A love poem

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Ok, so this may be another love poem

About a trivial moment

That she probably doesn't remember

That I've massively heightened with feelings,

But it felt like something to me.

I walked into the classroom

My seat full

"come sit here" she said

I smiled and slotted in

Hoping this lesson could last forever

We make comments, under our breath

Silent groans and murmured cheers,

Then, our eyes catch

She was probably trying to say something

But no words fall from her mouth

I should look away

But her dark eyes are too hypnotic

Like black holes

That swallow up all words or attempt at small talk

They contain millions of universes, full of possibilities

Stars made inside of them

No thoughts can exist here

If I look too deeply, maybe I wont stop

But I belong in this moment

I would happily sit here if not forever

At least a day or two

Drowning in stardust

"I like your glasses" she says

Forcing me to look away to hide my blush

My gaze returns

Tell me more I silently beg

My brain analyses the truth of her words

Should I return the compliment?

But then it would feel ingenuine

"this is awkward"

She ends the staring match

I look away

Buzzing, with light

So this may've been a love poem

As cliché as the rest

About a moment that shouldn't mean much

That I'll look back over and cringe

But you know what

I don't care

As this is truly living.


So I may have gotten a bit side tracked so uploading 4 already written poems about crushes and the nice bit of them as I feel I do spend a lot of time focusing on the negative bits. (title is meant to be crossed out but I couldn't work out how to do that

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