Chapter 15

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*Ed's POV*

I spent the morning round y/n's. Me and Darcy were playing a game and y/n was sorting things out.

She hadn't had any sleep last night, she looked drained emotionally and physically I was trying to keep Darcy entertained so y/n didn't have to deal with keeping her occupied while she done the usual things.

At 12.30pm someone knocked at the door, I walked to the door Darcy in my arms on my hip. She was giggling as I opened the door I saw a hungover looking Harry.

"Alright mate" I said to him, y/n asked me not to get involved so I kept quiet.

"Alright Ed" Haz replies.

I stepped aside and let Harry in.

Harry; "Hey munchkin" he said to Darcy

Darcy looked at him "Hi daddy" she said looking sad.

Harry put his arms out to take her from me but she held me tighter "Don't you want to come to daddy baby?" Harry asked looking hurt.

She shook her head "No, Daddy will leave me again, like you did before and you did yesterday"

Harry looked surprised that she noticed this.

"Baby, I'm so sorry about yesterday. I was so stupid I really am sorry, I didn't mean to leave you I promised I'd always be with you and I broke that promise, I swear I'll always be here baby, even if I make mistakes I will learn from them, you can tell me off as well munchkin I am sorry" Harry was begging for her to forgive him.

Darcy smiled "Okay daddy I forgive you. But don't do it again" she says pointing her finger at him.

"I won't I promise, can I have a hug, I missed my little girl" he put his arms out and Harry hug her tightly.

I interrupted... "Erm, y/n's in the kitchen" I say

"Ohh right" Haz replies.

"I suggest you apologise and beg for forgiveness" i say sternly.

He nods and puts Darcy on the sofa walking into the kitchen.

*Harry's POV*

Seeing Darcy not want to come to me hurt so much, my heart got torn apart there and then. My little girl realised I wasn't there to protect her, she thought I had left her.

When she told me off it was the cutest thing ever she pointed her finger at me, frowned the way y/n does when she's mad and used a stern voice. When she hugged me I didn't want to let go but I no that I had to sort things out with y/n.

I'd never been so nervous before, I was petrified to what her reaction, would she shout? Kick off? Slap me? Ohh god or the worst tell me she was wrong about me?

I'd been dreading this moment all night all day, well since the minute she saw me with that girl... I don't even know here name.

*Your POV*

Harry was in the living room, he sorted things out with Darcy you didn't think he'd bother coming to see you because you wasn't exactly the nicest person last night.

"Hi" you heard a deep voice.

You turn around and see Harry looking nervous

"Erm... Oh hi" you reply slightly shocked

Your still cleaning the counter as he makes his way into the kitchen slightly closer to you.

"Y/n I think we really need to talk, I need you to speak to me please" Harry begged

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