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[Meanwhile the girls are at the beach]

Cole POV

Lili and the girls just left so Dylan and I are looking forward to invite one friend that lives near us.
Cole: Why don't we invite Debby?
I saw she was around on Instagram.
Dylan: Yeah why not. Plus, I haven't seen her since we moved
Cole: That's right. Hold on a minute, I'm calling her.

*on the phone*

Cole: Hi, Deb!!
Debby: Hey, What's up Cole?
Cole: Dylan and I want to meet up with you. Do you want to come over? Just to talk a bit.
Debby: Yeah of course. I'm already on my way. See you and Dyl.


Cole: She's coming. I think she'll be here in ten.
Dylan: Great. I order some sushis so we'll eat them together. Like in the old days.

Debby POV

So I'm at the twins' house and Dylan is coming with sushis.

Debby: So guys, how's life in this new house? Or I'd rather say mansion.
Dylan: It's actually very great. The house is big and beautyful. We have quite everything we want... Do you me to show you around.
Debby: Yess !!! Why not??
Dylan: Follow me.

The living room

The room where they eat (idk the word lol)

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The room where they eat (idk the word lol)

The guests rooms (let's say they all alike)

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The guests rooms (let's say they all alike)

The guests rooms (let's say they all alike)

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