Chapter 32

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*Harry's POV*

Literally I was petrified to propose to her my heart was in my throat, beating 10x faster than normal. I loved this girl with all my heart I couldn't handle it if she would have said no. Rejection from y/n had always scared me, even the rejection of a kiss scared me, the fear of her not wanting me or something from me was too high for her to reject me gosh I sound like a girl right now.
I feel foolish of being worried, she won't reject me... Will she? I pray she won't. Oh gosh she will I just got too cocky, she's going to put me back in my place, I don't own her. She won't say yes. This is stupid. Wait.. No I have to ask her I love her. I will do this.
I hated having a conversation with myself it annoyed me. There I was in the bushes holding a puppy with a ring attached to the collar, with the most beautiful girl standing under the stars eyes closed awaiting me to let her open her eyes. That's when she called me.
Getting down on one knee I held the puppy, after I proposed she said yes. I couldn't contain my excitement but I couldn't find the best way to express how I felt, I kissed her, picked her up, spun her around, laughed, cheered everything possible. I loved this girl with all my heart. She's going to be my Mrs Styles.
Walking to the car, looking at her, our hands intertwined, the puppy just sitting in her arm. My finger traced the engagement ring constantly, the feeling of knowing this ring was a symbol of our love, it symbolised the future that feeling is indescribable. The home ride was filled with smiles, winks and hand kissing no words were used our feelings were clear to one another.
Reaching home or atleast my mom's house, I prayed y/n's mother wouldn't appear....
Until her father appear.... Sh*t I can't believe I didn't ask him. Oh gosh I'm actually terrified. What is he's p*ssed because I haven't asked him
Him and y/n have a conversation, then she slips in were engaged oh gosh, kill me now...
"Sir I asked y/n to marry me tonight, if I knew you'd be home I would of asked permission first." I look down.
He touches my shoulder "Son, you take care of my little girl, Love her and treat her right. That's all I ask. Did you say yes sweetie?" Y/n's father comments.
I nod dazed and confused why wasn't he shouting. "yes"
"I'm so happy for you. Can we meet tomorrow?" He asks.
"Thanks dad. Yes I'd love that." Y/n replies her dad smiling wide.
After he's gone, I pull y/n into my arms holding her against my chest. Walking into the house I smile at how were now engaged. Instantly were bombarded by the lads and my parents all awaiting our response.
Instantly y/n understood we where going to trick them.
"Well ... Urm... I didn't... Well" I started confused on what to say.
"He didn't do too well." y/n says looking serious and straight faced. Everyone's mood dropped immediately.
"Oh..." Niall comments.
Walking into the living room y/n hides her hand by inter twinning her fingers with mine. "The thing is guys, Harry didn't do well because he made everything... Perfect" she smiles up at me squeezing my hand. I smile down.
"Luckily Mrs Future Styles said yes" I kiss he lisp as she smiles wide.
"WHAT!!" Louis screamed. Pulling y/n's hand up I reveal the ring on her finger.
We got charged at by all 7 of them.
The boys spun y/n around while I got hugged and patted on the back, also I had a few hand shakes. My mom takes y/n face into her hands she gives her the proud mom smile. I'm guessing Darcy was in bed.

After being interrogated we headed upstairs kissing the top of her head. Laying down with my fiance' in my arms it almost seemed surreal.
"I'm so lucky to have you." I whisper kissing her head.
"Mmm" she was too tired to reply.
"Haz?" Mumbled is all I hear.
"Tomorrow we'll go round to your parents without Darcy and talk to your mom and dad." I say a little apprehensive.
She sighs "I don't want to."
"I know baby but it has to be done."
"Urghhh." Burying her head into my chest.
Hearing the cries of the puppy she awakes a little more. Whistling the puppy creeps up to the side of the bed, releasing me she picks the puppy up and set her down on the bed.
"Oh so the puppy gets a cuddle and kiss before bed and I don't?" I smirk.
"Well..." Y/n, leans up and kisses my lips passionately making me want more I try to show my hunger she smiles and kisses my nose gently.
"Now future hubby, if I cuddle you can we fall asleep?"
I think "Ummmm.... Okay then, I like the sound of hubby."
"Thank you." She kisses my chest as I hold her closer.

*Your POV*

Waking up was even worse than the previous day, the puppy licked your cheek.
"Puppy go away." Harry mumbles.
"Haz." You call.
"Oi puppy leave my wife she mine to kiss not yours." He places the puppy on the floor. You smile into his side at his comment. "Mmmm" you moan while taking in his sweet, husky scent.
"Babe are you sniffing me?" He chuckles. You nod your head in response giggling.
"Why?" He wipes the hair off your face.
"Because you smell nice." You mumble into his chest£
"Yeah. Well if you let me I'd like to look into your beautiful eyes and tell you something..." You don't move.
"Open you eyes babe." He pokes your ribs, turning on your back you open your eyes, to find him leaning over you smiling.
"What did you wish to say my love." You mess around.
"That I love you." He smiles kissing your nose.
"Really? All that for that?" You giggle.
"Yes I wanted to say it while your eyes stared into mine." Kissing him you get up.
Sorting Darcy out with breakfast, she loves the puppy she decided she wanted to call her 'Lola' you and Harry agree. It suits her.
"Mommy daddy said I'm going with Nanny Anne and Auntie Gemma today, why me no go with you and daddy?" She asks. As Harry makes pancakes.
"Yes sweetie. Me and daddy need to go see some people first then we'll come get you and go out to the bracelet shop okay?" She nods and jumps in excitement, Lola barks and runs around with Darcy.
Watching them play Harry hugs you from behind, taking your hand he strokes the ring.
"Having regrets?" You question watching your hands.
"NO! Never!" You smile at the thought of his reaction.
"Ar...are you? I mean... I don't want you to feel pressured into doing this... You don't have too..." You cut off his babbling
"NO of course not, my princess charming is soon to be my Husband." Harry smiles kissing your temple "Good" he whispers.

*Later that day*

Walking to your parents may only have been next door but the walk felt long,Harry's hand in yours comforted you slightly although knowing your mom was there actually scared you.
Knocking the door. You wait.
"It's going to be okay. I'm here." Harry whispers to you kissing your temple. Squeezing his hand you smile and close you eyes taking in the feeling of his lips on your skin.
You dad answers the door.
"Y/n sweetie, Harry come on in." Stepping aside you walk in. Nothing had changed the decoration still the same.
Leading the way into the living room, your mom stands up and smiles.
"Y/n love. How are you?" She asks smiling.
Looking at Harry you smile. "Hi. I'm good thank you."
"And... Harry?" She looks confused. "I thought you and y/n only had a fling?" That was an insult, Harry felt the tug at his chest the same as yours. Looking at you he frowns, you sigh and hold his hand.
"Hello Mrs (Your last name). No me and y/n were not just a fling. She's the love of my life, soon to be my wife." Harry whispers the last 'soon to be my wife' he smiles kissing your head. Savouring the feeling again.
"Oh? Right." She adds.
"Take a seat kids." Your dad adds.
Sitting down Harry starts to smirk. "Do you remember the last time were sat like this on your sofa?" He chuckles.
Remembering the food fight you and Harry had when you were 15, there was spray cream all over the sofa. You sat there next to each other holding in your laugh while your parents told you off, Harry kept eating the cream off your face. Anne was not impressed with Harry's behaviour that week you and Harry were banned from seeing each other outside of school.
You giggle "Yep, I do remember we should definitely introduce Darcy to that spray cream fight." You smirk. Harry smiles wide eyes shining with excitement.

"So y/n? How's the little one?" Your mom asks. You tense a the question and Harry glares remembering what she called Darcy when she was un-born.
"She's perfect." Harry comments.
"Oh? You had a little girl?" She looks worried.
"Yeah she's perfect." Harry comments again.
"Well have you contacted her father? Y/n?" She directs the conversation at you.
"Yes. I told you when I was pregnant that it was in his best interest that he didn't no right away." You comment.
"Then who is her?" She says more sarcastic, she smirks awaiting your answer. Your dad walks into see you and Harry glaring at your mom annoyed.
"Harry is her dad." You say smiling.
"What her step dad? I meant the lad you f*cked and ended up knocked up (Pregnant)." She shoots back.
"No Harry is her biological father, he's the only one I've slept with.. I didn't tell him because it would destroy his image of being famous. Now he knows"
She looks surprised.
"Oh well that's if you say so." She adds.
"You know what? You can sit there and judge y/n and me. But let me tell you something. You have been a terrible mother to y/n you called your own daughter a 'slag' I'm the only guy she has ever slept with, you should be proud of her. She took the consequences to something we both thought we were old enough to handle, she battled financially, emotionally and physically alone you have no right to judge her. You haven't seen or heard what her life has been like. She is an amazing mother to Darcy, she loves her daughter very much. I don't appreciate you calling my Fiance' a slag also implying she 'f*cked' some other guy, it fury's me that you called my daughter a 'it' and told y/n to get rid of her. You are a disgraceful mother who doesn't even deserve to have a child." Harry comments, letting out a deep breather at the end, your mom looks shocked, your dad head is bowed and you sit there and kiss Harry's cheek.
"I love you." You whisper.

"Excuse me?" Your mom raises her voice.
"Who are you to sit there and judge me. You are the one who had sex with her then ended it for fame, you left her alone as well you show up her claiming you love your daughter.. Well you don't okay. You don't know what it's like to try and raise a child with respect and make sure they have a good life, then they destroy it just like that for a 'boy'." She retaliated at Harry, he wasn't going to take the fall.
"HEY! He didn't no because I never told him, when I did he took full responsibility. You never raised me. Dad raised me not you, all you did was work and disappear endless amount of times I stayed home with dad alone, if dad had to work then Harry stayed with me, he never destroyed my life he helped me make a life. Now I'm a successful dancer, who works part time in a nursery, full time mother, girlfriend, friend and a damn good one of that. Harry has helped me through everything you disowned me the minute something was out of your control." You breathe heavy, you never realised you stood up. Harry holds you closely to his chest keeping you in place.
"Shh baby. I got you." He whispers. You never realised tears threatened to leave your eyes.

"LIKE HELL YOU WERE!!" You shout back.
Your dad makes you both sit down. "We're here to talk not argue."
"Well SHE needs to grow up." Your mom stated.
"I grew up when I was 15." You state.
"Yeah yeah." Rolling her eyes frustrating you.
"WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?" Harry shouts shocking you.
Harry laughs at how oblivious she was to yours and your dads relationship.
"YOUR HUSBAND IS A GOOD MAN!" Harry shouts. You squeeze his hand telling him to calm down.
Your mom laughs, which winds you up.
"You don't think he's a good man?' You ask.
"He agreed with me y/n when you were pregnant." She smirks.
"Yeah? Well he's apologised a million times and more for what he said that day, he's met his granddaughter, showered her with love. Made sure she knew how much he loved her. I update him on her daycare, pictures, speech EVERYTHING! She loves her Grampa more than anything in the world. What you don't know is we had to keep it a secret so you never found out." You breathe, feeling a lift off your shoulders.
Your mom looks dumbfounded, gob smacked.
"Did you?" She asks your father.
He stands up head held high "Yes. Yes I did. That little girl of theirs is beautiful, she's has good manors, cuttest giggle, she does the same nose crinkle as y/n when she smiles or giggles. I've apologised so many times and still I feel to apologise more. I'm so happy she didn't listen to us, so happy she raised that little girl, now I'm over the moon with the fact she has the love of life back, who is soon to become Mrs Styles. I hope she'll let me walk her down the aisle, as the proud father I am. " He looks at you at the last part, you heart explodes. smiling wide, you nod frantically.
"You've had contact without me?" She asks shocked.
"Yes." He says bluntly. "My princess needed me." He smiles at you.
As you stand up to leave because you were done talking, your dad is about to leave with you to come see Darcy.
"He'll leave you for the first model who throws herself at him" she almost spits at You and Harry.
"LIKE HELL I WILL. Y/N IS MY WORLD, MY EVERYTHING, I TRIED TO BE WITHOUT HER ITS WASNT POSSIBLE! YOU DONT KNOW WHO I AM OR MY MORALS!!" Harry screams at her, fists clenched. Stepping in front you make Harry look at you.
"Babe come on. Let's go. Don't let her get to you. This is why I never wanted to see her. Please our angel will be waiting for us." He holds your hands.
"I would never leave you." He just about chokes out.
"I know that babe. Why else am I marrying you. Come on" you wink at him.
Your mom looks sad. Stepping towards her. You hand her a couple images.
"Meet your granddaughter, Darcy aged 3 years and 4 months. Loves animal, dancing, singing and drawing. Loves to give cuddles and kisses. Made my life worth living while I was alone. The angel sent down to shine a path for me to follow.... Once you decide on being civil, you can have contact until then this is all you get." Stepping back. She stares at the photo's.
"She's beautiful. She had your eyes and Harry's hair. She's so grown up...." Looking up she has tears in her eyes.

Your dad Has opened the front door, instantly you hear Darcy.
"GRAMPA!!" You smile at her squeak.
"Hey cutie!!"
Looking round Harry is smiling wide as she leaps into your dads arms. Cuddling close to him. "I missed you." She smiles kissing his cheek.
"I missed you too Darcy." He covers her in kisses as she giggles. Looking up she notices Harry.
"DADDY!!!" She screaches. Harry takes her spinning her around in the porch.
"Sweetie, go say hey to mommy. She's just in that room there." Harry point into the living room.
Slowly she edges towards the door. As soon as she sees you her face lights up.
"MOMMYYY!!" She runs up to you, picking her up you hug her kissing her cheeks.
"Have you had a nice morning with Nanny Anne and Auntie Gem love bug?" She smiles fiddling with her fingers.
"We went to see Peppa Pig! She was really big." She looks shocked.
"She was? How big?" You ask, instantly she stretches her arms as far as they will go.
"This big!"
You look shocked "really?"
She nods "yes mommy really!". You smile wide.
Looking at your mom, the pain of all the comments are shown on her face.
"Who's that mommy?" She whisper to you. Smiling at Darcy. You look at Harry who smiles, and nods agreeing with your thought. "That baby, is my mommy. So that makes her your 4th Nanny."
Darcy looks shocked.
"She your mommy?" Nodding in response.
"Do you want to go introduce yourself?" Darcy nods, placing her on the floor, she walks up to your mom.
"Hello I'm Darcy." Your mom bends down to her level.
"Hello Darcy I'm your mommy's mom." Darcy hugs her.
"That makes you my nanny." She smiles at her.
They talk for 5 Minutes. Until Harry walks in.

"Babe?" He questions wrapping his arm around your waist.
"Mmm?" You ask back.
"How about we go to the bracelet shop and get some food. Yeah?" Harry kissed your cheek. It was clear he wanted some time alone as a family.
You nod "Okay babe."
"Sweetie, say goodbye. Were going to go to the bracelet shop now." She looks excited.
"Okay mommy. Bye bye Nanny" she hugs and kisses her. Your mom holds her tight taking her scent in.
"Bye sweetie you be good now okay?" Darcy nods and skips toward you and Harry.
"Go see Grampa baby. We'll go in a moment." Darcy scurry's off. Harry is glaring at your mom.
"Harry? I apologise for my comments and behaviour earlier, you were right I don't no what's happened, I disowned her when she needed me most, I missed out on not only on my daughter life but also mt granddaughters life. If you'd let me I'd love to try and build a relationship with you and your daughter" she asks Harry, who is still tense. He doesn't forgive people all too easily.
"Y/n? My loving daughter, you've done amazing I let you down, I disowned you. I'm so sorry. You and Harry have done amazing with raising her she is truly yours. Don't make the same mistakes I did. I love you even if I didn't show it enough. I hope I earn your trust and the right to come into your family, hopefully i'll get to know your daughter."
You smile and hug her.
"You may not have been there for me, but your still my mother. Please don't be mad at dad he just wanted a relationship with us."
Hugging you back she whispers "I'm so lucky to have you. I won't honey I love you."

*Harry's POV*

Walking to y/n's parents was tense, I tried to lighten the mood a little. Telling her she'd be fine. Reaching the house, y/n's mom was constantly taking digs at both me and y/n I was not going to have that. Slowly I began to get more and more annoyed, I retaliated. Feeling y/n's tensed body I try to calm down. We argued for a little while.
Then she flipped things on y/n claiming she was a good mom blah blah blah to me it was a load of crap, she was never there it was always me, I stayed over every night her parents were away, that annoyed me even more knowing there was not always someone there for her.
As time went on people begin to get more frustrated. After a while I decided we should leave. After a while we decided to leave, her mom through a comment about me leaving y/n for some model, like I would ever do that I'd be crazy.
If y/n wouldn't have stepped in front of me I'm sure I would of hit her, I'd never hit a women but her she was the devil I couldn't consider her a women.
When y/n showed her the picture of Darcy I was annoyed but I knew she was too kind to not leave her mom with some image of Darcy.

I wanted to get out of there, as I approached her I was holding her close begging she'd get the implication of leaving. When her mom apologised I was shocked but I need evidence not words I need to have some sort of action behind it.
We decided to go to the bracelet shop and to get some food.

*2 hours later*

We were sitting in nando's ordering our food, Darcy made each of us a bracelet, she loved creating things I wanted to encourage her. She should do what she loves. Darcy was smiling watching people around us.
Holding y/n's hand I played with her ring again. She smirks at me.
"it's not going to disappear Styles" She comments.
"Yeah? Good. I don't want it to be removed." I smile.
"It won't it never will." y/n kisses my knuckles.
"Have you thought of anywhere you want to get married?" I ask. She shrugs "I haven't really thought about it"
"Oh okay." I smile.
Suddenly fans interrupt us
"Omg I love you!"
"Aww she's soo cute"
"Why have you bought y/n out with you?".

The last comment annoyed me. I grabbed y/n's hand a little too tight than I intended.
"Babe I kind of like the bloody flowing through this hand, can you release it a little please" she whispers giggling. I let her hand go.
"Excuse me. Can you apologise to my fiance' I don't appreciate you asking why I've bought the love of my life out with me, because I find it disrespectful." I told the fan standing there with a shocked expression.
"Oh sorry y/n." She lowered her head and walked off, y/n smiled at the fan.
"We love you y/n." The fan said, she smiled widely and took pictures.

After they left "I love you" I hold her hand.
"Thank you handsome, you defended me. You didn't have to I love you" she says stroking my hand with her thumb.
"I love you, your my baby, I'm not letting anyone do that to you ever you mean to much to me"
Suddenly Darcy screams.
We both shoot a look at her, there's a spider on the table. Y/n shoots out of her seat curled next to me.
"Kill the spider Harry!!" She squeals down my ear.
I laugh "Okay baby one moment." I take a mat and glass then place it out the window shutting it.
"What the hell? It'll come back in!" She shrieks.
"No it won't baby. Anyway I'm here to protect my two girls aren't I." Darcy shuffles closer to me and y/n I smirk at how huddled up we were. The waitress thought we were made. Smiling generously she just giggles and walks away.
Yes my family is crazy, weird, caring, loving, unusual but I love them.

Thanks for reading guys. not sure when the next part shall be up. but thank you LOVE YA!!  <3

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