Chapter 43

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*Your POV*

You promised Harry you were going to see him the week after that phone call. The only issue was is that the marks from Jay were now more visible.

Getting from out of the foetal position you were previously in on the couch. You shower and get ready to get Darcy and Esmee. As you cover every inch of your body, placing a little makeup over your face. You get in the car to fetch the girls.

As you reach Ed's you walk into the apartment, slightly stunned, when you see he has Esmee crying in his arms, as Darcy is making a mess with her cereal.

"Hey Ed." You smile.

"Hey you." He smiles wide.

Kissing Darcy on the head you walk to Ed and take Esmee out of the cradled position in his arms.

"Come'ere baby." You coo.

Swaying gently you settle her sending her into a peaceful sleep.

Darcy was eating with Ed she is pulling faces at him as he pulls faces back.

"What's wrong y/n?" Ed asks.

"What? Oh nothing why?" You smile.

"Oh you just seem different..." He mumbles.

"Oh no I'm good thanks sweet." He just smiles in return.

Over the next week Darcy new something was up, because she kept asking you. Jay had been back 3 times that week. 2 times to beat you while the 3rd was for his 'needs'. Although you had booked a flight for the 3 of you to go out and visit Harry while he was in America.

You'd packed the most you could for the 3 days you'll be there. Your bruises were still visible which you didn't want Harry seeing... Even though you wanted him to hold you, love you and show you what you meant to him. That would mean him knowing what has happened. He would more than likely stop the tour. You didn't want that, he would have to give the reason to the fans which would mean your life is now under evaluation. You never wanted that ever.

*Day Of The Flight*

"Darcy!" You call from the bottom of the stairs.

"Coming mommyyy." She squeal in excitement. Coming down the stairs she jumps from the 2nd step from the bottom. You hadn't seen her this excited for a while. Leaving the house you get into the taxi. Placing Esmee in her car seat, Darcy on the left of you, while your in the middle.

"We're gonna see daddyyyy." Darcy sings. You couldn't help but giggle at how happy she was.

"Yes we are love bug." You kiss her head.

Leaving the taxi was harder than you thought. Security were everywhere trying to get you safely on the flight. One of the boys security guards picked Darcy up while you had Esmee in her car seat, close to you. Esmee began crying, as you tried to calm her flashes and question were being thrown at you. Eventually you checked in for your flight and were placed in the waiting area. Things weren't as crazy there. Only the directioners wanted to see the girls. You couldn't be mean and stop them.

"Girls... If your going to see the girls I'm going to need you to be calm or I'll have to stop you from seeing them. I don't want to do that. But for the safety of both the children I will." You announced as all the girls nodded excited. "Also can you guys wait to tweet any images that you've taken because it's a surprise for Harry..." You quickly imply in return you got another nod.

Taking them in Esmee was asleep, no one held her but the all coo'd over her taking pictures without the flash. They were playing with Darcy. She loved meeting directioners, today they decided to play duck, duck, goose. A few fans stayed to talk to you.

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