot Lili wasnt here." he completly lost it
Mads: Yeah, it was quite funny the three first days but after it was just...uselessly annoying. He was the worst.
Lili:Stoooop guys he was just being cute
Nessa: cute, right..
Mads: istg if you had seen this, you wouldve dumped him by now.
Nessa: facts
Lili: Dont be silly, you know i could NEVER do that.
Nessa: true true.

Then we went up to the bathroom and Madelaine gave me her last Christmas robe so now we're all matching.
I loosen my hair from the bun it was in and head back downstairs.
Madelaine takes her camera and stuff and sets it in the kitchen.

Madelaine: omg did i even tell u guys what we're gonna do today?
Lili: nop, but im starting to think we're gonna bake or sum
Madelaine: yess we're gonna make christmas cookies while answering a bunch of questions.
Nessa: Sounds good
Mads: Yeah!!

Madelaine starts recording and does her intro while Vanessa and I start making the cookie dough.
Once, she's done with her intro she takes her phone and start asking us the fans' questions.

Mads: SO, guys, if you were, like for real, a character in riverdale OTHER THAN THE ONE YOU'RE PLAYING who would you be?
Nessa: Definitelly Veronica
Lili: 100% Cheryl
Lili: Yeaaah,even i can be on the mood for chaos
Mads: id like to see that cuz you're def not Cheryl...
Nessa: wait that's actually a great idea!!
Lili: What?!!
Nessa: since you are aparently capable to "radiate a Cheryl kind of energy" why wouldnt you show it off

Lili: still don't get what you mean...

Nessa: You could call a random person on and just act like Cheryl until they hang up. Take it as a game. Like a truth or dare or whatever.

(an/my english is so back rn lemme explain whats hapenning. She's gonna scroll through her phone contacts and then stop scrolling and she'll have to call whoever her finger lands on while acting like cheryl blossom)

Mads: Omg yesss id like to see it!!!
Lili: i dont think that's a good phone's almost dead anyways so..
Mads: take my charger
Lili: ughhh guys
Nessa: you do it and i promise you mads and i are gonna book you a trip to hawaii with us and whoever you wanna come along with. Down?
Lili: Fine, i'm down.

So Vanessa grabs my phone and starts scrolling down and down my phone contact "Stoooooop" Mads shouts and I see Vanessa's eyes widen. Oh god what have I gotten myself into...
"Who is it?" I say as Madelaine and Vanessa giggle.

Vanessa: your boyfriend
Mads: We had a deal, exept if dont wanna go to Hawaii
Lili: oh fuck you (playfully)

I pick up my phone and call Cole.
He almost instantly picks up. Of course. Ugh having a great boyfriend sucks sometime.

Cole: Hi baby, everything okay with the girl
Lili: Hi hobo
Cole: Lili? What is happening? Are we still going to this fancy café tonight?
Lili: Oh i'll be there, insufferable smuf
Cole: "insefferable smurf" where'd you got that from?
Lili: I, as your student body president will make sure that he's beheaded by homecoming or my name isnt...uhm..i-
Cole: Cheryl Marjorie Blossom. I heard Madelaine repeat this scene at least 100 times. Nice prank tho
Vanessa:ughhh Coleeeee
Cole: ughhhhhh Vanessaaaaa
Madelaine: Alright, disney babies, we've got cookies to bake, byeeeee
Lili:bye Cole
Cole: bye babe

an/ i just found out that the writer of my favorite fanfic is reading mine. And im posting this piece of shit. lol dont thank me 
All ive done is the past 4 days was watching videos of Emma Chamberlain and drinking coffee (wich i should not do since im..young) so tjats basically why everything i post is shit. X

Also ty if you actually read my an's ik im annoying bye


i found this cute photo of my two favorite humans so i thought it was too good not to be shared

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i found this cute photo of my two favorite humans so i thought it was too good not to be shared. u welcome

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