Chapter 5

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You spent 24 hours in the hospital with Darcy, Ed came and picked you up the next day, you walked out the hospital cradling Darcy in your arms admiring her beauty you couldn't help but watch her while she lay in your arms.

Ed; "babe I'll put her in the car seat"

You; "awww, okay then" you hated putting her down she was your world

Ed laughs at you, you get back to your apartment and settle her down in her crib kissing the top of her head.

She was a really well behaved baby, only woke up 2x in the middle of the night and rarely cried during the day.

Darcy Anne Styles was your world.

3 weeks after you bought Darcy home you went to collect your exam results from school, you were petrified to find out what you got... You took Darcy with you when you arrived you got took to sign for them. People stared at you but you didn't care, Darcy started crying you took her out the pram and gently rocked her in your arms while you waited for your results, everyone awww'd and stared at you with her.

You checked your results.

History - B+

Triple Science - B-

English - A*

Maths - C+

Dance - A*

Art - A

Childcare GCSE - A

You smiled at your result, you realise your future is brighter than you ever thought. You put the results down an looked at you little girl who was staring at you with her big green eyes, "Hey there little soldier, mommy an you are going to have an amazing life I'm going to give you everything you need, but the one thing I can't give you is your biological father, but one day you'll have a father figure... Right now that figure is Ed, your my world and I love you" you kiss the top of head she just lays in your arms with your necklace in her hand.

On your way home you notice a dance audition, you decided to stop the car taking Darcy out in her car seat... You put your name down on a piece of paper and check the song list, then checking the date and time you walked back to your car. You were going to try make it as a dancer, your results proved you could do it.

*6 months later*

Darcy's grown so much it unbelievable how big she's gone, Ed's busy with his music .... and well you juggle your days from Darcy, housework & dance.... Your a dance choreographer your working for Usher at the moment coming up with routines for his tour. Darcy comes with you because he understands you'd prefer to have her with you than leave her at daycare all the time.

Your name was known by many celebrities now, you just didn't want to attract One Direction, but apparently they didn't dance they just entertained with banter and music. Which made your identity and Darcy's identity safe. What jeopardised this? Was Ed he became best friends with all the boys, which pissed you off a bit cause you couldn't see him if they were there etc.

After time your name got more and more known, you were moving house to a bigger apartment your income allowed you to do this.

Darcy was a well developed baby, she smiled, rolled around, played and tried to crawl sometimes... She would get frustrated and growl when she couldn't do something, which made you giggle, your laugh always made Darcy smile.

Darcy is now 1 year and 11 months old. Time goes by fast, you still had no communication with your mom, but your dad has had some communication with you and has seen Darcy 2x but that was before she turned 1 so its been a while.

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