Chapter 33

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*Your POV*

Your weekend away at Harry’s parents was perfect. The journey home was interesting. Usually you and Harry would fight over who’d riving, but this time you decided to give in allowing Harry to drive, Lola (the puppy) in her car seat in the back, also with Darcy sitting on the other side of the window in her car seat, she sat there playing with her toy from Anne. As you sit in the front next to Harry, looking to the window side your eyes focus on the perfect scenery, the vast amount of land UN used almost creating the sense of being so far from your busy life style. Suddenly smirking at the feeling of being alone in the middle of nowhere with your perfect family, Harry reaches over taking your right hand.

Smiling wide “You okay baby?”

“Never been better” you reply looking back out the window, he concentrates on the road, still holding your hand rubbing the top with his thumb.

Reaching a gas station Harry fills the gas tank.

“Mommy!! I need wee wee” Darcy whines.

Getting out the car you take Darcy out. “Be back in a minute Haz, she needs the toilet.” Smiling he kisses you head as you walk into the rest room.

As you leave placing Darcy down a group of girls approach you.

“Oi you! Harry’s slag!” one girl calls after you.

Anger shoots through you; you hate people swearing in front of Darcy. Bending down to Darcy’s level you pick her up. “Come on baby, we don’t want to keep your daddy waiting.” Walking to the car, Harry knows something is wrong.

“Babe?” he questions after you close Darcy’s door.

“Babe?” he tries again.

“What Harry?” you snap, he steps back a little, then approaches you again holding your waist you lean against the car and breathe deeply. Closing your eyes. As you open them Harry is close to your face.

“Baby girl, what’s wrong? You don’t get this wound up over nothing” he leans his head on yours.

“I’m sorry babe, just something those girls said.” Stroking his face, the frown line becoming apparent.

“What girls?” his tone is angered.

“Just some stupid teenagers, you know I hate people swearing in front of Darcy” you sigh placing your hands around his neck, playing with the curl at the bottom of his neck.

Sighing he holds you tight “I’ll be back in a minute, you aren’t getting abused and Darcy isn’t hearing those words.” He tries pulling away, holding him tighter.

“Leave it babe. I’m alright, and so is Darcy”

“If I can’t give them a piece of my mind then I’ll show them.” Frowning your confused at his comment.

Pushing his body against you’re his lips almost on yours.

“Deep breath babe, I’m not stopping anytime soon.” He whispers sexily, smirking at him your lips connect. Feeling the desperation in the kiss Harry’s hands wondering your body, your lips moving in sync, stepping close Harry closes any form of gap pressing you hard against the door, instantly his tongue slips into your mouth tongues dancing in sync, his tongue wins the battle. Suddenly the burning touch of his hand on your skin shocks you his hand under your shirt on your lower back, pressing his groin into your stomach. Your hands in his hair. Pulling away Harry smiles wide, both of you catching your breathe. “I love you.” He whispers. “I love you too” kissing your lips gently once more, the tingling sensations still lingering on your lips, you feel them with your finger they feel numb. After the heated session at the gas station the rest of the journey home was quite fast.

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