Defeating the dragon

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I was walking back from maths

No friend in sight

I forgot about the table

where my angry ex resides

there was no time for anxiety to attack

so I walked past with pride

still no friend in sight

I decided

"why the heck not?"

I strode back to her lair

and called "Ayesha, do you know where Hibah is?"

unfortunately it wasn't Ayesha

and I got a hot snooty remark

"that's not Ayesha."

I looked her straight in her sooty eye

and realised that I didn't care

as I faced the dragon and survived

she fell into fits of giggles some sizzling near where I stood

but I saw her for what she was

a five year old child

throwing her toys out of the pram

because I didn't want to be controlled by her anymore

although she thinks she won the battle

I won the war

as I just don't care anymore.

Where did all the motivation go?

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