Chapter 14

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Your POV

Once Harry left you made you way up stairs, you watch Darcy sleep for a while, the longer you watched her sleep the more you wanted Harry with you. You wanted to be held and told everything will be okay. This wasn't going to happen you'd sent him away...

Was it really what you wanted?

Your heart yearned for his touch, your ears begged to hear his voice, your stinging eyes wanted nothing more than to look in his deep green eyes, your body wanted to feel safe in his embrace. The more you thought about him, the more your body ached.

You snapped out of your thoughts, you decided to turn to someone who'd always been there for you. Never judged you. Stuck through everything with you. Made you feel better. Supported you. You picked up your phone and dialled a number.

*Ring. Ring. Ring*

"Hello?" A voice responded

You; "Ed I really need you. Where are you?"

Ed; "Omg y/n is that you, hey... I'm at home got back off my radio tour yesterday... Where are you? I'll come to you" he replied worried

You; "I'm at home, I'm so sorry I know its late"

Ed; "Don't be stupid I missed you and Darcy, give me a minute to get dressed, be right round"

You;"Thanks Ed, I missed you too, Darcy hasn't stopped asking when she'll see you again"

Ed; "Awwww. See you in a minute babe"

The line went dead, Ed never failed to be there for you he was your best friend, brother, your shoulder he was amazing any girl would be lucky to call him hers.

You went back upstairs and watched Darcy sleep, the front door was opened you knew it was Ed because he was the only other person besides Harry that had a key. You heard the stairs creek under his foot step, the butterflies in your stomach were crazy you never realised how much you missed him.

He then appeared in the door way, you flung your arms around him so tightly he lifted you off the ground slightly hugging you tightly

"Heyy you" he whispers trying not to wake Darcy

"Heyy" you reply

Once you both released each other he walked over to the bed sat next to Darcy, gently stroked her curls out of her face kissing her forehead

"Hey there little soldier, I missed you. I'm going to be here when you wake up and you can give uncle Ed a massive cuddle.... I love you Darcy sweet dreams" he pulled her blanket up to her chest.

It was so adorable seeing Ed with Darcy, he was her father figure for so long and such a good one.

You followed Ed downstairs making him a hot chocolate, you sat on the sofa and looked at him smiling at you. You couldn't help but smile back.

*Ed's POV*

When my phone rang... I checked the time it was after 3am who the hells calling me at this time.

When y/n spoke into the phone she seemed different, hurt but not like I've heard her before, this was a difference sound of hurt. She asked me to go over I couldn't get ready quicker, she's my best friend, sister, someone I confide in, when she needed me I was there. When I needed her she was there.

I drove over to her apartment, I couldn't wait to see her or Darcy I missed them so much over the past week. I got into the apartment I saw y/n and hugged her tightly, I went over to Darcy she looked like an angel sleeping my little soldier looks peaceful when she sleeps...

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