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Barbara POV

I get out of Lili's room as I see Cole sitting on the couch, from up the stairs. I rush downstairs and sit in front on him. "You said you needed to talk..Are you okay?" i start

Cole: I'm okay, I just need to vent a little.
Barbara: Go ahead, I'm all ears!
Cole: Okay but promise me u wont make fun of me.
Barbara: I won't. Now tell me
Cole: Well, so basically everytime you're around, I feel lonely..
Barbara: How come I am the reason of your lonelyness?
Cole: I mean, your Lili's bestest friend..better friend than me..
Barbara: Cole, you are not her best friend you are her boyfriend.
Cole: N-no..that's not what I meant
Barbara: What did you mean, then?
Cole: *breaths out* everytime you're home, i feel like Lili forgets about me. Like, your her only one priority, and she kinda leaves me lonely, I know it's wrong of me to want her with me everytime but I feel like she's never with me anymore. Like you are stealing her from me...
Barbara: Cole...Listen
I am not stealing her from you. I would never. If sge spends more time with me it's because we can't hang out often due to my job and now Riverdale. If you're feeling lonely just tell me, tell her. Neither of us will ever reject you. And..Come on!! What happenned to the confident, almost arrogant Cole Sprouse i know. Since when are you affraid..or jealous of me?
Cole: Since Lili i guess.
Barbara: That's cute.

I get up and head to the kitchen when Cole stops me by grabbing my wrist.

Cole: Hey..Thank you.
Barbara: Of course, anytime.

Cole POV

Barbara made me realize one thing today. I'm head over heels for Lili. So much thay I'm affraid that a simple friend could steal her from me. But that's okay, I'm going to work that jealousy out.
I go to my room and find Lili in it trying some of my hoodies on.

Cole: Lili? Why would you wear boy clothes?
Lili: Your exes never stole your clothes?
Cole: I had my last girlfriend when i was 7 so no *chuckles*.
Lili: Well, it's because 1) theyre comfy and warm. 2) they have your smell.
Cole: You are super mega extra cute.
Lili: *giggles* Why are you being so sweet all of sudden?
Cole: I dont know, I'm just realizing how lucky I am that I get to call YOU, the most beautyful, adorable and cutest girl ever, mine..
Lili: Don't you ever imagine about how I feel. Like, holy fuck I dating Cole fucking Sprouse. I can freaking call the hottest/cutest man in the world mine

an// hate me if u wanna coz i literally havent updated in 4ever and im 'coming back' with this super short/boring part so....

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