Chapter 19: Cairns

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Jimin's POV

  It's been a week since Taehyung, and I started acting more comfortable around each other. I have also started to be happy again. There were no more awkward silences or unbearable distances.

  We were in the continent known for the Great Barrier reef. I promised Taehyung I would show him the ocean, so know we're at a beach, getting ready to go scuba diving.

  "I can't wait to take pictures of the beautiful corral!" Taehyung's eyes glimmered with excitement and his smile illuminated my vision.

  It warmed my heart to know of his joyous mood, so I smiled back in hopes to return the same amount of energy. "Me neither. I can't wait to explore."

  "I am a bit scared because I've never been deep into the ocean and sharks are pretty scary to see up close."

  "You don't have to worry because I'll be there with you."

  I help his hand in mine as we stared at each other's eyes. I almost forgot that there was two other people onboard with us and quickly looked away, letting go of his hand in the process. I felt as if my mind was playing tricks on me for seeing a small amount of blush on his cheeks.

  "Alright guys. We're here. Now, I'm going to explain how to properly wear and use the scuba gear."

  Through out the explanation, I had a bit of trouble trying to make out what he was saying because of the heavy accent, but we finally managed to get prepared.

  "Are you guys ready to dive?"

  The two of us shook our heads, waiting for the count down to fall back.


  Together, we splashed into the water with eyes closed even though we were wearing already goggles. I swam up to the surface once more to place the regulator into position. With one last look, Taehyung and I swam back under.

  We were both led by an experienced scuba diver who knew the best places to look. In a matter of minutes, we reached paradise that only our eyes took pleasure in. It was like a rainbow exploded into the ocean, creating a marvelous landmark.

  Bright yellows, lime greens, and rosy colored coral and many more littered the ocean floor. Fish of all different sizes and hues swam everywhere.

  I watched as Taehyung pulled out his phone, which was in a waterproof case, and started taking pictures of everything. He turned around and pointed at me, signaling that he wanted to take a picture of me.

  After he took a couple of photos of me, I took pictures of him posing next to the coral as the fish swam in the background. Everything went well and soon, we returned to the boat's location.

  "That was amazing!" I exclaimed.

  "I know! Did you see all the fish?!"

  On our way back to the coast line, we talked about the gorgeous pictures he took and about the things we saw. Once we got back onto land, we thanked the men who helped us on our adventure.

  As we walked through the streets of Cairns, we saw a restaurant that served seafood. Hearing our growling stomachs, we decided to stop and eat something.


  "What is it, Tae?"

  "Are we still going to see the sunset?"

  "Of course. Why wouldn't we?"

  "I just thought maybe you forgot..."

  "Don't worry. I'm not going to forget our promises anymore."

  We smiled at each other before glancing over the menu and choosing our meals. When we were done eating, we walked outside only to see ashy clouds resting above our heads. The sun was completely covered, showing no signs of a sunset.

  "No, no, no!" I said angrily. "Now, how are we supposed to watch the sunset."

  "Hey, it's ok. We can try tomorrow. Okay?"

  "Yeah, if it doesn't rain tomorrow either."

  "At least it isn't-"

  "Don't jinx us."

  "Yeah, you're right."

  We were halfway down the sidewalk to our hotel when it started sprinkling. Not a minute later did it start raining harder and harder. We hurriedly sprinted in order to reach the entrance of the hotel before getting anymore drenched.

  The two of us were slightly shivering due to our wet clothes. We went up the elevator, into our room, and changed into warmer clothes.

  "I'm sorry I jinxed us." He said quietly.

  "It's fine. Besides, you said we can try tomorrow."

  We ended up learning through the news that it would be raining for the entire week after turning on the tv. Of course, I was upset about the whole ordeal, but Taehyung reassured me that it didn't matter, for we could try a different city another time.

  "I can wait, Minie. Don't feel bad."


  "Like you always say, as long as we're together." He smiled at me causing a wave of warmth to run through my body.

"Yeah... Of course."


  A/N: Hey guys! Omg it's been like weeks. I'm so sorry I just have a bunch of hw and projects stacked up.
  On the bright side I went to a Seventeen concert which was amazing! I had lots of fun, and it was my first K-Pop concert. I'm so happy I got to see their live performance. I also hope Minghao and Seungcheol get better.
  Thank you for reading!❤️

Date: 01/17/20
Word count: 898 words

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