Chapter 26: Seoul Pt. 6

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Jimin's POV

  I felt nauseous because of the extremely nervous toxins running through my body. The trial that would decide whether I'd be claimed 'guilty' or innocent was about to start.

  My palms were clammy and thunder raided my veins. I sat next to my assigned lawyer in the big court room, waiting for the judgment to begin. We stood up as the judge came in stating the opening lines.

  We sat down and waited for the lawyers to introduce themselves and state the case. I looked around as the attorneys spoke, but I quickly realized how big of a mistake it was.

  My heart tightened when the once blue-haired male come into view. He looked like he had gone to hell and back. Eye bags had formed in just the four days we were apart. His hair looked freshly died but dull.

  He turned his head in my direction, allowing us to make brief eye contact before he brought his gaze down to his lap, but I know what I saw. In his eyes, there was an extreme emotion that put me on edge.

  "May I call, Kim Misun, to the stand?" Taehyung's lawyer said while watching the judge nodded his head.

  The girl who had stood in front of the whole crowd didn't seem familiar in the slightest, but there she was testifying for someone. She most likely did it for the money. I couldn't blame her though. She might've need the money for her family or for herself to get by in the streets of Seoul.

  She stated that she had seen that I was dragged Taehyung through the airport and onto the plane. After her, another woman came from England, claiming that she had seen me hit him and dragged him into an ally.

  When our witness, Kang Younghyun, went to the stand, he told about the genuine relationship between us during our visit to Canada. The other witness, Yuta Nakamoto, the hotel receptionist, gave his brief description from almost a year ago. Neither seemed too convincing.

  Then, it was my turn to tell my story. My lawyer thought that if I told the truth about the reason we left and what we did, maybe I'd have a chance in convincing the jury I was innocent. However, he told me to leave out the fact that we like each other.

"Mr. Park, may we hear the reason why you left and perhaps the reason why Mr. Kim would've joined you?"

"Yes, the reason we ran away was because our parents had too many expectations for us. We were tired of what we had to undergo as children to our adulthood. I do admit that I was the one who proposed our leave, and he agreed to it by his own will.

We spent a lot of time together as we explored around the world. We went to places we always wanted to visit, tried things we've always wanted to do, and became really good friends. I swear nothing happened other than friendly talks."

  Although saying the last sentence burned my lips, I knew it was for the better.

"Thank you, Mr. Park. I have no more questions, but as you see, both the defendant and the prosecutor shared a friendly bond through their similar background. Why would he try and kidnap someone? What would be his motive?-"

  "Objection, your honor. The attorney is speculating his innocence with a story based on the defendant that could be a lie."

"Mr. Lee, would you like to counter?"

"Yes, your honor, I would like to say that Mr. Park Jimin took an oath to tell the truth and nothing but the truth."

"Objection is overruled."

"As I was saying-"

"Objection, your honor, I would like to change my reasoning to lack of foundation."


"She didn't object right away when I asked the question meaning she wasn't paying attention to the direct examination."

"Mrs. Nam?"

"Yes, your honor, I wasn't thinking clearly the first time, but his story doesn't prove that he is innocent. Assuming that we also don't have a motive is more than another reason for us to object."

"Objection, sustained."

"Thank you, Mr. Park, you may now be seated." My lawyer said in defeat.

"May I continue about the defendant's motive behind the kidnapping?" Taehyung's lawyer asked.

"Go ahead." The judge said.

"We have asked the prosecutor about what the defendant has done and it is quite an interesting story. Currently, we are pulling together all the facts and evidence we can to present it to the court."

"Then, we shall have a recess for you to make sure all evidence is presented. Thank you."


  A/N: Hey guys! I hope I did this right because I don't know much about court cases. Next chapter is an interesting one by the way. :)
  Thank you for reading!❤️

Date: 02/23/20
Word count: 820 words

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