Chapter 49

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*Normal POV*

Waking up you don't feel the softness of your bed but you feel Harry's toned ab's underneath you. You must have fallen asleep on the couch. Trying to get up was harder than you thought, Harry's grasp was rather tight on your waist.

"Haz." You whisper.

He mumbles in response.

"I need to pee." You whisper, Harry smiles playfully before releasing you.

"Don't be long snuggles." He says in his rather sexy morning voice. Kissing his cheek you walk off into the bathroom, cleaning up a little and going for a wee. Walking out you notice Darcy is fast asleep while Esmee is sitting looking through the bars of the cot.

"Heyy baby." You smile walking to her.

"Mumma mummaaa mummmm" she claps smiling.

"Someone's in a good mood today." You kiss her head picking her up. As you walk down stairs she cuddles into your gap in the middle of your neck. Playing with the necklace Harry gave you when you were 16. Harry is still sprawled across the couch slightly snoring, instead of waking him you go get a bottle for Esmee from the kitchen. Once she is fed you lay down on the opposite couch from Harry, Esmee soon fast asleep on your chest hugging you as you also fall asleep.

Soon after Darcy is standing by the couch watch you with a tired look on her face.

"Momma?" She asks.

"Yes love bug?" You reply waking up.

"Can I cuddle with you and Essie?" She yawns.

"Of course baby, come here." Opening your arms she lays down next to Esmee closer to the back of the couch. Closing your eyes you all fall asleep quickly. Your soon to be woken with Harry's soft lips connecting with your forehead. Fluttering your eye lashes, he smiles showing the his all too famous dimples.

"Hey baby." He whispers.

"Hey you." You smile back.

"I felt lonely without you. Looks like you didn't miss me." He smirks.

"Sorry baby, I did I miss you always." You mumble.

As Harry sat down on the floor he sits with his favourite pillow under his bum, leaning his head on the couch looking at you. As you smile down at him your comb your fingers through his hair, Harry hums along to your gestures. Pulling the small blanket over you and the girls, Harry has another blanket covering himself. Soon after Harry is sound asleep just as you were too.

*Zayn's POV*

Me and the boys decided to head to Harry's and y/n's to go check on how things are. Grouping together at starbucks we grab them some drinks and breakfast. As we pull up to the house we realise they might still be asleep due to the blinds being closed as well as it looking dead.

"Guys what if they are asleep?" Niall asks.

"Then we WAKE them." Louis screams.

"Lou!" Liam scolds him.

I just stayed quiet, eventually Louis opens the door, walking into the main living area I see them sprawled out on the couch all together. Harry sitting curled into y/n's side his hand intertwinned with hers. It was so cute.

"Guys shush!!" I whisper.

"Wah?" Niall asks.

Walking in they all notice the small family curled up.

"Can I take a picture?" Niall asks. Smiling at him we all nod. Niall takes a picture making us all smile.

Suddenly all our phones went off suddenly as we all checked our phone Niall posted the picture.

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