Winter Things

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1 year later , lili pov

The past year year has been one of the best of my life, if not the best. Riverdale was renewed for a 5th season and season 4 is a success. I starred in two big movies, and one even is nomitated for the Oscars. Me and Cole are stronger than ever and are getting a dog for Christmas, well we better be cause Cole promised (it's Christmas Eve one year later lol) 

So as a Christmas tradition decided to go back to Barbara and Dylan's apartement, but without Cami and Mads this time cuz they're with their boyfriend and dog. Because YES they already got a dog and I'm here begging my my boyfiend like a whining kid UGH. Anyways, we're all in the living room, me and cole lying on a different couch than Dylan and Barbara. In front on the fire place while watching some random Christmas movies while drinking hot chocolates with the famous marshmallows in em.Just because we have nothing else to do and Barbara and I thought cuddling up with our boyfriends next to a fire place on a Christmas Eve while drinking our best hot chocolate would be the best idea ever, so we did :)

"This must be the best day ever" Dylan states kissing Babara's cheek.

We all shoot a look at him, surprised he was the one saying that. This would usually be something I, or Barbara, or even Cole, would've said. But Dylan, he's not the softy or romantic type. Well, i think, Barbara doesn't look that surprised he said that, she simply blushes and buries her head in the crook od Dylan's neck as i do the same with Cole.

He was right, though. I must be the best day ever.

"this would be perfect if the weather was more 'Christmasy' though" i add

"Right? It's like 60°F outside. It's Christmas for fuck's sake i was expecting at least 40 °F" cole complains

"i don't even know how you gouys had the idea of doing such winter things while it's more like a spring weather outside" he adds

" i love winter things"


an| this sucks but part2 is coming in a bit, idk when though. but as soon as i finish it. Btw sorry, i keep writing short chapters but i dont have much time nor inspo soooo...yeah :(

stream Christmas and Chill and Christmas Kisses by Ariana Grande cuz this part is inspired by her song " Winter Things" byeeee  ( these are her two Christmas albums)

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