I will, everyday, dont even worry

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Lili Pov

After the night of the fight Cole and I had, he came back home late and eventually, not even the day after.

Days passed since then and we still haven't talked, hug nor kiss. We're on a break, sort of. I don't know why though, this was just a minor fight. I mean, he did hurt me with what he said that night, but I wasn't mad. I really wasnt. I was just upset that he didn't tell me how he felt about me earlier.
 "clingy couples" these two words were stuck in my mind and I know they won't leave ut until things get vetter between Cole and I
And on set, it hasn't been much easier, since Camila and Charles got together.
They are always being so cuddly, touchy and stuff. I cannit gelp but wanting the same for me. I want a boyfriend. Rectification: I want MY boyfriend back.
And I don't give a fuck of if he wants to ditch dates to go out without me, anymore. As long as he's mine.

Cole POV

I am an asshole. I STILL haven't apologize nor talked to Lili. For nearly one week. One fucking week. You would probabely say 6 days isn't a long time for a fight to last. But Lili and legit could not stay away from one another. Or at least, i could not stay away from her.
But I can't just show her at her trailer and say 'hey, uhm im sorry i was a dick, and i want you back, can u kiss me cause ive been wanting to kiss tgose lips of urs for 6days'. No. That's just not how healthy relationships work.

I'm going to take her to the most romantic date she's ever been to. I have some great ideas in mind already. It's gonna be somewhere peaceful and quiet so we can talk and catch up
Lili POV

"I was ridicalous" Mads laughs at
 first time she rode a horse and talks about her life back in the farm her family owns.
"Have you ever tried to ride a pig?" Camila says giggling as her trailer's door swings open to reveal just the person i want to hold me right now.
"Hey you guys, thank god you're in here!" a cheery Cole exclaims clearly not noticing my presence as I'm kind of hidden undernearth a bunch of fluffy blankets.
"Well, I'm guessing you guys noticed how Lili and I weren't in the best therms lately" Mads and Cami nod "Well, I've been thinking of making it up to her with the best date she'll ever go to.
I want to date her on a hot air balloon, is it a good idea??" he asks the two now exited girls nervously.
"How course it is, Cole. Trust your guts and im positive she'll forgive  you" Madelaine says looking over at the purple blanket i was holding. Eventually she looked a little too long as Cole sensed my presence under the layers of blanket.
he uncovers my face and smile widely. "hi" i shyly say "hi" he responds and then no one adds any words. Complete silent, but a comfortable silence. Just me and and Cole smiling at eachother. Well, Cami and Mads are watching but they dont really matter for now.

"is any of you two going to say something or..?" Cami asks
"leave us alone and we will" i answer still staring into Cole eyes as Madelaine and Camila exit the trailer.
"Where were we?" Cole says
"You wanted to take me to a hot air balloon date." i state
"Yeah, exactly. You up for it? Tomorow?" I asks a smile creeping up his face.

Oh. He looks so happy I don't wanna disappoint him. But I can't. I got selected to play a streaper on a movie with JLo and I just cannot decline.

"I'm sorry Cole. But I'm afraid we cant go to that date" i say clenching my jaw nervously
"Why not?" his smile drops
" Well, I'm heading to New York tomorow morning to shoot my next movie. Starring Jennifer Lopez, Keke Palmer and Constance Wu..sorry?" i aslmost whisper the last words
" Are you kidding??!1! YOU ARE GOING TO BE JLO'S COSTAR!!! DONT EVER BE SORRY FOR THAT!!" He shouts lift me up then spinning me around
"There's just one thing.." i start holding Cole's face close to mine
"Will you..visit me? Not that i wanna bother you and your plans i know you have a lot of things in progress and you told me you wanted to catch up with your brother and all but-" he cuts me of with a kiss. A deep soft passionate warm kiss.

" I will, everyday, don't even worry"

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