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An/Listen to the song above while reading this. Why? Because i said so.

Cole POV

I can't believe it. I cant believe a mother would do that to her child. I can't belive Lili told me her story.
She's crying, probabely because of those horrible memories. I'm hugging her. I've been hugging her the whole time she was telling me the story.

Cole: Lili?

She lifts her head.

Cole: Can I tell you something?
Lili:*in between sobs*Of couse.
Cole: You don't need to worry about Amy. Not anymore. You cant live in here as long as want.
Lili: But-
Cole: I know. Legally you're still a minor. And so am I. But if we show everything you"ve got against you mother to the police, i bet she wont be your legal tutor any more.
Lili: Do you mean it. Do you really wanna help me with it. I mean, why would you care? We've only met one or two weeks ago.
Cole: Promise you won't call me cheesy or even judge me.
Lili: Pinky promise.
Cole: Pinky promise? Seriously?
Lili: And What's up with the pinky promises now.
Cole: Nevermind. It's just something i didn't hear since i was in 5th grade.
Lili: yeah whatever. Tell me why you care so much for me.
Cole: Well, I don't know how to explain it but i feel a connection, kind of. Between me and you.
Like if you asked me for help by only looking in my eyes.
Lili: Wow. That's deep.
Cole: Maybe. Well, I'm tired so im gonna get some sleep. Bye, angel.

I get off of Lili's bed and start walking to my room.

Lili: WAIT!!
Cole:What's wrong?
Lili:Nothing. It's just that I dont want you to go... I'm not sure i can spend this night alone.
Can you stay with me tonight.
Cole: But you know I-
Lili: pretty pleeeeeeeaaaase.

God, she looks like she's 7 it's so cute. I cant say no to those beautyful wide green eyes.

Lili: Yayyyy.

And i lay back on her bed as she takes her phone.

Cole: Weren't you supposed to sleep?
Lili: huh? Oh...yes. I'm just putting some music. It helps me calm down. *gets earphones*
Cole: May I have one earphone please.
Lili:You may.

And we just listen to some Billie Eilish songs as we fall asleep.

"Cole?" i hear Lili's quiet soft voice calling my name.
"If you're awake,can you...hold me? I feeling cold" she almost stutters

And I just hold her till we fall asleep for good this time.

Short part. Sorry, i just dont have the time rn. Im finna post a very long part tomorow i promise. And if you listened to ocean eyes while reading this then im giving u my ❤ bc ily. Bye

Complicated-A Sprousehart storyWhere stories live. Discover now