An amazing day

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during the night, 4am

Lili POV

As Cole already know I want him to be my boyfriend and i can't sleep, I decide to sneak in his room.
Cole is obviously sleeping so he won't notice I'm here till the morning.
I let myself slip under the covers to snuggle into Cole.
And I slowly drifft off to sleep.

Cole POV, 9am

I wake up to a mid-long mane of blonde hair. Nice. I pull them off my face and check if Lili's awake.

Cole: Lils, i know your awake.
Lili: *yawns*
Cole: Get up, Lili.
Lili: 5 more minutes.
Cole: Come on, if you don't get before Mads and Cami them won't let us go out alone.
Lili:*sits up* We're going out??
Cole: It's our last day in LA. We MUST go out. Now get up we don't have much time till your two best friends stop us.
Lili: Fine.

She gets up an goes take a shower.
When she's done, I take a shower. Then, we both dress up with casual clothes and rush out the door.

Cole: Where should we go first?
Lili: This small restaurant that's down the street. I'm craving toast and eggs!
Cole: Alright. Let's go!

We went in, and sat in the corner of the restaurant. Waiting for our food to arrive.

Lili: So..there's this thing I've been willing to tell you for a while.
Cole: I know
Lili: *chuckles* This was supposed to be romantic, Cole!
Cole: Sorry. Let me just..take my camera.
Lili: *giggles* Why now?
Cole: Nothing. Go on.
Lili: Thank you.So, I wanted to ask- I..You..I mean-*mumbles* Argh why am I nervous, now?!?! Sorry  Cole I'm not feeling that good rn..I don't think I can d-
Cole: Can I do something ive been waiting forever?
Lili: Uhm..yeah?

I quickly lean in and slowly kiss her, making sure to capture the moment.

Cole: Yes, I'll be your boyfriend.

Mads POV, 7pm

I can't believe they left alone. Not because I'm stuck with Cami all day but because they get to hang out fall in love and...aaah I can't wait till the day they have kids and get married and they die together. Well, that "die together" isn't the happiest thing but it'd be cute. Or I'm just weird. God what'd I have to make myself uncomfortable.

Cami snaps me out if my weird thoughts.

Mads: WHAT?!
Cami: Idk you were staring at your glass for like 5 minutes so I thought something was wrong
Mads: Oh, no. Everything's okay. I was just thinking.
Cami: About what?
Mads: Nothing important. Do you have KJ's number?
Cami: Yes, why?
Mads: I was thinking we could go out with the cast before we move to Vancouver. And KJ's got everyone's  number so you just need to tell him to call Ashley and Casey.
Cami: Cole and Lili aren't coming?
Mads: No thanks. They'd be making out everytime and it's cute but gross.
Cami: Okay, I'm calling Kj.

Cami called KJ and he told us going out was okay so now we're
on our way to the theather.
We're going to see "the Midnight Sun" with Bella Thorne, my fave REAL redhead.
(an//i absolutely love this movie)

Lili POV

To achieve this lonngggg day in LA, shopping, eating, laughing, chasing after eachoter ect..Cole offered to go see a movie. So I imediately thought of Bella Thorne's new movie. It looks amazing and I think seeing it with Cole would be great, it's a romantic comedy. I know I don't really enjoy this kind of movies but seeing a romcom with your boyfriend/girlfriend is a MUST.

Lili: Are you okay about the movie choice?
Cole: I fine.
Lili: Then why aren't you smiling?
Cole: Look who just enterred the theather.

I see Kj, Cami, Ashleigh, Casey and Mads walking in.
Oh lord..

Madelaine quickly notice I'm here so I mouth her to lead the cast as far from Cole and I as she can.

Lili: Ignore them. Plus, they're not that bad
Cole: I know, it's just..I wanted to spend this day with you and only you.
Lili: You're cute when you're upset.

He blushes, and I slowly kiss him. Then, the movie starts and i lean my head on his shoulder.

This day was amazing. The last time I've been this happy was on my 7th bday so I most likely never forget it. Thanks to Cole...

an// i know i keep saying this whole story is so bad and it must be annoying but..IT IS. So again..sorry for this awful part.
Also, Im going on vacations for a few days so if i don't update you know why :)💓

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