Chapter 16

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*Your POV*

You lay back down on your bed with your head on Harry's chest.

"Harry?" You say almost scared

"Yeah babe" he says worried

"When I mentioned having one relationship after you?" Harry goes tense under you "Yeahh?"

"I didn't tell you something.... " You reply closing your eyes scared of his reaction..

Harry pulls back and looks at you "Babe? Your scaring me... What didn't you tell me?"

You freeze under his eyes, you lost control of your voice and couldn't seem to speak you tried but the words wouldn't come out.

"Y/n you can't leave me hanging like that, for god sake tell me already!" Harry shouts at you.

You didn't realise it but you flinched when Harry shouted at you, you never seen him this angry... You debate with yourself whether to carry on telling him or not.

You decide to run and forget this conversation, you tried to leave the room, but Harry grabbed your arm forcefully refusing to let go with your struggle.

"Harry please, let me go" you plead

"No. Not until you tell me... We are meant to be honest in a relationship... Tell me" the look in his eyes scared you, it wasn't Harry you'd seen this look before but never thought Harry would be the one to make you remember it.

"HE HURT ME HARRY" you shout at him "... Like your doing now" You say your voice becoming quite, weak and vulnerable, you look at his grip.

He releases you instantly he steps closer to you and you step back in fear, you didn't want him close to you

Specially not with that look in his eyes, you feared that look most.

"Don't move away when I approach you please. I would never do that to you" he sounded genuine. He takes a step forward, but your instincts tell you to step back... So you do.

"Babe please, don't move away from me" he says sadly.

"You just hurt me Harry... Just stay back for a minute" you say sternly

"I.. Errr... I'm going for a ... Erm... A walk" you say nervously.

"No wait please. Talk to me? Confide in me like Ed? Tell me what he did? Tell me what you wanted to tell me before I blew up .. An... And scared you, I never meant to scare you, I don't ever.....EVER want to scare you, don't be scared of me the look on your face is killing me... Please...please talk to me" Harry pleaded for you to trust him.

You step closer to him

"Just don't touch me and take that look out your eyes, that's the look. I can't have you touch me when I explain this Harry, I'll freak out. Okay?" You want to make sure he knows the limits.

He puts his hands up in surrender "Okay I won't touch you... But after can I?" He asks

You "I don't know I've never had to tell someone this before."

*Harry POV*

I scared her I never wanted to scare her, I'd never hurt her on purpose.. NEVER. I love her why would I ever hurt her she's my baby.

The idiot that laid his hands on her forcefully will get what's coming to him, especially if I ever see him. It angered me... She said the look in my eye was the look, did he look like it when he hurt her. What did he do to my baby.

I don't want to hear this but then I do. I'm ready to hear it ... Well I hope and think I am.

I sat in suspense on the opposite side of the bed to her she kept the distance, it was clear this is the distance she wanted for the time being.

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