Friendship request button

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I wish there was a friendship request button in real life
Because to make friends with someone  it's such a hassle
You've either got to be friends of friends
Kinda of introduced
Making small talk when you both arrive at the hang out spot first
And then the gap between you slowly fills in itself

Another way in is chance encounters,
You sit next to them in class
Or you both end up in this unbelievable situation together which results in a friendship being born.

But Apart from that,
There's no real way to start one
That's not seen as creepy, weird or trying to hard.
And that's just beginning bit,
The courage being worked up to make the first move
But it's not over yet.
Then it's really hard to tell when you are actually "friends"
Because that doesn't happen from the first small talk
It takes weeks and weeks of chits and chats
Till you say hi to each other in the corridor
And one wrong move
Then you've fucked it up
And you've got to do the first step again but it's even more awkward cause they know your trying.

Why am I rambling, you ask
Well there's this girl
No, not like that
Who looks lonely
Wandering around studies trying to find someone to sit with
And my helping instincts have kicked in
And I want to adopt her already
But it's so much harder then wanting to be friends with someone
Today we had an interaction naturally
She said " I didn't know you were a transfer student"
Which is a compliment
At it shows my confidence camouflage is working
But also shows she's spared a thought for me
And I
Wanted to get past the awkward bit
I want to get onto the
"Hey come sit with us"
When she's wandering around
I want to get to know her
As I know how hard it is to be on your own
I only found my wonderful friends
Through the luck of tours

I want to press a button to tell her
"Hi, I want to be your friend."
But saying that to her face
Leaves open the possibility of rejection
Whereas online
I'd never find out if she said no.

I asked this person after writing this poem is she wanted to sit with us and she said no so oh well. Ah the friendship urge is too hard to resist. Hope u guys are having a good week

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