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Cole POV

" Get up sleepyhead" i hear Lili's voice waking me up.
"Morning, angel" i reply getting up to give Lili a hug and a soft kiss
"I tried to wake u up at least 100 times, we're running late for Comic Con."
"How many time do we have left" i say enterring the bathroom.
"30 minutes, just the time for a shower and a car ride" she answers

I then take a quick shower and dress up with a casual yet classy outfit:

And Lili was waiting for me in the living room with a beautyful dress like this:

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And Lili was waiting for me in the living room with a beautyful dress like this:

And Lili was waiting for me in the living room with a beautyful dress like this:

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Then, we went straight to our van that was waiting for us.

The car ride was normal, basically just me and Lili talking and laughing.

Lili: Do you remember anything that happenned last night?
Cole: I remember you stayed by my side when I needed you.
Lili: aw, that's cute. But that's the smaller part of the night. And, Yes you were extremelly drunk.
Cole: Did I win the bet?
Lili: Kj wasnt even that drunk, he must have drunk 4 drinks but no more so yes.
Cole: SERIOUSLY, Dont tell me I did anything stupid or embarrassing last night, cause eventually, that was for nothing.
Lili: That wasn't for nothing cause now Kj's your little slave and YES, you did do some crazy things last night.
Cole: Oh god..what'd I do?
Lili: Well, We were like in the most exposed spot of the club and you randomly started feeling horny..
Cole: Randomly? Come on, you were sat right beside me and I was drunk !! How could I not be?!?!
Lili: Actually, at that moment I was sitting in your lap but that's not important..
SO, you were whispering things in my ears telling me how I was "so sexy in the dress i was wearing" and you started kissing my neck
Cole: please tell me that's all..
Lili: You're lucky, I'm almost done !

So, you started kissing my neck and then my lips but quickly came back to my neck to suck on it, sensually and roughly. Then, you were going down to my breast and that's when i decided to take you to the hotel room because clearly, i had no way to make you stop but to do it. And that's what we did..
Cole: Yeah..I remember the last part..
Was it okay? I mean, I was willing to do it at the party..wasnt it so embarrassing?
Lili: Noo, not at all!!! I was quite funny to act like your mom.
Cole: Very funny.

After a little while we are here. We get off the car,  to join the rest of the cast.


I hope no one told Cole I was barely drunk yesterday cause i know he's gonna kill me or at least making me pay by doing EVERYTHING he wants. And I know how petty he can be..

For now we're doing our 3rd interview of the day, the last one before we go eat then go to the panel. Reporters are basically all asking the same questions but we all know how fans always find the more original questions, or the more inapropriated...


When we were done with the morning interviews I see Lili and Cole walking straight to me. Oh well, i guess I'm doing everything Mr. Sprouse wants from now on.

Cole: Hey KJ, How'd last night go?
Kj: Uh-
Cole: I know youre werent so drunk. Which means, I won since I was literally drunk to death
Lili: WE won
Kj: Wha-
Cole: Since I won you gotta do EVERYTHING I want and the first thing I want you to do is to do EVERYTHING Lili wants for one week
Kj: You've got to be kidding!!
Lili: We're not!! Paybacks for being barely drunk when Cole wasnt even controlling his doings anymore.

They high fived and then left laughing. LAUGHING. This aint funny, the two of them together are going to kill me..for real.

Lili POV

I'm kinda happy that I get Kage to do everything i want him to. I mean I love him but he's like so annoying on set. He always jumps and runs everywhere, he screams he sings and my head cannot take it. So I'm going to make him suffer..softly.

First, he has to buy me lunch,  it's not so mean, is it?

Lili: Kage!!
Kj: Don't tell me I'm starting now
Lili: You are. You have to go buy me..and Cole lunch. I'll take lunchables, Cole wants a salad.

See, I'm terrible.

Cole POV

Honestly, I don't know if this 'slave KJ' situation is either funny cause I'm exhausting him or cute cause Lili is so soft like earlier, she asked him to go get her her favorite blanket that was literally 10 inches away from KJ, she felt devillious. Cutest girl I've ever seen.

Then we went to the panel and the questions were basically the same as tje ones we've been asked earlier exept for the fans ones. One girl asked if me and Lili were dating but that's all. I answered with a "No comment" So they can't tell we are but still, wont believe we aren't.

I'm so happy all this Comic Con thing is over cause I booked Lili and I a little trip. We're going to Cleveland. Mads told me how Lili was missing her little sister so much and I just thought it'd be great if I'd surprise her with two airplane tickets to Cleveland. And whilst we're there, I'm going to visit Dyl'. It's been a long ass time since I last saw him and, honestly, I miss my brother.

an/ Cole and Dylan's relationship is the cutest and I wanna see more of them together (irl) periodt.

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