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2 days later

Lili POV

Cole is visiting me today. He told me I need to help him with Riverdale one last time. He auditions in 1 week, in LA. I think it'd be a good idea if i'd go along with him, Cami and Mads. I mean, i'm not that good at acting but I really enjoy it, and I could spend more time with Cole..and Cami and Madelaine.

I'm getting ready as Betty Cooper.
I put some eyeshadow, a pink gloss and little bit of blush.

her makeup

her makeup

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I'm kinda happy with this look

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I'm kinda happy with this look. It's the first makeup I do all by myself and, well, I love it. I just wish I could wear other clothes than this white hospital gown.
Mrs. Thompson (the nurse) comes in my room.

Mrs.Thompson: Hello there, Lili.
Lili: Hello.
Mrs. Thompson: Have you taken your pills yet?
Lili: Do I reallu have to take those?
Mrs. Thompson: How do you feel?
Lili: Really good. I mean, I can walk normally, my head doesn't hurt anymore. I'm alright.
Mrs.Thompson: Fineee. Don't take them.
Lili: THIS is why YOU are my favorite person on earth.
Mrs.Thompson: Really? I am? I thought it was Cole?
Lili: I mean...
Mrs.Thompson: I know what you mean, no need to tell me ;)
Lili: I'll miss you.
Mrs. Thompson: Aww me too sweetheart.
Lili: I'm not kidding I really will. You are the best advisor and I know I didn't stay much time here but you've become kind of a mother to me.

I don't know if i scared her with this "mom" thing but she not moving she's just staring at me with glossy eyes. One single tear appears on her bottom eyelid. She's crying.

Lili: Why are you crying.
Mrs.Thompson: I can't believe you're leaving tomorow. It's so soon. And your words. U just said i've become a mother to you. Well, u've become like a daughter to me.
Lili: You should give me your number.
Mrs. Thompson: For sure

The other nurse that is taking care of me interrupts us.

Nurse: Miss Reinhart? Cole is here.
Lili: YES- Uhm sorry..Thank you for telling me.
Mrs. Thompson: You got it Lili *leaves*

Cole POV

I didn't know Lili would look this good with makeup on. Like really good. Like too good. It hurts. I know some would advise to just just tell her what I feel but I know it would disapoint me. There's no point on asking a question when you know the answer will be no. So I just keep going. And we rehearse for my audition one last time.

Lili: Ugh...FINALLY. We're done
Cole: yeah..finally.
Lili: Do you think I would make a good actress?
Cole: Are you kidding? Of course you would. You're gifted.
Lili: Wow Cole Sprouse told me I was gifted. I'm so honoured.
Cole: Ha-Ha very funny.
Lili: This isn't "funny" I'm just acting like the fangirl I am.
Cole: You're unbelievebale.
Lili: I know. But anyways, uh..I have something to ask you.
Cole: Go ahead.
Lili: Can I audition for Riverdale with you and the girls.
Cole: You don't need to ask me the permission and yes of course.
Lili: YES

Lili comes closer and hugs me. Her in my arms , it feels so right. It feels so good. I don't want it to last. Unfortunaly she pulls away.

And she's all smiley, it's so cute.

an//i have literally no inspiration so if this chapter was boring I'm sorry.

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