Chapter 25: Seoul Pt. 5

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Taehyung's POV

Two days have passed since mother proposed her deal. The whole time I thought about how many things could go wrong if I said yes or if I said no. Either way, if I chose one then the outcome would still be tragic.

As I thought more deep into it, I began to realize the best choice to go with. I asked a servant if I could see my mother, but because of the tight leash around my neck, I was told to wait in my room.

I sat on the bed, reading a book that once made me hope for dramatic love story. However, I do not wish for it anymore because the pain has become more deadly.

"I'm guessing you called me over to tell me your answer?"

"Yes, I've made up my mind."

"So what will it be? Yes or No?"


I hope you know Jimin...


That this is for you.

"Do it. I'll testify against Jimin."

She smiled her antagonistic smile in approval. "You long and hard child. I guess I'll cancel the appointment I had with the assassin."

She left me bearing the world over my shoulders, but I had to. I wouldn't know how to handle myself if Jimin died because of my rebellion towards mom. I couldn't stand the thought of him dying before we could ever go on our first date.

I don't know how I could live knowing that I killed him before we actually became each others to hold forever. This all went wrong when he met me. Now, I must let go.

  If I went behind her back, there was a chance that the last I'd see of him would be on the news with a heading along the lines of "Murdered Kidnapper".

Still, the parasite of regret kept burrowing deeper into my head and filled my heart with poison. All of this made me feel so heavy and reality hit me like a truck as I realized what I had just done.

It felt like I had signed over my soul to the devil, but someone else would pay for my actions. Guilt, fear, shame, regret, self-hate.

  This is for your safety, Jimin. I want you to be safe where my mother won't be able to touch you after your time is done. This is for you, Jimin, right?

  Although I was thinking of Jimin's safety, part of me felt as if those reasons were excuses to cover up the cowardliness and betrayal.

  Jimin didn't deserve this, but here I was being a traitor.

Jimin's POV

  I've been in a jail for almost three days now. No one has came to visit me. Not even my parents showed up. I felt alone once again.

Taehyung wasn't here to comfort me, to make me laugh, to make me content. He wasn't here and it hurt like a deep gash in my heart.

The sound of jingling keys near my cell caught my attention. A guard stood there and told me someone had come to talk to him. He took me with my arms behind my back to make sure I didn't try to escape.

When I got to the visiting area, my eyes widened in shock to see who sat before me. My parents stared back with big disappointing eyes.

"M-mom, D-dad what are you doing here?"

"Why did you do it?" My father's speech was laced with confusion, yet it was as smooth as blood dripping down a wound.

"Do what?"

"Don't act stupid, Jimin. Why would you kidnap that boy?! This is why we told you to focus on school and not on your friends. Look where it has gotten you?! How will I tell my family my son is in jail?! Did you even think about our reputation?!"

I was taken aback from her menacing, hateful voice. Her speech pierced my soul like an arrow as I realized that she didn't even care about me, but of others thoughts about us. I didn't know what to say, and the only thing I did was stare back at her in overwhelming shock.

"Do you know how this will affect our reputation right after our company died?! We are bankrupt and we can't afford a damn lawyer! With you in jail, our reputation will sink like a boulder thrown into the ocean! We'll be the laughing stock of the world!"

"Honey, calm down." Dad said in a calmer tone that her's could ever reach. "What our son did was irresponsible and unforgiving even, but we don't know if it's true."

  My mother scoffed before continuing. "You think he wouldn't do this! Don't think I haven't noticed the way you acted before leaving this shitty country! You always went out of the house and didn't come back until after dark.

The only thing you could've been doing is stalking that stupid kid, planning a way to take him away. As if someone would ever be your friend knowing how you are. You probably forced those other kids back in the day to be your friend. That rich kid doesn't care about you, boy, so get those stupid, idiotic fantasies out of your head!"

Anger surged through me. I may have only known Taehyung for about a year, but he taught me to stand up for myself. He went against his mother for me, and I will not let my mother badmouth Taehyung's and my relationship because I know he loves me and so do I.

"I ran away because of the pressure you put on me!" I yelled, shocking my parents in the process. "He came with me because he wanted to get away from his mother's expectations as well! You say I don't think about you?! Well, what about me?! I've followed every request and task you have given me!

Remember when you told me to thank the people who gave me a scholarship?! Taehyung's family were the ones who gave the money for my education, so I thanked him! That's how we met and then we started talking!

  We spent months being happy like how children were supposed to be in their childhood instead of being forced to follow their parents commands because they couldn't make the right ones for themselves!"

  "You useless, disrespectful, and uneducated child!"

  She slapped me hard on the cheek that it busted my lip, allowing me to taste the iron blood. I glared at her as my feathers of spiteful was spread wide and far for her to see. "I guess that makes sense since you raised me."

  Before my parents could say anything more, a man came in and took me back, for our time had come to an end.


  A/N: Hey guys! I'm probably going to take a break on writing after I publish a couple more chapters. I'm kinda sad, but I haven't been able to write as I explained before. I'm sorry to do this to you guys. I really wanted to have this book finished when I went back to school after winter break. I will write more in the future though.
  Thank you for reading!❤️

Date: 02/16/20
Word count: 1206 words

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