Chapter 12: Italy

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Taehyung's POV

"Good morning, Tae."

I woke up with a slight headache, trying to gather up my thoughts from last night. During that time, I recalled the events before passing out, but I first wanted to know if they were true or not.

"Chimmie?" I asked.


"Do you know what happened last night?"

"Honestly, I have no idea what happened. I believe I was drunk after drinking half of the bottle with you."

  "Oh ok." Maybe it was a dream? Jimin would've told me if we had kissed if our situations were flipped, right?

"Is there something wrong?" His facial expression and tone showed that he wasn't trying to avoid any subject. "You remember something I didn't?"

"No, it's probably just a weird dream I had." I hope it was a dream.

"Do you want to go eat? We can go grab a bite to help us with this hang over."


After eating breakfast, we decided that staying cooped up inside the hotel wouldn't be as enjoyable as going on a walk.

"Why don't we take pictures? Let's see who can take the best one." Jimin suggested, knowing about my love photography.

I nodded my head in agreement while trying to put aside what had happened the night before. It had been awkward for a while, so I was glad he brought something up to talk about.

"And we can be each other's models!"

Just great. We're going to be telling each other what to do which means we'll have to actually interact. Maybe I'm just exaggerating and it was all a dream.

After a while of blindly walking around, Jimin found a place for us to take a picture. His was simple and the directions he gave were cleanly given. When it came to my turn, we stoped by a small bridge over a river.

"Ok, so I want you to lean on the railing like this." I instructed while displaying the action I wanted him to do.

He mimicked me and turned away to the direction I did. As I took out my camera, a strong gust of wind blew, making my hair all messy. Then I saw Jimin's hair had been also went all over the place. He tried to fix it, but only made it worse.

"Here let me fix it for you."

I styled his hair to the way it was before while trying to avoid as much eye contact with him as possible. I could feel my face warm up despite the cold air around us.

"There." I said satisfied with the look and quickly got into my original position. Fortunately, I took the picture before another gust of wind passed through.

"It's cold, and I'm getting hungry." He says as he hugs himself for warmth. "We should get something warm to eat."

I nod my head in agreement as we started walking next to the river full of food carts. The aroma of delectable delights seep into the atmosphere. One in specifically caught my eye. They seemed to be selling fried seafood which sounded good at the moment.

"What about that one?"

Jimin looks in the direction of the seafood stand where I was pointing. "Sure, whatever you want is fine with me."

His words triggered a memory from not long ago. On the day after his birthday, we went to the museum, and it was because I've always dreamed of going.

When night fell, we slept together on the same bed because I asked it. The reason we hugged each other every night right before falling asleep was because I initiated the action first.

He's done so much for me, but I don't do so much for him. The only thing I did for him by his request was probably kiss him when I didn't even know if he actually wanted to nor do I even know if I secretly wanted to kiss him too.

I'm selfish.


I looked at him, trying to collect my thoughts. "We can eat anything you want. You know that, right?"

"Of course, but is something the matter?" There was a look of concern on his face, and before I could say something, he pulled us next to the river's edges. "You've been acting strange today. You're more quieter than usual."

I hesitated a little, but then decided to tell him part of the truth. "Jimin, do you think I'm selfish?"

"What?! No, why would you think about yourself that way?!" A look of confusion dressed his facial expression.

"It's just that most of the things we've done are the things I want to do."


"It's just I feel selfish because I've never stopped to ask you what you want."

"I told you I'm happy with whatever you want to do."

"That's the issue your too selfless, a-and it makes me feel s-selfish. I even feel selfish right now!" I was starting to tear up because of the many thoughts running through my head.

"Calm down, Tae." Jimin said, grabbing on to shoulders gently and looking at me straight in the eyes. "I am selfless because I care about you. I don't mind doing anything for you because I care about you. You don't understand how important you are to me, Tae."

Once again, my heart sped up as if I had just jumped over a cliff and into the water. My face felt hot as if my head had been stuffed inside an oven. My palms were as sweaty as if I had just held onto monkey bars for hours.

"I simply care about you, Tae."

He searched my eyes as we stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. The feeling running throughout my body kept getting stronger. My lips shook in fear of what I was feeling could ruin everything we have.

I don't even know if I'm certain that it wasn't because of the kiss. How can I even confidently say I like someone, if I can't figure out if it's because of one small make out or if it's the way he treats me. I'm so confused.

Am I starting to catch feelings for you, Park Jimin?


A/N: Hey guys! I finally had time to write more since today was an easy day in school.
Also, my cat is laying on my stomach and I really need to go pee, but I don't want to wake him up.
Thank you for reading!❤️

Date: 12/10/19
Word count: 1088 words

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