Chapter 47

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*Harry POV*

After the call I have never been so happy, just to have the confirmation of it being a sist and nothing more. I held her close.
"I'll be fine like I told you." She winks kissing me.
"I wish I was going through this and not you.." I wanted to take that pain from her I never wanted her to have any harm. Now I know she has to have treatment it was killing me already.

Looking at the sunset we turn back into the depth of the trees, we make our way to pick our babies up.
Finally reaching the car I pick y/n up bridal style and put her in the car her giggle rings through my ears.
Pulling up outside my mothers house, y/n's mother opens her door as well she wobbles as she has a drink in her hand.
"Y/N!" She screams.
Y/n she lowers her head in shame.
"Come here!" She calls. Releasing my hand y/n goes to her.
"Yes?" She asks.
"Why are you here? You and that thing are here again why?" She spits.
"If your referring to my Fiance' go f*ck yourself." Y/n turns as she walks back to me. I scowl at her mother as we walk to my mums house. She just laughs at us, my blood was boiling I'd not wanted to hit a women before but her... She made my blood boil. As soon as her mom always had a drink she'd turn abusive, sometimes I'd go round y/n's and she'd be shaking with either anger or fear. I hated the women when she had a drink she was pure evil... the devils descendant.


It was a sunday evening I hadn't seen y/n all weekend due to her having 'family' time. Saturday night I'd heard shouting but I never thought anything of it.
As I knocked on y/n's door her mother answered.
"Hello, me and y/n are going for a movie is she ready?" I smiled politely.
"No, she's not going." Her mother answered I could smell the alcohol on her breath.
"She hasn't text me..." I inquire confused.
"She isn't going. Goodbye." Her mother shut the door on me.
At this point I knew something was wrong y/n always text me. I decided to get her attention throwing pebbles at her window, she doesn't come to the window. Running through my house I reach my balcony, my mother shouting my name asking what's wrong I ignored her. I climb from my balcony to y/n's reaching it I finally become balanced. Standing there I knock on the balcony doors, she doesn't answer but I hear her shuffling around. Gently and cautiously I push the door handle down, taking a step into y/n's room I see her curled up into a ball on the furthest side of the bed. Quickly I rush to her to find her shaking hugging her knees.

Gently I pry her face from her knees to check she's okay.
"Babe?" I ask holding her face. She closes her eyes at my touch on her right cheek suddenly she gasps as I stroke her left cheek near her eye.
"What happened?" I asked examining the red mark. She doesn't speak. I sccidentally I knock the alarm clock off her side table while moving my long clumsy legs.
Her head shoots up at the sound of footsteps "Hide Harry. Now." She instructs.
"What? Why?" I ask as she quickly gets under her duvet covers.
"Now!" You whispers angry at me. She'd never been angry with me before. I slide into her wardrobe and pear through a small gap.
The door is pushed forcefully open "What are you doing??" Her mom almost shouts.
"Nothing..." Y/n mummurs.
"Oh and that boy your shagging came round I sent him home. He'd not be happy to see the mark on your face." She smirks.
I wanted to step out of hiding at scream at her, instead I look at y/n and try to calm down. My fists are clenched as I hold in my anger.
"Go to sleep you need to do chores tonight..." Her mom says stomping at the room she slams the door.
Stepping out I sit on y/n's bed "is she always like this?" I ask.
"No. Only when my dads not here..." She whispers. Peering through her lashes her eyes make contact with mine.
Leaning over I remove the hair and lift her chin.
"Baby, come on your coming over mine till your dad come home..." I get up and pack her a bag to last 4 days. Throwing it onto my balcony I go to get my precious girlfriend.
"Babe?" I put my hand out.
She shakes her head "I can't..."
"And I'm not leaving you here. Come on." I state. Removing the covers she takes my hand. I climb from the balcony to my balcony first then help her across.

Walking into my room I tell her to jump into bed I'd be back in a moment. I had to go and explain to my mom everything that happened, she didn't mind as long as y/n was safe and okay. Coming back she was hugging my pillow. I get changed into shorts and no top, climbing into bed she cuddles into me chest.
"I'm sorry I got angry Harry..." She says drawing circles on my torso.
"Babe it's fine, I was a little shocked though but I understand why you did.." I kissed her head.
"Thank you." She kissed my chest sending shivers through my body.
"I had no idea with what was going on.." I was thinking aloud, my eyes grow wide as she sighs.
"I didn't want you to worry, she doesn't always hit me..."She smiles at me.
"She should never f*cking hit you." I raise my voice.
"Harry please don't shout.." She cowers away a bit, loosening her grip on me. I hold her tighter pulling her back.
"I'm sorry, how about we watch some films? My mom's ordering pizza for diner" I smile.
She nods smiling, leaning up she gently kisses my lips in return I hold her close kissing her back just as passionately.

*Flashback Over*

Walking into my mom's I hold y/n's waist and kiss her neck. "Thank you baby." Her arms hold onto mine her fingers laced with mine.
"Anything for you baby, you got me away from her so many times I owe you.." She kisses the top of my hand.

Suddenly the living room door is opened and a little bush of curls pops round the corner.
"MOMMYYY!!" Darcy screams, charging at us I burst out laughing as y/n prepares to catch her. Swinging her in her arms Darcy hold onto her tightly.
"Hiya love bug." She smiles.
"Heyy momma." Darcy smiles.
"Hey baby" I kiss her she giggles as I walk into the living room my mom greets me hugging me tightly.
After a while y/n manages to come in, Esmee begins to clap and squeal as y/n picks her up.
"Heyya babyy." Y/n coo's at Essie.
Kicking her legs she finally calms down and falls fast asleep in y/n's arms.
"So are you stopping the night?" My mom asks.
Looking at y/n I smile "Yeah for the night, then were heading home tomorrow mom."
Y/n smiles back in return, we loved being back in Cheshire it brought back the child in us. After putting the kids to bed me and y/n went into my back garden. My mom had the trampoline up, running into the summer house I get two sleeping bags. We shuffle into them and begin bouncing on the trampoline, slipping in every direction. Finally I dive onto y/n making us end up on a mess, laying under the stars.
I face y/n leaning on my elbow I was her intently.
"Haz your staring." She giggles blushing.
"How can I not." I smirk knowing how cheesy that sounded.
"Your such a cheese ball" she giggle facing me. "But your my cheese ball" she wink kissing me gently. Slowly I climb on top of her, the sleeping bags are soon placed under us and one covering us. I lace our legs together as I rest my weight on her I rest on my elbows, looking her deeply in her eyes.
"I love you..." I whispers, leaning up she connects our lips my hand run through her hair, her hand travel up my t-shirt roaming over my abs. Moaning into the kiss she moves along my jaw line and onto my neck, soon she reaches my soft spot right under my ear. Closing my eyes I make a throat groan, I feel her smile against my skin. Gently pulling back I look at her face smirking.
"Baby, are you trying to seduce me?" I tease.
She bites her lip making me groan "Well maybe I am. What's it to you?" She smirks kissing my neck again. Her hands travel to my boxer waist band, suddenly I remember what Jay did to her, pulling her hand away she looks confused.
"Not tonight baby.." I kiss her nose.
"Oh..." She looks a little dis heartened.
I panic "it's not I don't want to but baby, I...I ... Jay..." I sigh,
She pushes me off her and sits up. "Your letting him come between us Harry, he's winning this battle.." She says annoyed.
"No I'm not letting him do that, you no what? I'm trying to make sure you okay, and I'm getting the blame for it." I say a little more harsh than I intended.
"Yes Harry you are, simply because I was the one making the moves not you. I didn't push you off did I? So I'm perfectly fine. I know you aren't going to rape me so why would I not want to have sex with you? Huh?" She snaps, shuffling to the end of the trampoline.
I grab her pulling her back to my chest, gently I help her stand then begin swaying.
"I know baby, I just don't want you to think you have to do anything you aren't ready for. I love you and I want you happy." I whisper.
"Harry I'm ready for anything with you. I'm safe with you and I am happy always when I'm in your arms." She smiles kissing my cheek.
As she finishes I start jumping with her in my arms, she laughs as I begin to sing 'Live While Were Young' she keeps sushing me but I don't listen, until she sweeps my feet from under me. Falling down we lay under the stars and cuddle. Soon we fall asleep covered in the sleeping bags, she rests her head on my chest.

*Your POV*

That night was perfect there will always be issues when it comes to Jay. Although you knew you'd get through anything together. Darcy and Esmee looked so Happy to see you they couldn't contain their excitement. Harry chuckles at how mad Darcy looked while running at you and the squeals that Esmee made.
Laying under the stars with the perfect boy seemed like something you haven't done since you were teens. Finally you drift off listening to his heart beat. Nothing could ever take away this moment it was something you would treasure.

*The Next Morning*

Laying down you could feel the cool morning air, suddenly there is a dip in the trampoline. You and Harry are awoken by Darcy jumping on you both. "Wake up!! Wake up mommy, Daddyy! Wake up." She sing jumping around.
Opening your eyes she has the cutest look on her face as you tackle her into your arms. She screams as you and Harry tickle her.
"Let that child go boy." A deep voice is heard turning round Harry's dad is standing there laughing. Harry goes and hugs him in which you follow closely behind hugging him in return.
Esmee and Darcy were very hyper Darcy was playing and singing in the living room, while Esmee made a mess of her breakfast. You was in hysterics at how dysfunctional your family was. You couldn't wait to get home and just relax again with the boys close to you as well.
After saying bye to Harry's family you begin the long journey home. Darcy and you were singing along to 'Call Me Maybe'
"I threw a wish in the well don't ask me I'll never tell..." Darcy bellows at the top of her lungs, making you giggle and Harry chuckle. Esmee just looks confused at her big sister. As the time went on you were all driving calmly along the road, suddenly Harry comes a halt to fill up the car gas / petrol. As you sat there you were watching Harry walk into pay for the gas / petrol, Harry turn around when a blonde girl attaches her lips to his. Anger shoots through you Harry pushes her off and shouts at her looking angry, he storms out of the store. He doesn't get into the drivers seat, instead he comes round to your side opening the door.
"Baby I don't know her is swear..." He pleads.
You giggle "Haz she threw herself at you calm down." Suddenly he attaches his lips to yours firmly, holding your face in his hands. Finally you part "Get in the car you dope."
Sliding back into the seat the rest of the journey was smooth, Haz held your hand most the time as his thumb did gentle circles on top of your hand. Finally you reach home you smile at feeling a little safer than the past couple of months.

*Later That Night*

After Harry sang Darcy to sleep, and you rocked Esmee to sleep you both changes rooms and kissed the other child goodnight.
Walking downstairs you begin to hum 'One & only by Adele' Harry was sorting something out upstairs, walking to lock the front door, Jay walks in he must of assumed Harry didn't come back with you.
"Y/n.." He sighs.
"Ye..yes?" You stutter.
"I'm not here to hurt you.. I just want to talk, I mean I think I..." He begins but you feel Harry's presence.
"WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU DOING HERE? YOU HAVE SOME BALLS." Harry shouts, his fists clenched he is about to swing for Jay but you stop him.
"Harry don't." You plead.
Jay's eyes closed prepared for the impact. Harry looks shocked at you.
"Why are you defending him?" He scowls.
"He wants to talk nothing else. Hear him out. Please?" You ask.
"No. Get him out. Now." Harry looks angry at you.
"I'm so sorry y/n. I really am I need you to know how much of a d*ck I am. Please I need your help. I need some specialist help. I thought I needed you... I need to get over you." Jay rushes out.
You believe what he was saying. "I'll get you a contact number to get you help."
"Are your really going to help this tw*t!!" Harry shouts at you.
"Harry don't... If it gets him over me, he can move on and I don't have to be his f*cking victim. Okay? if I don't he'll always be there." You try to sway Harry.
"F*ck both of you. Your made for each other. I can't believe you. The amount of marks he's left on your body, the body of my fiance' the amount of times he's raped you and your going to help him?! This is a joke!!" He shouts storming upstairs.
"I didn't mean to cause issues between you..." Jay says.
"Leave it, let me get you that number and then your out of my life. Then you get help and move on. I'll deal with Harry." You state. Walking off you grab a support book, this contained every number which could help anyone.
Quickly you call up and make a few sessions for Jay.
"You've got 4 sessions I'll pay for them. Then you pay for the rest. I want you better Jay, I want you to treat another girl right. Let this be your lesson and something you learn from. Please just don't come near me again, I can't have you walking in on my life all the time, so please accept this help and don't come near me or my family again." You state annoyed.
"Thank you. I really am sorry y/n. I swear I'll leave you alone I know that's what you want I'm sorry for everything. Really I am." He says taking the number.
"No problem please leave." You open the door as he leaves. Closing the door you sigh and breathe in deep.

Walking upstairs Harry is sitting on the end of the bed looking angry with his head in his hands.
"Harry?" You ask walking in, he doesn't move.
"Haz?" You ask again.
Standing in front of him you try again "Say something" you touch his hand. Suddenly he stand up pushing you against the wall him towering over you "WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY??" He shouts at you. You look at his angry features and see if you can see the Harry you love.
"Please.." You whisper.
"Please what huh? You just helped a rapist! I can't f*cking believe you." He says through gritted teeth.
"Harry.." You try again.
"Don't. Just don't! I don't want to hear your excuse!" Harry punches the wall then swing round throwing a vase. As you flinch you wait for Harry to calm down.
He turns and walks up to you with anger on his face. Your body was shaking you never even realised. Harry noticed before you.
"Babe..." Harry says with a little anger in his voice, as he reaches to touch your face you close your eyes ready for the impact, as he brushes the hair from your face you turn your cheek away from him afraid, you take a deep breath.
"Shush I'm not going to hit you..." He says but you could hear the anger in his voice.
You couldn't look at him, not with that look in his eyes again. "Look at me snuggles." He asks.
You couldn't, even though your heart melted as he called you your childhood nickname. Gently he takes you chin an turns your face to himself. Coming closer he touches your arm making you tense at the contact.
"Open your eyes for me..." He pleads. Shaking your head in response, he steps closer and puts his forehead to yours.
"Babe I'm not going to do anything to you, please relax." He sighs.
Opening your eyes you see his face as softened, but looking into his eyes you don't see the same Harry. So you look away quickly.
"Why can't you look at me?" He almost cries out.
"You have that look in your eyes..." You whisper with a shaken breath. Pulling back Harry turns and squeeze his eyes closed. Looking at the door you decide to run out of the bed room, still unsure of what Harry was capable of.
Half way down the stairs you hear his footsteps come after you, running onto the front garden. Harry's arms wrap around your waist stopping you in your tracks.
"Don't run. Please." He pleads holding you tight.
"Get off. Get off. Get off." You try to hit him off but his grip was too tight.
"No. I need you please we have to sort this out." He pleads, holding you still finally her picks you up and carries you inside. Sitting down on the sofa Harry cradles your shaking body in his arms.
"I'd never ever hurt you y/n. No matter how mad I get I swear I'd never lay a hand on you. I love you way to much to do that. I'm not like him, he just got to me I'm sorry I acted that way. I didn't mean to scare you." Harry whispers rocking back and forth.
"I tried to get him out of our life Harry. Why are you so mad? I got him the help he needed now he'll get over me. I'll be yours fully now, he'll never touch me again. Why can't you see that? I was trying to better things for both of us. I didn't want to be made to have sex with him anymore. I can't take anymore beatings. He just needed some help. I'm so sorry I made you mad." You whisper holding onto his shirt.
"I know baby, I understand that now. I shouldn't have kicked off the way I did. Please stop shaking I'll never put any harm to you. Please forgive me?" Harry strokes your hair out of your face.
"Of course I forgive you. Please don't get that mad again, I... I don't know what your capable of." You pull away and stroke his face, he looks sad and full of sorrow.
"I know baby, I guess I need to channel my anger. I'd never hurt you or the girls you know that right." He strokes your cheek, you look down and think before looking him in the eyes.
"I know that now." You smile. Harry half smiles.
"I love you too much to hurt you." He rest his forehead on your eskimo kissing you, you giggle a little at this. Harry and you just lay in each others arms for a little while.

Around 10pm Louis walks in the door.
"Woah? What's happened here? What's with the sad faces?" He ask sitting next to you.
Looking at Harry you smile.
"I'll make us some drinks Haz mind explaining?" You ask, he shakes his head no and kisses you sweetly as you get up.
While you made the drink Louis comes in looking annoyed. "I can't believe you helped him." He states.
"Lou..." You start.
"No y/n. I'm being serious he needs to rot in hell not bloody get help." He stands against the counter.
"If I didn't help him Lou he could of raped me over and over again. I can't have that anymore... I've been so down these past few months you know how many times I've had to stop myself from topping myself?" You defend yourself.
Louis looks shocked "I.. I had no idea.." He drags outm
"No you didn't. Nobody did the amount of time the thought has crossed my mind. But I stupidly thought things would get better. It hasn't. So please don't judge me on this decision." You say harsher than intended.
"I'm not judging you just a little confused..." He whispers.
"Okay. Then how can I un-confuse you?" You ask.
"Please just answer one question?" He asks in response you nod "You don't really think Harry would hit you?" He says shocked it left his mouth. Looking down.
"I did earlier... But now, now I know he wouldn't hurt me like that. Ever." You turn confidently smiling.
Louis' smile is wide "Good." Taking the drink you hand. Hand one to a worried Harry.
"Here handsome." You smile and brush his hair from his face kissing his forehead.
"Thank you snuggles." He smiles and blushes.
"YOUUU BLUSHEDD!" Louis sings teasing him.
"No I didn't" Harry defends himself.
"Aww did I make likkle Harry blush." You tease.
"No." He sulks.
Leaning over you kiss his nose "You sure?" You smirk.
"Maybe a little bit.." He smirks.
"Good." You pull away, Harry starts tickling you making you laugh out loud, Louis just takes pictures.
"You cheeky monkey." Harry teases and Kisses you right on the lips sweetly but passionately, you can't hide the smile.
Louis takes another picture the creep. "TWITTERR!!" He cheers and runs off. With you and Harry in tow.
"It's posted." Louis says proudly.
You quickly check twitter and see he's posted it with the caption 'Errrrr... Sharing saliva again #getaroom"
You start laughing at his tweet.

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