Chapter 8

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Leaving the house as a family for the first time ever was a special moment for you, everything felt complete for the first time in a long time...nothing was missing/no one.

Making your way to the car Darcy was holding yours and Harry's hand slowly walking.

You; “Babe do you want to put her in her car seat or shall I?"

Harry: “Can we both, just so I no for future reference?"

You smile "Alright then bab"

Darcy releases your hands and tags Harry’s leg running off saying "Daddy your it, try catch me" she giggles... you stand thee smiling at how Harry runs off after her he looked so childlike when he did it, Harry jumps from behind the car, scaring Darcy she attempts to run but he picks her up tickling her he says gently "Got you munchkin" she laughs hysterically at him... he puts Darcy down walking up to you, you look at him "You’re a great father you know that?"

Harry looks shocked "Really?" you just nod and smile "Alright come on who wants McDonalds"

On your way to McDonalds your in traffic Darcy’s listening to her peppa pig toy, Harry gently takes your spare hand in his and holds it rubbing his thumb against the top of your hand, he places a kiss on your hand and says "I'm so lucky to have you mother my child, your beautiful, caring, kind, big hearted, down to earth & a great mother, I couldn’t ask for a better person, you’re the love of my life and always have been, I hope one day all 3 of us will become a family"

You didn’t know what to say you sat there in shock no one had ever said something like that to you; the words he said had more meaning behind than all in the insults you'd had over the years, those words change you’re perceptive on yourself and your parenting skills.

Concentrating on the road while your hand still in Harry's with him gently stoking it comforted you; you reach McDonalds its pretty empty so Harry shouldn’t get much attention. Harry goes to order while you and Darcy take a seat, she gets up and walks to her daddy almost falling a couple times, she wasn't that steady on her feet yet

Darcy tugs at Harry's jeans "Daddy, can you get me some crayons to colour in the paper please"

Harry smiles picking her up "Sure baby, how about these ones? Are they okay?"

Darcy; “What you think?"

Harry; “They look great to me, why don’t you go sit down with mommy I’ll be over in a minute"

Watching them together was as if they had never ben apart, hey were so cute. Breakfast went pretty well no one interrupted until.... some of Harry's fans came up a young blonde girl about 16 looked quite revealing considering her age

"Can we have an autograph and picture please Harry?" the girls say

Harry; "course Hun, be quick though need to get going what’s your names?"

The blonde girl replies "Tasha babe, I’m legal" ;)

You sit there shocked WOW is all that went through your mind; Harry just laughed and looked at you almost in shock.

Darcy; “mommy?"

You; “yes baby?"

Darcy; “Who’s the orange lady?" she whispered

You giggled as she was referring to the blonde one, "her names Tasha babe" Darcy just nods and looks at the girl weirdly.

Tasha;"aww what a cute little boy, what’s his name" was she referring to your daughter who had brown curly hair little pink cheeks, with peppa pig on her PINK top?

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