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Cole POV

Cami and I are coming back home
and as I drive closer to the house I see 3 ambulance trucks and start to drive a little faster.
I park my car next to one of the trucks and rush in the living
I see Dylan and Debby standing with very very woried face and Barbara sitting on the couch crying like her mother just died.
"What's happening????" I shout almost scarying Debby.
Barbara lifts her head from her knees . "I-it's *sobs* IT'S LILI!!!"
She shouts at me with hundreds of tears streaming down her face.
Cole:Lili. Where is she?!!?? What happened?!!!
Dylan: Lili's just left with a buch of nurses. She probabebly is in a hospital room already. A big flower vase hit her head so she was incouncious. We know she will be okay but we dont when yet.
Cami: Oh no...
Cole: How come they don't kbiw when she'll be okay. SHE NEEDS TO BE OKAY NOW. Her birthday is tomorow, I was thinking about taking her out with some friends and we could go to a restaurant ir something but now all my plans are just..dead.
Debby: They're not. If she's awake tomorow, we can all visit her and Cole, you'll make a cake. I'll go buy Mountain Dew and Cookie dough. Barbara could buy some decorations and Cami you bring photos. Photos with you and Cole and Barbara and all the team. So she feels at home. And you, Dylan you can bring her the blanket she always takes with her. The purple one. Okay?
Everyone: okay.
Debby: One more thing, Cole. Take your laptop. She might want to watch Netflix.
Cole: All right.

Honestly I'm still in shock. But i try to hide my emotions and do as Debby requested. Lili once mentionned that she loves strawberry cakes. So I went to buy everything i needed for the cake and I made it, so it would be ready by tomorow morning. I left it in the fidge and went to bed

The cake:

[The next morning]

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[The next morning]

Lili POV

Ouch. I wake up with what seems like a blast in my head.
I look around me. A hospital room?I try to get up but the pain is holding me back. What am I doing here?
Soon, two nurses come with a breakfast on a tray.

Nurse 1: Hello Miss Reinhart. How was your night.
Lili: To be honest. I don't know. I don't even know what I am doing here.
Nurse 2: It's normal if you don't remember everything. Yesterday you suffered a strong impact.
A big flower vase hit your head and the memories should come back by tomorow.

(An// she remembers all her life, she just forgot what happenned yesterday)

Lili: When will I be able to go back home.
Nurse 1: In one week, Is that okay.
Lili: Humm..Not really. Today's my birthday and i was fixing to throw a party but I guess I'll just lay on this bed alone.
Nurse 2: No! Your friends are coming to visit you in 1 hour.
Lili: Reallyyyy??!! YES!! I'll finally get to talk to Cole
Nurse 1: Cole..he is your boyfriend?
Lili: Oh, I wish. I like him but he definitely doesn't. He's a celebrity, he can get every girl he wants. And the girl he wants is eventually not me...
Nurse 2: Talk to him you'll see what happens.
Lili: That's easy to say..
Nurse 1: AND easy to do. If you don't do anything and he finds another girl, you'll blame yourself forever. And that's bad for mental health.
Lili: Fine. I'll talk to him.
Nurse 2:*hands medicine* take two of these with water. And don't get up before we tell you so.
Nurse1: Rest well, girly. Bye *leaves*
Lili: bye.

An// Short chapter. I'm sorry I didn't really have inspiration. But next will be Lili's birthday party wich means sprousehart will posibly rise for a few moments :)

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