Personality tests

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There's this girl who kinda annoys me,

We are in the same gang

And like I've only been in the gang for 6 weeks or so

Same as she

And like she's perfectly nice

It's just when I sit next to her

It always turns into 'the Cherry show'

Its always a thing she's anxious about that I can do nothing about

I just sit there feeling awkward

And trying to reassure her as she worries herself in spirals

So, when she sits next to me I think

Here we go again

Today she was going on about her and her boss sharing this rare personality type

And I mentioned that when I did the personality test

I got like an old man

And everyone else got like a beautiful flower maiden.

She was like "wait, that means you've got the same as me"

No! what. We are nothing alike.

"mine was like a green old man"

"so was mine."

"maybe mine was a middle-aged man"

But she said if mine was a man and green then it was the same one.

Sooo, I did the test again.

I just wanted to be sure,

She seemed really excited about sharing this personality type with someone

And I didn't want to be wrong about it.

I also didn't really want to be right.

I did it quickly relying on instinct ,

She and my friend chatting about doing the test.

And she looked over my shoulder just as it calculated its answer

And yep, it's the old green man,

As bright as day.

Oh, that's why she annoys me

Because she is so much like me.

Then she started telling me about all the traits

And honestly, I agreed with most of them

We found so much to relate about

Sensitivity, getting exhausted from social situations, constantly fighting for others.

The whole shebang.

I've been told I can't try to understand people by looking at myself

But I can understand her by looking at myself.

The way she talks about herself because she's bad at asking questions.

The way she shuts down when the conversation gets too loud.

The way she freaks out when someone says something and it sounds slightly off

It's like me

And I can't be annoyed at myself

In fact I think she's kinda great.


Its decemeber !!! Christmas !!! Or winter season if you dont celebrate christmas, get ready for a some christmas/winter themed poems (mainly becuase thats the theme in poetry club for the next two weeks and i dont have anything readily prepared. (yay)Hope you guys are having a good week :) i cant believe ive nearly done a whole year of this.

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