Chapter 19

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*2 Months into the tour*

Harry had been pictured with so many girls, but most were fans. There was one picture that worried you, this picture was one with a long legged brunette, with bright blue eyes, who was perfect for him, slim figured the full works.
The picture was of him in the night club with her all over him, kissing his cheeks etc.
Waking up the morning after seeing the images, you turn on the music channel, what you see isn't what you wanted to see.
You hearts got torn into a million pieces. Darcy sat next to you.
"Mommy, who tha with daddy?" Is all she asked. You couldn't get your words out.
You get her ready for daycare, in the car you listen to the radio. Dropping Darcy off you smile. "I'll be back at 3pm love bug, I love you lots baby girl" kissing her cheek she smiles.
"I love you too mommy!" She runs off.

You reach the nursery you work at, all your colleagues are staring at you, as if you were a fool they all had sympathetic looks on their faces, the sympathetic hug, touch of the shoulder. They were getting on your nerves but you couldn't defend him cause you didn't no yourself.
You tweeted.
"Lovely day at the nursery, now off to pick up Darcy x"
This got many replies.
You got one off Harry "Babe, I will call you later love you x"
You didn't reply just signed out of twitter, after sorting food out for you and Darcy, your phone kept ringing.
Darcy picked up the house phone.
"Hiya daddy" she smiles.
"You want mommy?"
She looks at you and you shake your head "mommy is... Busy"
"No, bu, but daddy. Mommy is busy. She can't speak"
"Okay bye daddy, love you 2"

Putting Darcy down at 8pm.
The phones were constantly ringing. Constantly going off. You pulled the land line phone out and turned off your mobile phone. You logged onto twiiter and saw a tweet from Harry.
"Missing my girls so much, only spoke to my little girl today. Mommy was too busy. :'("
You stare at the tweet, was he serious, you've just seen a video of a girl all over him and him not doing anything to back her off, and he expects you to be okay. Is he serious?
You were so angry.
"Had a 'busy' day....need a break hmmmm? G'night guys off to sleep xx"
Signing out you went to sleep. The next day you connect the house phone and turned on the mobiles.
One text from Harry "Babe need a break? Come out to America? I miss you and Darcy so much xxx"
You ignored it and booked a holiday for 1 to spain. Harry's mum wanted to have Darcy to save the time change and jet lag she would have had.

That day you packed a suit case, you were going away for 3 days. Darcy was picked up by Harry's mum and you caught your plane later that night.
You tweeted "Not going to be on here for the next few days love ya guys xx"
You hadn't text Harry you needed time to think, you needed time to clear your head.
Missing him, loving him, but being annoyed with him and not wanting to see him at the same time confused how you felt.

Arriving in spain, you spent the first day on the beach. Paparazzi followed you out there. As you lay there relaxing on the beach, in your bikini you smiled at the thought of being alone.
Until you heard...
"Y/N. Y/N. Where's the baby?"
"Where's Harry?"
"Have you and Harry split up?"
You get up and make your way back to your hotel.
You decide to hire a Yacht. Trying to escape the paps. They followed you by helicopter instead. You just let them get their pictures then they left you alone.
You got your guitar out, putting on a light jumper on. You sit on the end of the yacht with the sunset in the distance, you began to play your guitar.
Strumming on the string closing your eyes. Instead of watching the strings, you listened to them and moved your hands instinctively you began to sing.

"Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor.
Reaching for the phone 'cause I can't fight it anymore.
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind?
For me it happens all the time.

It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now.
Said I wouldn't call but I've lost all control and I need you now.
And I don't know how I can do without.
I just need you now.

Another shot of whiskey, can't stop looking at the door.
Wishing you'd come sweeping in the way you did before.
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind?
For me it happens all the time.

It's a quarter after one, I'm a little drunk and I need you now.
Said I wouldn't call but I've lost all control and I need you now.
And I don't know how I can do without.
I just need you now.

Oh whoa
Yes I'd rather hurt than feel nothing at all.

It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now.
And I said I wouldn't call but I'm a little drunk and I need you now.
Well I don't know how I can do without.
I just need you now
I just need you now.
Oh baby I need you now."

Tears streamed down your face, as the thought of Harry popped into your head. The song resembled exactly how you felt.
No matter what he did, you'd rather have him and be hurt than to be left in a cold lonely bed again. You'd rather be hurt than feel numb without him, since he'd come back into your life the numb feeling which was once there after he left you, is no longer there and instead there's a warm glow in your heart. That glow made your life much, much brighter.

You were snapped out of it, by a paparazzi on a speed boat. He was looking at you with a camera snapping away. The tears came un controllable you let the fall. Then another came by stopped turn his engine off and spoke to you, he didn't take any pictures.
"It's okay to hurt sometimes" is all he says you look up and smile.
"Is it okay to doubt the one you love?" You ask wanting an honest answers.
"Sometimes yes. But remember technology can be manipulative my dear" you gesture for him to come onto the boat. He does.
"But video evidence? I no it can fool any people but not make something look so real" you sigh and sit on the sun lounger.
He takes a seat "There's a explanation for everything"
"But my heart doesn't want to hear it"
"Maybe not, but you need it for closure. Your heart and your head will battle until the end of time, but your body will be the first to give in. His touch will clear your mind and speed your heart you will decide what's best for you and your little girl. You did the right thing in nt being around her when your confused and not emotional capable of controlling how you feel" he made so much sense.
"Thank you. Not many people have spoken the truth to me, just because he's in the spot light doesn't mean he isn't the same as ever other guy, me being with him doesn't mean I don't need someone to tell me the truth." You smile at him.
He puts his hand out for you to shake "no problem, lovely meeting you, you're my daughters inspiration" as he stands.
"Wait. What's your name?"
"John, my names John"
You smile "Thanks for the talk John" you grab something and write your number down.
"Get your little girl to call me, I'd love to meet her" he gets on his boat "She'll be over the moon, thank you"
"Bye" you wave him off.

The next day your head seems clear. You decided to tweet "Met a honest man last night, helped me out an awful lot. Not to self; Not all paparazzi want gossip, some know how to comfort you... Thanks John. : )
You tweet once more before signing off "See my love bug tomorrow, missed her deeply who thought 3 days away would hurt this much <3"
You spend the next 2 days sunbathing and heading to the spa.
The flight home was pretty calm. Reaching the airport John the pap was at the front.
You walk up to him "hello" you smile and hug him, he hugs you back.
"Hello, glad I could help" he whispers.
They all take pictures. When Darcy see's you she comes running to you, all the paps make a gap for her to run through.
"MOMMY!!" You laugh bend down arms open.
"Hello baby girl" you spin her around kissing her.
She giggles "I missed you." She says looking you in the eyes.
"Not as much as I missed you baby" she laughs and nods "MORE!" She shouts.
You throw your head back laughing. As she laughs to, you hug Anne and Gemma. They smile at you and Darcy, your laugh ans speak with them while leaving the airport.
A fan stops you and shouts "Harry never loved you. He never will. He's a man slag. He won't ever commit. He'll forever let you and his family down. You need to realise this sooner rather than later" you look at Anne and tears brim in her eyes. You pass Gemma Darcy, approaching the fan.
Calmly you say "Honey jealousy is a bitch. Believe me Harry will never let me or his family down, no matter how many mistakes he makes we will love him until the day we die. Don't ever call him a man slag because believe me it takes a slag to no one. Don't judge people by rumours, believe me when I say 99.9% of rumours are blown out or proportion or total bulls hit. Don't stand there, in a group of directions and slate someone we love just because your jealous. Anything you say won't be acknowledged specially not by true fans." You go to walk off.
"So him almost shagging a girl in a club in America doesn't make him a man slag when he's got a daughter and girl friend at home, please darling I'm not jealous of you having a cheating lying boyfriend"she laughs.
You walk up "You don't no what happened love. Don't stand there and try and act like you do"
You get in the car.
At home Gemma and Anne are staying the night. You get woken at 11pm by your phone ringing.
Picking the phone up.
"Hello?" You ask groggily.
"Babe, please. Please let me explain the video...l
"Haz we'll talk when your back, I'm tired can I go back to sleep now?" You don't want to speak your tired, and still angry about the fan.
"Okay. I love you so much, thank you for sticking up for my with that fan earlier baby girl, you didn't have to but I love you even more for it. I no you didn't know either but yet you still defended me. I love you"
You sigh "I saw the video Harry 4 days ago, I needed to clear my thoughts, I needed to think about us..."
"No. No don't think about us. Us is still on right?"
"We'll speak in 6 weeks Harry, when you come off tour. Just concentrate on that for now, I'll get Darcy to call you tomorrow.... Goodnight Harry"
"There you go full naming me again. I can't wait 6 weeks."
"Goodnight" about to hang up.
"Sweat dreams princess. I love you so much" you sigh and end the call.
You weren't able to sleep.

You went on twitter, people had a video of you sticking up for Harry at the airport. Many commented on how you were right, the odd hate comment came up but you ignored that.
You tweeted "hmmm.. Jet lag -_- oh the joys, How is everyone? Xx"
One reply came from Louis "We miss you y/n, how are you?"
"Awww miss you guys too Lou, Darcy will be calling you all tomorrow : D I'm doing fine, yourself?"
Lou's reply "Yeyy my little terror. Glad to hear it, I'm not too bad tours amazing though : D"
You smile at how he hasn't pushed you to give anything more "Happy to know the tour is going great. I'm off to sleep Lou"
"Okay y/n we miss you, good night from me and Nialler p.s. Niall misses your hugs xx"
You laugh an quickly tweet Niall. "Nialler! Miss you guys and your hugs too, see you soon irish guy... Travel to Narnia soon right? ; )"
Signing out you fall asleep instantly.

Each day passes, you get used to Harry not being around. This was a bad thing you were slowly beginning to become numb again, you didn't feel hurt anymore, didn't need closure, didn't need and explanation... You were numb. You didn't need Harry in that moment in time.

*6 Week Later* - The boys come home.

You awoke and got Darcy ready. You promised you and Darcy would be there to greet the boys.
Dressing Darcy in her legging, toms, a flowered top and a grey cardigan.
You dresses into black jean, white tank top, with a navy blue blazer with navy blue toms.
You pick Darcy up and put her in the car seat. You meet the boys girls at the airport. Darcy is giggling and jumping in excitement, you and the girls laugh at her.

The boys have landed, suddenly screams surround the airport.
Harry sees you with Darcy. Darcy looks at you and you place her on the floor. "Run to daddy baby" she smiles wide, releases your hand and screams "DADDY!"
Harry drops his bags swooping her into his arms spinning her around. He stands still staring at her smiling. "I missed you babygirl"
"Miss you too daddy" Harry kisses her.
She say something making Harry laugh, Darcy looks so happy in his arms.
You make your way to the boys and hug them all.
Lou whispers something in your ear "Hear him out babe, I can already see you have your mind made up. But it will break his heart, just listen okay" he pulls back. You smile and nod.
Niall hugs you spinning you around. You laugh at him
"Put me down you leprechaun" he laughs.
"I miss you y/n" he smiles.
"Missed you too Nialler"

Walking over to Harry who looks at you worried. He places Darcy down who runs to the lads.
You open your arms and hug him tightly, he takes a moment then reacts enveloping you into a tight hug. You hear him sigh and breathe in your scent "please let me explain baby, I love you. I missed your smell, smile, laugh, your big green eyes I missed everything about you" he whispers by your ear.
Closing your eyes you hold back the tears and breathe deeply "we'll talk later. Not here. Not now"
"You don't love me anymore do you? You haven't said it since you seen the video." He says, voices cracking. You rub his back try to soothe him "I'll never stop loving you, but it's not just me I have to think about anymore Harry. We'll talk more when were in private"
pulling away gently her strokes you face. You stroke his cheek he takes you hand and hold it close to his face closing his eyes. A tear falls down, you wipe it immediately.
"Am I coming back to yours?" He asks scared.
Smiling "course babe, Darcy missed you."
You take his hand ans hold it. Leading him to the others. Darcy is in Zayn's arms.
"Come on guys, time to go home." You say.

*Reaching Your House*

Harry grabs Darcy, while you get his bags. Making your way inside you still get papped.
Harry is inside with Darcy, making your way back to the car to get your hand bag, you spot John.
You smile at him, and wave. You look down and see his little girl standing in front of him you smile.
You walk over to her bending down to her level.
"Hey, your dads amazing did you know that?" She smile.
"Would you and your dad like to come In mine for a drink?" You asks. Her eyes glow and she nods her head.
You take her hand and ask security to let john, come through. They do, you walk to your car and get your hand bag out the car, locking the car you take them inside.

*Harry's POV*

Walking off the plane, I didn't expect y/n to be there not after 6 weeks of no contact at all.
When I saw her, she looked more beautiful than I remember. Her greens eyes shining, she stood there Darcy in her arms, she had tight black jeans showing off her curves, a white tank top showing a slight cleavage not much, she had a navy blue blazer on, her hair fell naturally down on the side of her face.
Darcy ran up to me I was so happy to have her in my arms again.
When y/n came and hugged me I couldn't help but feel calm that she wasn't going to push me away. I have never held her so tight against me. I needed to explain but she kept saying later. The journey home was normal.
I grabbed Darcy and she got my cases even though I told her I would get them, as she made her way back to the car, she went over to the paps and to a little girl. She bought a man and his daughter into the house.
I went to go and greet them "Hello" I said and the little girl blushed.
"What's your name?" I asks her.
"My names Charlie"
"Wow that's a beautiful name, for a very beautiful girl" she laughed.
Y/n took her to get something to drink with Darcy.
"Alright I'm John" the man said.
"Ohh hi, are you John who y/n spoke to in spain?" I ask.
He nods "yeah I am mate, and I'm just saying now. Don't f*ck things up with her, she loves you deeply, I don't no what the hell happened but she doesn't deserve to be hurt"
I just nod. I know he means well but if someone would let me explain things then I'd be able to set things straight.

John, leave with his daughter after 30 mins. Darcy's watching T.v. I decide now was the time I was going to speak to y/n.
"Can I explain and speak to you now, please? Babe?"
"Not when Darcy is up Harry, when she's in bed"
"But that's another 3 hours? Why not now? I'm not leaving you and there won't be any tears" I'm confused.
"You don't no what the future holds, don't predict something that isn't possible" she's says coldly.
I guess maybe she was right, I turn around in defeat.

*Your POV*

After John left with his little girl, you knew Harry would of wanted to talk to you. Next minute you know....
"Can I explain and speak to you now, please? Babe?" Harry asks.
"Not when Darcy is up Harry, when she's in bed" you didn't want to have a heated discussion in front of Darcy it isn't showing a good example.
"But that's another 3 hours? Why not now? I'm not leaving you and there won't be any tears" Harry looked confused.
"You don't no what the future holds, don't predict something that isn't possible" you really wanted to avoid it while Darcy was up.
*4 hours after*

Darcy is in bed and Harry is sitting in the living room on the sofa, as soon as you walk in he stands up in front of you.
"I er.... Okay.." He says.
"Harry, you wanted to explain so do, don't start and lose your words now. I'm giving you one chance to explain yourself the look on your face and the video tell me as much as I need to know" you say coldly, you didn't want to hear it but you promised Lou, you'd let him explain.
"Okay, it's not what it looks like the video I mean. Honestly babe I never cheated on you.... " He offers you a seat, you didn't want to sit you shook your head no.
"Well... Basically. I was out with the lads at a night club, I'm underage to drink in America so we went for the atmosphere and the music. I was dancing when she came up to me and started dancing all over me. I looked at the lads for help I didn't want to be rude. Instead they just laughed. I managed to excuse myself to get a drink from the bar. The manager behind the bar said that if I danced with the girl and made sure she wasn't anywhere near his staff he'd let us have alcohol, I said no I'm in a relationship and the boys begged for me to do it. They said its only dancing y/n won't mind. I tried to disagree honest babe I did. But I got fed up of the nagging. I was dancing with her she started kissing my cheek, fingers, and neck. I begged the boys to let me go home, when I was talking to the boys she came behind me and began to put her hand down my pants, all the boys gasped and tried to pull me out of her grip. They realised that camera's where flashing everywhere and realised you'd see it in the morning. I swear I left straight after that babe. I never kissed her, didn't touch her nothing" After he explained he steps closer to you.
You step back. "Don't touch me Harry, I understand you were being pressured but if I meant enough to you, you would of stood your ground, instead you didn't you let some other girl touch all over you, she was enjoying every minute of it." Your pissed off.
"Babe I swear I didn't do anything with Her" he pleads.
"And the others? The other girls did you do anything with them?" You asks calming yourself down.
"No! What the hell why would you think that. There wasn't any other girls" he says sternly, something about the way he looked made you shifty.
"Don't lie to me Harry I've known you long enough to read your facial expressions" you look him deeply in the eye.
"Fine. I kissed one girl, this girl." He showed you a picture, it was a blonde girl with the perfect body and prefect face and hair.
Tears came unexpectedly. Harry stepped closer to you. You stepped back.
"Don't come near me Harry" you says angry almost shouting.
"Babe please I'm sorry, I love you. Please forgive me"
"You don't love me Harry, you had the same amount of time away from me as I did you but I didn't go flirting with every lad who looked at me, I didn't dance with any lad, I didn't kiss someone did I... No. I was at home cleaning, working, caring for our daughter Harry" you shout at him.
"Don't tell me I don't love you! Because I do. No maybe you didn't but you went to spain without anyone and spent 3 days 'alone' how do I know if you did anything?" He shouts back.
You laugh at how stupid that remark was "well maybe because paparazzi was all over me, I had someone there whether I wanted them or not, I have never.. Never ever been un faithful to you. And you no that. I don't have the time or the heart to break someone's heart who I love deeply" you shout back hitting his chest pushing him further from you.
Grabbing your wrists he tries to hold you against him "Babe I no. I no you didn't do anything with anyone I trust you baby, I no you wouldn't break my heart, I've broken my own by breaking yours. I'm so sorry forgive me" he grabs you tightly holding you against his chest, you try to fight his grip but he holds you tightly, you give up and begin to cry into his chest.
"Please baby, forgive me. Please. Please. Please" he says over and over again.
He gently releases his grip, you decide to fight back now and you push his chest harshly putting a distance between you two.
"NO! NO! Not this time Harry, I refuse to put myself through it again. NO!" You shouts.
You here Darcy shuffle onto the landing she stands there looking at you at the top of the stairs.
"Mommy, daddy is everything okay?" She asks.

You and Harry have tears coming down your faces.
"Yes baby, come on back to bed. Say g'night to daddy" you say and pick her up.
"Is daddy not stopping over?" She asks.
"No baby, daddy's going to his and uncle Lou's home"
Harry looks at you "babe please don't. I love you, I'm so sorry" Harry says coming up the stairs.
"Mommy what's daddy done?" She asks scared.
"Nothing baby, don't worry about mommy and daddy were okay"
"But you been crying, and daddy keeps saying sorry"
"I no baby, there's happy tears, tears of relief a weight has been lifted off my shoulder. Now lie down and go to sleep, sorry for waking you. Goodnight babygirl" you leave her to sleep and go to your room.

"I don't want to leave" Harry says sitting on the bed, his head in his hands.
"You've done this yourself." You reply heartless.
"I no, but I didn't touch the girl in the video, and I stupidly gave the blonde girl a kiss. I missed you and needed someone to have close to me, all I did was kiss her because it felt wrong, it was wrong I needed you to be close to me" he stands up.
"You need to leave Harry. Please just go, don't fight with me I don't want to fight, just go. We'll talk more another time. Right now I'm emotional."
"If I leave you'll never take me back, you'll never speak to me again. You haven't spoken to me for 6 weeks I couldn't do that again."
"I haven't split up with you to take you back, I just need time to register this Harry. It's not as bad as I thought it was going to be, but you've broken my trust Again" you look up and tears fall from my eyes.
"So we are still together, but almost like a break, but not a break from the relationship, just distance?" He looks at you with hope.
"Yes were together, just distance is needed you'll see Darcy everyday like normal, you won't stop over night, we won't have contact until I feel normal again"
"Okay baby, take as long as you need. Just don't give up on me. I really do love you. I can't not have you." He looks relieved.
He comes closer, takes your hand and kisses your knuckles. He takes your hips and pulls you against him. He rests his head on yours.
What john told you came to mind "my heart and head will never stop fighting, but my body will give in at your touch" you whisper closing your eyes.
"Then listen to what screams at you most, I hope it's your heart baby, and I hope it's screaming for you to love me" he kisses your lips ever so gentle.

You stand there foreheads resting against each other. You try and listen to each one.
Your body says - forgive him, you miss his touch, you miss his arms, his toned abs, you miss his soft skin against you,
Your head says - Do you want to be hurt again, leave him don't put yourself through it again, his given you 3 heart aches now. You have a daughter keep things civil just not personal ignore the love, move on.
Your hearts says - Yes he's been a dick but he's your dick, he came back for you he only kissed her. He loves you, you love him what's the problem. But don't expect your heart not to be broken, he'll forever be mending and breaking you.

You sigh and open your eyes, to find Harry's face screwed up in front of yours.
"Harry, I'm sorry but we need this its best for both of us. I love you and it won't change over the time we'll be apart. When I know what I definitely want I'll tell you straight away." You kiss his eyelids gently.
"I just want you. I will give up the band for you. I'd do anything to gain your trust again. I'm a fool in love with a beautiful women I don't deserve but I can't live without you, I can't not see you, feel you, or hear you its hurts too much" Harry whispers eyes still closed.

you stroke his cheek and say. "When you miss me. Close your eyes, imagine me standing in front of you like the first time you told me you loved me. Imagine me laughing when you tickle me or tell me a joke. Imagine my scent when you bury your head into my neck. Imagine when I stroke your face in the morning to wake you up. To feel me imagine gently kissing my lips, imagine . When your hurting imagine the joy you felt when you found out about Darcy. Hopefully it won't be long until you don't have to imagine those things"
Harry's eyes still closed, he leans down smells your hair, moves his hands to your stomach gently tickling you, you can't help but giggle, you stroke his face, he gently brushing your lips and you kiss them gently.
"It's going to kill me being so close to you but not touch you." He whispers, his eyes open.
"You should go, it's getting late. Come by in the morning to take Darcy to daycare with me and Gemma"
"Okay I'll be here. 7am."
"Night Harry" you walk him to the front door. The paparazzi instantly start taking pictures.
"Night y/n I love you" he goes to walk away, you grab his shirt and pull him to your lips by his collar.
He puts his hand in your hair pulling it slightly, you moan, your hands in his hair he moans, his tongues enters your mouth your tongues dance in sync as things become heated. You pull back remember the paparazzi. You lean your forehead to his "just for a while Harry."
"Just for a while baby girl" he hugs you kissing your hair.

He leaves in his car, your body aches for him, your heart shatters, your head screams at you "I WAS WRONG YOU NEED HIM" you walk upstairs and go to sleep.

Happy Ever After? Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now