Chapter 2: Seoul Pt. 1

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  Jimin's POV

I promised us that I'd leave along with Taehyung far away from this confined world of parenting. I admired him for his determination and courage to leave everything behind for freedom.

All my life I was told to be a good kid- to work hard, and I'll be given eternal happiness. But I know that's just a mask from the horrid truth of reality.

Life will never be fair, so after we had played together, I started thinking. I've never wasted a single second  to playing as a child. Mom and Dad said study so you'll be be happy, but here I am eighteen years later still unhappy with myself.

So I'll take him somewhere far away from here. A place to see the ocean with the sunset at the same time because together they created the perfect scenery.

When I got home that day, a plan began to form in my head. A plan that will allow us to escape. We could both escape from our worlds of expectations, and have the freedom we crave.

Of course there were a couple of things that needed to be reconsidered, but I'm sure Taehyung would help me out with that stuff when I told him.

At the moment, we were meeting up to hang out again. This time we met up at my house and lied to my parents saying that he was my 'study buddie'.

"So what did you wanna talk to me about?" Taehyung said, sitting on the bed with his legs crossed.

"I want to suggest a plan." I sat in front of him with one leg bent, the other stretched out, and my right hand prompted my face up.


"About leaving."

"Are you serious?!" His face lightened up, and a bright box like smile illuminated the room.

"Yeah, but I'm not so sure about it."

"Tell me." His body leaned a little bit forward, fully of interest in our conversation's topic.

"I was thinking since we both have raised up money and could go on a trip. Just the two of us going around countries sight seeing."

"But what are we going to tell our parents?"

"I haven't figured that part out yet, but if you decide to go with me, we won't be able to stay for too long at a certain place for long."

"Why's that?"

"If one of our parents don't know where we are, then they'll report us as missing or something. But if we come up with an excuse, it'll buy us more time."

"Then what should we do?" He said to himself. He leaned back on my bed with his arms crossed over his chest.

Both of us began to think hard and threw suggestions to each other, but none of them were deemed good enough for the two of us. It wasn't until about an hour later that he sat up quickly.

"I got it!"

"What is it?"

"We can say that the school is offering a trip somewhere for the top students of the school. That should give us enough time to get the hell out of this area until they realize we're gone."

"That's a smart move, but isn't your mom in charge of the trips and scholarships?"

"No, we only give out scholarships. The funding for trips is for another family, but I don't think my mother knows them."

"Ok, but where would we go?"


"Why there?"

"Because why not?"

"Well, hopefully they don't question why."

"Now that that's settled, when do you think we should leave?"

"A couple days from now so we can tell them now, and it'll seem normal for us to tell them before hand. I'll text you the date once I've come up with one."

"That's good, but please do it before the day ends, so I know what to tell my mom."

Nodding my head, I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes. Can we even pull this off? What if something goes wrong, and they catch us? I shook my head to clear out the bad thoughts and opened up my eyes to catch Taehyung's gaze.

"You're worried too, huh?" He said, shifting his position to sit next to me.

"Well, I've never thought I'd actually make a plan to leave home."

"Yeah, me neither."

We stayed quiet for a couple of seconds. The only noise was our soft breathing, and the ticking sound of the clock.

"If they catch us, we'll still be friends afterwards, right?" His head was looking down at his twiddling thumbs.

"Of course, unless your mom decides for us to be apart." I said laughing a little.

He looked up again with his trademark smile and sparkling eyes. "Well then I'll just have to go behind her back because I never want to loose you as my friend!"

"Neither do I!"

I would never want to loose our friendship. He may not know this, but he is my first friend and the first person to make me feel happy and glad. And Taehyung...

Taehyung will always remain as my special someone.


A/N: Hey guys! I have a question. If you were childhood friends with someone and even if about two year passed you still talked normally afterwards, but they suddenly stop talking to you after another three years, what would you think?
  Thank you for reading!❤️

Date: 11/04/19
Word count: 906 words

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