"maybe Betty just wanted to kiss Jughead:

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•3days later, 11pm

Cami POV

I'm at Cole's house. Again. But this time it's not to just hang out. Cole, Madelaine and I are helping eachother out with our script.
Cole has to interact with a girl. It's Jughead's and Betty's first kiss scene. So when he's repeating, I play Betty with him. But otherwise I play Veronica. And Madelaine plays Cheryl of course. And tbh, i never expected her to be that good of actress. In the scene she's gotta play for the audition, she has to cry. And she fake-cries so easily like...the fuck!?
Anyways. Both Cole and Madelaine already know all their lines. But I, hardly know 3 words. It's hard, playing Betty with Cole that is never satisfyed with his performance and playing Veronica in the same time.

Cole: Cami, can we do it again please?
Cami: Uhm..sorry Cole but I really gotta learn my lines now.
Cole: Yeah, right but-
Cami: No, Cole. I legit know Betty's lines better than Veronica's. So now, please, lemme focus on my own lines.
Cole: Okay. Sorry if I bothered you.
Cami: It's okay.
Cole: But you're right.
Cami: What do you mean.
Cole: You need to focus more on Veronica. You need to fully focus on YOUR character. So i have to find another Betty.
Mad: You know Debby is busy. She cant help you.
Cole: Yes, but Lili can.
Mads: You dont even know if she likes acting.
Cole: I guess I'll figure it out.
Cami: I'll come with you, tomorrow is the day Lili will learn how  to makeup..

Then I go out of the living room and go get myself a drink in the kitchen.

*phone ringtone*

Lili: Camiii
Lili: Can u please come to the hospital. I'm so LONELYYYYY.
Cami: It's way too late. I don't think they would let me in at nearly 12pm.
Lili: that's right. But promise tomorow you'll come!!
Cami: Of course I'll come. Cole and I already planned to visit u anyway.
Lili: Wait Cole is coming as well?!
Cami: Yes.
Lili: I still dont know how makeup ugh. I'll look horrible.
Cami: Calm down, girl. It's not like it's a date.
Lili: Thanks for the support, Cami.
Cami: I mean, if he likes you only when you're wearing makeup, then he's not worth it.
Lili: Maybe.
Cami: Anyway. When are you getting out of the hospital?
Lili: In one week. Hopefully, they will let me out sooner because this place really sucks.
Cami: Yeah i hope so, too. But arent you tired?
Lili: No, are you?
Cami: Sooo fucking tired. I worked all day.
Lili: Since when do you have job.
Cami: I'll tell you tomorrow. I gotta get some sleep, bye.
Lili: bye.

*hangs up*

I drink a glass of water, then go to bed.

•the next morning, 10am

Lili POV

I'm taking my breakfast. Simple eggs with toast and a glass of orange juice. The two nurses that are taking care of me come in.
One of them give me pills and the other one tells me that some friends of mine are here.
Omg, Cami and Cole. I totatally forgot they were coming.
Thank god im dressed up and my hair is done.
Cami and Cole both enter my hospital room.

Cole: Hi Lili, what's up
Lili: nothing much im just dying to get out of here.
Cami: Do u have any makeup here?
Lili: Yes in the suitcase.
Cami: Good, im gonna teach you how to apply eyeliner.
Cole: Don't make her look like you, Camila.
Camila: And what's wrong with looking like me.
Cole: Lili has her own kind of beauty. Just like you, or Madelaine. I think she should choose what she wanna wear. Right, Lili.

I agreed with Cole and Camila helped me to do a very cute makeup that I could do everyday,then she left. I really liked it I was looking fine for once.

Lili's makeup:

And I just have a bit of pink gloss on the lips.

Cole: We can finally start serious things.
Lili: What!?
Cole: Hum..so Cami Madelaine and I are soon auditioning for a show and i need you to help me with it
Lili: How??
Cole: The scene i have to play for the audition is an interraction with Jughead and Betty.
So since i dont have a Betty to repeat the scene with i thought you could help me.
Lili: Of course. But let me tell i'm not really a good actress.
Cole: It doesn't matter, plus I dont think you'd be thay bad. I mean you made eveyone around you believe you were doing fine for years so i think a short scene for a show wouldn't be hard for you.
Lili: Oh uhm, yeah right..
Cole: Do you wanna start now
Lili:Um..first can u explain the plot.
Cole: Jughead sneeks in Betty's room and he has a big crush on her since forever. They start talking about how crazy is everyone around them and Betty gets nervous. Jughead kisses Betty to calm her down and she kisses him back. But dont worry u dont have to kiss me.

Holy shit.

 I didnt know his "interraction" would end up romantically. I hope things arent awkward after this between Cole and I.

Cole POV

"We're not our parents, Betty.
We're not our families...


SHE kisses me. Lili kisses me i dont know if she's still playing Betty but damn this feels so good. For how long have I been waiting for this. Probabely too long..

Cole: Well, that was my thing to do. Look, it's written here, Jughead kisses Betty. Not the other way around
Lili: Maybe Betty just wanted to kiss Jughead..

an// omg finally i finished this part. This took forever. And also Im sorry I havent updated but I wasn't feeling very good these past 3 days.
Anyway. Here's some photo of the best photoshoot my eyes have ever been blessed by:

+thank u lots for 1k reads i love u guys.
1001 words

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