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Lili POV

I wake up at 8am, feeling two strong arms wrapped around my body and I instantely recognize them . I breath in his scent of rose and nicotine and manage to turn around so I'm facing him. He sleepishly loosens my small body from his grip and i get the sheets off me to get over Cole's chest. I start kissing all over his face to wake him up and after a while doing it he finally opens  his eyes. He frames my face with his hands so i can no longer kiss his face and leads my lips to his.
"Hi" i whisper as i pull away from our kiss
"Hi" he replies as i get off him and go back to next to him.
"How come you've found my room, the hotel is hugee" i ask
"i found out i had zendaya's number so i texted her and she told me" he chuckles
"What time did u land?" i add
"About one hour ago or something" he answer closing his eyes
"okay, then im sorry for waking you up. You must be exhausted." I apologize placing one hand on his chest
"No, it's ok. You didn't know. And that's not like you woke me up shouting at me, i missed your morning kisses" he grins and i just giggle.

After some more minutes in bed i get up because i'll have to get readyfor set at some point. I get in the bathroom and take a quik shower before heading in the kitchen where i find Z making pancakes.

Lili: hello there
Zendaya: Hi Lils
Lili: Thanks for making breakfast, I was too lazy to go to starbucks today.
Zendaya: You're Welcome. How's Cole?
Lili: Tired. He's barelly slept over the past two days so I let him sleep. He'll probably come to set by the afternoon.
Zendaya: Great, I cant wait. Do you know what time do we have to be at set today?
Lili: My first scene is at 10am and i think i heard tom say u and him had a scene at 9.20am
Lili: SHHH Cole's sleeping

I rush in my room to take some vans slip-ons and run down the stairs of the building to find Zendaya in her Audi, just waiting for me to get in the car.


I just finished all my scenes for the morning and my next scene is in 3 hours so I decide to go to Jacob's trailer since there usually are Tom and him and it's been a while i havent hang out with them

Cole POV

I've just arrived at set and I'm currently looking for Lili. She told me she was #6, so I'm searching for the trailer tagged #6. No Lili. Only Zendaya listening to music.

Cole: Hey...Zendaya
Zendaya: Oh, hi Cole..Long time no see
Cole:'s been a while. u know where Lili is??
Zendaya: She's with Jacob, trailer #3 i believe.
Cole: Okay, thank you. See you around.

I jog to trailer #3 and find my girlfriend on the couch resting her arm on -i think his name is- Tom's shoulder and laughing at some jokes he said. Not that I'm  jealous, but i don't know that guy and I don't don't what are his intentions with Lili.

So, i get in the trailer and Lili instantly run to hug me.
Then, Jacob comes towards me and shakes my hand. Followed by Tom

Jacob: I'm Jacob, I play Ned.
Cole: Yeah I know I'm C-
Jacob: You're Cole. I know. Lili doesnt shut up about you.
Cole: Shes cute.
Tom: Yes she is.. I'm Tom. I play Peter. Or Spiderman. Theyre the same person anyway
Cole: Oh okay...

Is it me or did Tom just call my girlfriend cute? That's it. I'm gonna show that guys what's mine.

I sit next to Lili on the couch before Tom does and pat my lap for her to rest her head on. Eventually she does and I start talking with Jacob while stoking her hair. I can tell Tom is a little comfused by the way he's furrowing his eyebrows.

After a solid hour chatting with Jacob and Lili, and ignoring Tom's presence.
They get called on set so that's just me in the trailer.


I got bored, alone, so I went to the set Lili when shooting on to watch her.
When she finished Zendaya went to talk to me.

Zendaya: are you doing?
Cole: I'm good. And you?
Zendaya: I'm fine. I'm finally done with my Disney contract so that's great. I mean, disney was cool but..
Cole: Yeah.. i know what you mean.


I got bored, alone, so I went to the set Lili when shooting on to watch her.
When she finished Zendaya went to talk to me.

Zendaya: are you doing?
Cole: I'm good. And you?
Zendaya: I'm fine. I'm finally done with my Disney contract so that's great. I mean, disney was cool but..
Cole: Yeah.. i know what you mean.
Zendaya: Anyway, do u know where Tom is? I need to..tell him something.
Cole: Uhm..I think he went back to Jacob's trailer with..with Lili!!
Let's go find them!! Hurry up!!
Zendaya: Oh okay..

We rush to the trailer and I half-open
the thin door just to see if they're in there. "I think you got me wrong, Tom, I wasnt!!!" I hear Lili's voice say. What wasnt she doing.
"Maybe you werent but do not tell me there isnt nothing between us" Tom responds. What is he talking about?
"TOM, I DONT LIKE YOU. I LOVE COLE, MY BOYFRIEND" Lili finally snaps. Holly shit. I knew he liked Lili. "And since when Cole is your boyfriend?" He says. So he thought i was what? I was literally cuddlelling Lili in front of him.
"SINCE 2016 YOU DUMBASS" she snaps again, nearly crying from anger or frustration.

And, out of no where Lili slaps Tom.

An//call this trash. Because it is.

Also the nex s4 trailer is..i have no words. IM SHAKING

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