the night

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Lili POV

i feel a strong hand shaking my shoulder.
?? : hey..wake up Lili.
Lili: *yawns*
?? : Liliiiii !!! Come ON!!
Lili: *suddendly sits up* IM UP !! I'm up...
I say a bit sore. I look around me and recognize the twins' place.
Lili: I fell asleep, didn't I?
Cole: yeah..i told everyone to wake you up since im not good at softly waking up people but they abandoned you here, i guess.
i chuckle.
Lili: Actually you weren't that rude, waking me up.
Cole: um..thanks? Anyway. You should probably call your parents to tell them where you are.
Cole: I don't know..around 4am i think.

Amy is gonna kill me, like fr.
i never came home later than 8.30pm.
im literally dead.

Cole: Lili?? Helloww ??
Lili: ye-yeah im here. I was just..thinking.
Cole: you were about to call your parents..
Lili: yes

I turn on my phone and 47 notifications with the name of "Amy👿" is filling my whole homescreen. I can't read the texts cause tons of tears are stuck in between my eyelids but i already know what they are about. They're threats. They always are. Once I thought about going to the police station but if they don't believe me and Amy finds out i wanted to get rid of her, SHE would get rid of me by sending me in Sri Lanka.

Cole POV

"...You were about to call your parents.."
i remind her.
she just answer with a nervous "yes."and turns on her phone.
I can tell this wasn't a good idea of mine as she just drops her phone and tears are now streaming down her face.
I eventually picks her phone off the floor.
i don't read the 47 messages some girl called Amy sent her but the few ones i read are sayings things like "go to hell, you faithless bitch" or "i wish you were never born" and it goes on.
I break the silence (that is not really silence bc Lili is crying) that in between Lili and me and tell her making sure my voice is comforting:
Cole: hey...calm down. Breath in and out.
I don't who that Amy is but she's not worth these tears.So wipe them all away and smile. Because you more beautyful when youre smiling. I don't like seeing people crying, so please if it isn't for you do it for me.
Lili: Fine.. *whipes her tears away*
thank you. Never someone cared that much about me. So it's incredibly kind of you to do that for me.
Cole: No problem. I have anxiety so i know what it's like crying while being super scared of something..or someone .
But your problem seem to be way more serious than mine so i don't think they're really comparable.
Lili: *smiles with a few tears on her cheecks* i should probablystart heading home.
Cole: Or you could stay. Stay. Dylan and I are only two teens living in a 50 rooms villa. There's enough room for the three of us.. Plus I don't want to let you go knowing that some girl named Amy wants to hurt you.
Lili: Can you lead me to my room pls. Your villa is huge.
Cole: Sure follow me..

I lead her to her room, next to Dylan and I's. And she stops in front of her door

"Can I ask you something?" she says
"You just did but sure, go ahaed" i reply
"C-can y-you..humm h-hug m-me pls?" she stutters shyly (that was very cute)
"U know you don't have to be this nervous, im always down for hugs." I answer

And she hugs me. Very tightly. I can feel she needed that hug for so long.
I can tell she feels empty yet full of pain.
she's mentally homeless she has no one to count on and.. would i know all those things just spending a few hours with her? odd.

She lets go of me and go to sleep.

I do the same and tell myself
"i need to help this girl. She has to find a home. Not like a home home but someone she could rely on and everything.
She has a cold soul that needs to be warmed up..."

An//i tried to write something cute but its so cliché

an edit 3 months later// wtf is this

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