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Lili POV

I'm on my bed with Barabara and we're talking about some matching outfits we could wear tomorow. I know we just met. But i feel like she's my best friend.
Well, my 2nd best friend because Cami is my BESTEST friend.
Who would have thought that i could have 2 besties.
Who would have thought I'd have friends???
This year is by far the best of my life.

"Hey looks at these LV shorts!!!" Barbara says wich gets me out of my thoughts.

Lili:Too bad, I can afford them...
Barbara:It doesnt matter.
Lili: Yes, it does. I cant get something i didn't but.
Barbara: Yes you can. I have enough money for both of us.
Lili: Why is everyone so nice to me lately.
Barbara: You're nice to me, too. You acted like a fan-girl in the beginning but now you're acting normal and believe it or not only a few people treat me like a "normal teenager" (an// in this story Barbara is 17 and let me remind you that the twins turned 18 one month ago and Lili is will be 17 in 5 days in the story)
Lili: Yeah..I get what you mean. People come to you just because you're a celebrity. They don't care who truly are. They just wanna have a famous friend. Take photos with you, post them on Instagram making sure to tag you on them and the using you to get free clothes and followers. Am I right?
Barabara: You are TOTALLY right.
How'd you know??!!
Lili: Classic.
*both chuckle*
Barbara: Well, I bought the shorts. I'm gonna go see Dylan because he's gonna get jealous of you.
Lili: Go get your man.

Dylan POV

I see Barbara coming in our room after leaving me for 2hours.
"Finally" i say so she explain me what she was doing all this time.

Barbara: I was with Lili. We were doing some shopping online.
Dylan: you already ditch me for a girl.
Barbara: Oh, Come on babe. I stayed with her like 2hours.
Dylan: You have only 2 weeks with me, we wasted two hours.
Barbara: We wasted two hour to do what.
Dylan: To get my brother a girl.
Barbara: OMG YES!!! WHO!!
Dylan: Lili. I saw him. He won't admit it but i know he likes her.
Barbara: How?
Dylan: So I heard Lili's got issues at home so Cole told her to live in here. And today, just before you arrived he went shopping with her. He never NEVER go shopping.
Even for him. See, he always wear the same clothes.
Barbara: Right. So..what's the plan??
Dylan: Since you're already "bff" with Lili, you'll just keeping talking to her about anything. Like u just did. But in like 4 days, the night before her birthday, you gotta talk a lot about me and bring up the "boys" topic. So basically, you'll ask if she has a crush and when she tells you who her crush is you tell her that Cole might like her. And that she should talk to him.
Barbara: I barelly understood what you just said but dont worry I promise they'll be together in one week.
Dylan: Now let's just..cuddle.
Barbara: Can we also watch a movie??
Dylan: Sure, what do you wanna watch??
Barbara: Spiderman-Homecoming

We put the movie and quickly both difft off to sleep, in eachother's arms

Cole POV

I'm walking to my room when someone stops me by grabbing my arm.

Lili:Hey..uhm, can we talk??
Cole: Of course. What's up.
Lili:Not here. Come in

I come in and we sit on her bed she puts the sheets above herself and start talking.

Lili: So..I already told it to Cami over the phone but I feel like I need to trust you, too since you kinda live with me. And you're the person that's been the kindest to me for my entire life.
Ahem..So about Amy. She's my mother but i stopped calling her that for now over 7 years.
She did-sh-she *starts sobbing*
Cole: Hey, you dont need to tell me right now, I can wait.
Lili: NO. I wanna tell you. Now.
Cole: okay.
Lili: So basically, one night i had had a stupid nightmare and it woke me up. I was scared and my throat my randomly sore. So i went to the kitchen to drink some water and she was there. Amy...

An//So that's it. Lili is telling Cole about the night. I was too lazy too write the whole night again but basically her mom had thrown beer empty bottles at her and Lili was cover by blood after that ect..
And Amy told Lili that "it was all her fault" and that "she deserved it" even if Lili still doesn't know what she was talking about. ;) xx

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