Welcome to the Sprouses' house

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Cole POV

I'm thinking about Lili's texts from Amy.
In one of the texts i saw yesterday (well, today at 4am) there was written something like "come back home right now" so i guess Amy is either Lili's sister or mother. Whoever she is, i cant let Lili go back home with Amy threatening her.
Imma phone her to tell her not to go back to her house. She's staying here until i find out who is Amy, what did she do to Lili and why.
I know this sound a bit weird, even creepy because i know her for only a few hours. But it's just..i don't know,  i feel ,like... like ive known her for years and she needs me to help her. Or even to save her..

Lili POV

im finally outta school after one exhausting day and I try to walk the fastest as I know Camila could be there any second asking me about Cole over and over again. And this is so...awkward.
I mean nothing really hapenned yesterday, he was just being sweet and kind to me. That's all.

Someone grabs my arm from the behind and..
Cami: Lili!!! I've looking for you all day!!
Where have u been??

Well, shit.

Lili: I- uh..

My phone rings. Thank god.

*over the phone*
Lili:Hello. Who's speaking?
??: Uh..it's Cole


Cole: Im calling you because i would like you to...
Lili: to what?
Cole: not to go back to your house and come over to mine instead.

Lili: Oh okay. I won't go to my house.
Cole: Good.
Lili: But for how long?
Cole: Come over and we'll talk about it.
Lili: well, sounds like i don't have a say  so it's a yes.
Cole: See ya.
Lili: WAIT. Don't hang up!!
Cole: What??
Lili: i dont have any clothe.
Cole: oh..yeah, right. We'll go shopping tonight .
Lili: I don't have any money either...
Cole: I dont really like to bring it up but i am a millionaire, i can afford some clothes.
Lili: No no no, you cant do tha-
*he hangs up*

Cami: What hapening? Is everything okay?
Lili: yes. Everything is okay.
Cami: So we can go home?
Lili: uhmmm..not really.
Cami: Why that?
Lili: Can you..walk me to Cole and Dylan's house please?
Cami: Why would you go see them?
Lili: Cole might or might not have asked me to live with him and Dylan...and I might or might not have said yes..
Lili: ikr

And we start heading to Cole's house. And Dylan's.

Dylan POV

I'm casually watching animes on tv (an// idk what anime he watches 🤷‍♀️)
*doorbell rings*
i get up and open the door

Dylan: Hi..?
Lili: Hi. *tries to come in*
Dylan: Wai-wai-wai-wait!! Why are you here?
Lili: Hasn't Cole told you?
Dylan: told me what...?
Lili: I'm staying here. Like..now i kind of live here. Not for long, though. Well, i dont really know for how long but dont worry u wont even notice my presence..
Dylan: well, shit
Lili: what?
Dylan: I said that out loud, didn't i?
Lili: yes..yes you did, you know if im bothering you i can leave, it's not a problrm i me-
Dylan: NO! no, you're not. It's just...i invited my girlfriend over tomorow and she lives in New York so we don't get to see eachother often and i thought that we could spend the day with just the two of us but oh well. But it's not because of you. You don't have to mind it.
Lili: What's your girlfriend's name?
Dylan: Barbara
(an// i absolutely loveee Darbara so if i write a lot about them in the future this is because i love them so much)
Lili: Cute name. I used to have a doll name Barbara..

 *she goes upstairs*

I have to talk to Cole like right now.
You have to know that Cole really like making friends and all, he's an extrovert. He's not shy at all, the oposite. But he rarely invite them over. So to ask  a GIRL he knows since YESTERDAY to (sorta) live with him is..i don't know. It's not something the usual Cole would do.

Maybe he... NOOOOO he cant have a crush this fast, can he.
Well, if he does have a crush on this Lili i know what Barbara and I are doing tomorow...


My bitchy daughter won't stop surprising me. She's really left home like she could do whatever she wanded to.
No no no..that's not gonna happen. She's heading home tonight. Whether she wants to or not or i swear to god im gonna beat the crap out of her harder than ever.
*some1 knocks at the door*

??: Good afternoon Mrs.Reinhart.
Amy: Good afternoon.....stranger.
??: Sorry i forgot to introduce myself. Im Cole, your daughter's friend.
Amy: Which daughter? Chloe? Tess?
Cole: Lili.
Amy: Oh lord.

An// Do you want me to write about Darbara because they could help Sprousehart to get together...

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